Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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Queen remedi
Was it ever established what was happening in the real world during all of this?
>Just a dream
Marche for recrippling his brother.
How many posts will it take before someone argues that the world was killing its inhabitants even though there's no such mention ingame?
Escapism is bad
>Rekilling your friend's mom and recrippling him
eh if its as realistic as life then id say fug it. reality is escapism. we do all things to pass time but we fear time passing.
>recrippling his friend
Doned is the cripple, not Mewt.
That thing wasn't his mom, it was some sort of wish granter magic spirit, who was using Mewt's mother appareance just to lure him.
This argument never gets old. Marche is a little fag for not wanting to live a world of magic, lizard tiddys and adventure but he is not wrong to restore the world to what it was.
Even if I knew the truth I would fight against him. I don't remember a downside to the world change.
>disgusting scalefag giving no fuck about those who got the bad side of the deal when the town got transformed into ivalice as long as he has his disgusting fetish at hand
What a surprise.
We saw people from St. Ivalice being turned into the inhabitants of Ivalice at the beginning and being turned back at the end. You encounter sentients who mean you harm, and you kill them during the game. Are you really too dim to connect the dots?
what was it that made this game so good?
hint: it was the ost
Is there any point to being in the real world as opposed to the dream one?
It was also more difficult than WotL
>in the dream world Marche could legally own a haram of vierra sluts for his pleasure
>goes back to world where hes some loser with a crippled friend and chance at an over the shorts handjob from a dyejob redhead
mewt the bitch boy and Queen remedi
Marche just missed his skateboard.
Marche was wrong. He had so much more friends in Ivalice and everyone he knew got happier. There was adventures and companionship.
It really wouldn't be escapism because you'd start a completely new life. I feel bad for Doned the most. Marche was a jealous asshole. Jealous of his brother's incapabality.
How pathetic is that?
>muh attention
Fuck off Marche.
>we do all things to pass time but we fear time passing.
while reading his i couldn't help but think that Sup Forums is the most meta time waster in history
>wasting time arguing about games with strangers instead of actually playing games which is itself a waste of time
Yeah, the real world is real and the dream one a dream
Ivalice was not a better world in the slightest, what with all the monsters and shit, not to mention that all those people are former humans who got unlucky.
No one can prove this reality is real either.
>and everyone he knew got happier
That's the unfair thing, as everyone who didn't knew Mewt got the short straw and got a free mind-wipe and body transformation into some humanoid animal or a simple animal or zombie if they're really unlucky.
Because that would go into an ontological reductionism dilema, but as to keep it simple, both the game and the wiki tells you that ivalice was a dream and an illusion.
the real world had been tranformed INTO ivalice so it longer longer existed
this got retconned in the sequel though