Cross Tag Battle stream in five hours

>Cross Tag Battle stream in five hours
Is it her time, Sup Forums?

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I'd be happy if they showed Ruby gameplay at the very least.

Really? arcsys is not in any tgs schedule, and i thought any new info would be in the supposed 1st impact in october.


Leave RWBY to me!

Is that shini guy some RT staff member?

You can leave any of the RWBY characters (not only the main 4) to any of the other series charas and the result would be almost the same.

Still, that doesnt change the fact that they were popular enough for this game to be made...

Could just have contacts there or at Arc.

Oh, if he was an actual RT staff then that would mean that more RWBY stuff, or at least Ruby in action would be shown.

>RWBY is the only reason the game was made
Are you sure about that?

Sorry should have worded better.

*Still, that doesnt change the fact that they were popular enough to get in this game.

However, Mori has been on recorde saying that he WANTED to make a RWBY game after BB, so...

It does say SPECIAL STAGE on the stream announcement and IIRC that's what they do when they reveal a new character. So it's going to be big.

can't wait for weissfags to get btfo

Well, remember that 3 characters were revealed already, jin, linne and ninja boy (sorry, cant remember the name, not really a persona follower), all of them more advanced due to being existing charas

For all we know, with 7 charas mostly done, maybe this stage is just to see the game in more detail with those 7.

So, what are the chances anyone new will be anounced?

>RWBY is somehow allowed in a fighting game with Persona, BlazBlue and UNIB.
Pathetic. Might as well add Korra too.

Noel, Chie, Orie or Seth sound pretty possible. crossing my fingers for a RWBY reveal though

Completely uninterested after they added fucking Yosuke. One of the shittiest Persona characters by a lot

I feel like Platinum should be higher on this list

Yosuke had literally 100% chance of being in.
You actually thought he wouldn't be in?

Ok, lets say they do another reveal outside the 3 we know, but its from pic related instead of RWBY.

How you would react?

Best girl, or no buy.

Did people bitch this much when there were RWBY palettes in CF? Did people get this angry over this shit?

At least tell me people knew about how arcsys wanted to do something with RWBY right? Like they knew something like this was gonna happen and should've prepared themselves for it right?

Like I'm so indifferent towards RWBY that all the shitposting about it being in is pissing me off more than most shitposting.

They knew Arcsys wanted to do something, but they expected either a solo game, which they could ignore, or a single dlc character.
A crossover, with a story mode nonetheless, will force them to be exposed to RWBY.
At least that's what I think.

Kunio and Riki would be novel additions, but can they possibly be buffed up so hard that they actually fit in with the absurd shit that BB/UNIEL/P4A/RWBY casts are capable of? I guess you could translate a bunch of Kunio's signature attacks and abilities into something workable, all of his dodgeball and other sports special moves.

If they were going to add another series to the Intersect, Mori would probably do everything he could to get Arcana Heart characters.

Mori always wanted to make a RWBY game after BB.

He decided to do this first probably to test the waters.

If blazcross hits and the RWBY charas are good enough, you can bet there will be a standalone RWBY game soon enough.

If she didn't appear in Jin's trailer, she probably won't appear.

No way in hell. We're getting the main characters, Noel's two friends (Nobody cares about Mai), probably Taokaka is Teddie doesn't take away her "wacky talking animal" spot, maybe Bang, maybe Nu, and Hazama with maybe Terumi as a "boss" character with Adachi or whoever the fuck the villain is in UNIB.

Well, as far as i have seen from the games and the live action series, kunio and his friends run in a budget version of the toonforce, that allows them to face anyone, no matter how strong, as the gag characters they are.

Also, in RCR SP (or river city rival showdown, the 3ds remake) the concept of super attacks was created, theres a lot of material for them.

>both my main and sub on highly improbable

Is it even possible we'd get Door-kun or Joker?

What's their twitch channel?

>Main Es, like Celica and Mai.
>Highly Improbable.
Why can't I ever pick the main character for once?
I just hope Yuzu is in.

Wasn't Es' astral on the the promo they did for the new character announcement?

Possible as a way to tease Persona 5 Arena, but just him and no one else

Doubt it, but hopefully they show some actual gameplay of Ruby. I've been dying to see what her moveset will look like.

Where? I didn't see anything like that.

He must refer to the videowalls in the trailer that show footage of the other games.

I wouldnt consider those as character confirmation tho.

Shame. Door-kun with Messiah would be fun.

pls gibe lab and not kuma

You're getting Platinum and Teddy for maximum random item shenanigans.

>not adding qrow to the practically guaranteed tier

he is just the most popular (male) character in the whole series also high popular in japan there's no way he's not get in.

shut up kekhan yosuke is a shit character like you.

shini is an ArcSys employee and shows up on their streams regularly

he works mostly on their PC ports

>Susan that low
He's like the best BB design. They better put him in.

>Arc employee teasing about big reveal
Don't get my hopes up.

Give me Orie please. It would probably be Seth. I'd also be happy if it's grim reaperman though.

Shini is also active on the CentralFiction Steam Discussion forums. Actually attentive to people's suggestions and reports.

he's also an incompetent shitter

Real question time.
Which themes are you hoping/expecting to get in?

The first x matic

reminder that

>He doesn't trust based Shini
I just want Snow Sisters and Extreme Stream. Reppu would be nice but they're probably going to include the not-as-good II versions of character themes for BB characters. Snow Queen won't be in so the Persona themes are a wash anyway.

>wanting to give him fucking Messiah
user he could literally just obliterate this entire cast

Wait a minute, pc ports?

Holy shit! Hope that means a pc port is confirmed!

>CF launch was a complete mess full of bugs
>Jubei launch was even more broken
there's zero reason to trust that hack

Not what that means.

If Persona is involved it's probably not going to be on PC.

Even if this did get a PC port it'd be like a year later.

They are just going to announce Hazama, Adachi, and Marie

>born with them

>implying weiss isn't just some recolor along with the entire cast
ayy lmaoo rwby is gay

Not this time.

Dbfz is global launch, xrdREV2 was a week later.
If they don't give me Mr.GRIM REAPAH then I'll be forever upset.

We know stop posting this

>weiss fags when yang gets shown instead

they've been catching up with their PC releases for a while now

CF launched on steam 5~6 months after the jap console release, as opposed to over 1 year like the previous ones. The recent 2.0 update came out 2 weeks after consoles

Platinum doesn't know she's a book.


why contain it :3

Weiss is best but a Yang is fine too.
That will be my face if Blake gets shown though.

>RWBYfags when nothing from RWBY gets shown

do they exist?

Season 1~3(midway) I could understand, but after that I think they all disappeared or went into hiding.

>mfw rwby chibi reps

This is the best fighting game theme I have ever heard. It's so fucking catchy.
When does UNIST come out in Europe? I will main this woman dammit.


>all four series have some kind of official chibi art
They could honestly do something pretty stupid with those designs, and I would look forward to it.

>My Mains are Amane, Hibiki and Akatsuki

Welp, might as well give up all hope, at least I know Orie will be in, that's my fallback.
I don't give a shit about RWBY, is their general still in /trash/?

Does UNIEL even have an english dub?

It's in trash whenever it isn't airing.
It'll come back to Sup Forums in October.

>Another fool falls for Yuzu
Even back when UNIEL was announced to get a console release, people were talking about how they were gonna main Yuzu. Then they didn't. Good luck to you if you intend to persevere.

Arkos is best ship!

Did Blazblue have one?

Not anymore since Central Fiction, same with Guilty Gear since Revelator.
Arc Sys just doesn't bother with dubs anymore.

It did, then they discontinued it for the last version.

>Another Akatsuki main
Good to know I don't suffer alone

>Grow extremely close to the dub actors after all these years
>They stop it

It had, but Central Fiction didn't have one. Pissed a lot of people off.
They wont let RWBY talk in english while everyone else speaks japanese... right?

Technically it's the one case where it's true.
No babby is born with boobs, but Mai was "reborn" with huge knockers right out of the book.

I've more than heard of how hard she is. Doesn't matter. The first character i pick in a fighter is the one I stick with. Always.

nice mental gymnastics

>Maining guest characters
You only have yourselves to blame.

Ruby talked in english on the reveal trailer.

>mfw I was one of those fools
Still, if it wasn't for her I'd have probably never heard of or cared about Under Night. This was before UNIEL too.

The dub grew on me in a campy and silly kind of way, especially Ragna just shouting "You little bitch" every time you do Gauntlet Hades. His delivery of "There is no Hell, only Darkness" was also rad but the Jap VO is just genuinely great instead of just bad in a charming way so I can live with it.

To be frank, I had no idea he was a guest fighter when I first played UNIEL.

I May Fall plays whenever the RWBY girls unleash their IKs.
UNIQUE THEMES from each franchise play whenever a member from the respective franchise unleash their IKs.

shit son wheres the stream gonna be at?

Either of them have a good chance