Was he right?
The Fatal Flaw of Metroid Prime
>Terribly slow and clunky movement
>Shitty fetch quest at the end
>No sequence breaking built in despite trying to be 'Super Metroid translated to 3D'
Yes, Prime games are shit.
Not giving him the views, what flaw?
>no sequence breaking
but that's wrong.
I like how you conveniently left the 'built in' part because Prime does not have any intended sequence breaking, you have to resort to exploits like scandashing or infinite Morph Ball both of which were patched out in subsequent releases meaning they were never intended.
>granular nitpicking preached as gospel
Egoraptor started the worst kind of critical game 'analysis'
Youtubers gotta make a buck off games somehow these days now that LP's are kill.
the worst kind of critical game 'analysis' are the ones that go for over 30 minutes but lack the substance to justify it. what's worse is that those particular people have their opinions dickrode the most.
Holy shit, I'm 17 minutes into the video, and he finally stated that he had a problem with the contrast of pacing between the intro and the main game. There's still another 15 minutes to the video. This guy is awful and bloviates.
Saging hoping this thread dies before he gets more views.
>>Terribly slow and clunky movement
>>Shitty fetch quest at the end
>>No sequence breaking built in despite trying to be 'Super Metroid translated to 3D'
only autists REQUIRE the sequence breaking to be in to enjoy a game
Came here to post this.
I hate his lisp.
He says backtracking is the fatal flaw.
I never had a problem with it.
As in, the quintessential gameplay element of the entire damn series? That seems kind of retarded to me.
You could maybe argue that the Chozo Artifacts go a bit overboard, but you can hardly call that "fatal"
>clickbait game analysis videos
>You could maybe argue that the Chozo Artifacts go a bit overboard, but you can hardly call that "fatal"
You could, if they didn't make the hints accessible midgame and locked... what, 1~3 artifacts tops? behind the last upgrades
I liked the beginning of the video, and to give the guy credit apparently he gave Prime 1 like 5 tries
It never gave me much trouble, since I ended up visiting the artifact temple early in the game and getting some clues before I got too far. I always thought this was the way to do it, so I had no gripes with it.
Gating half of them behind the Light Suit is unironically the worst game design I've ever seen in a game and it's even worse because the first Prime all of the Artifacts could be obtained before the Phazon Suit. It makes a game that was mostly a slog even more of a slog, wonder how many people dropped the game at that point.
>the first Prime all of the Artifacts could be obtained before the Phazon Suit
>arbitrary video title pretending that the video is going to be some eye opening intellectual epos
>it's some fag pointing out the most obvious fucking dumb video game related shit everybody already knows
No words could describe how disgusted I am by this shit.
Why do these YouTube gaming "critics" make 30 minute-1 hour long videos that could be summed up in 5-13 minutes?
they're not critics. they're "analysts".
And that shit is everywhere. I like certain YouTube essayists but a lot of them have no fucking business making videos. It's like they wrote a basic rough draft of their thoughts, read it in a condescending voice, and called it a day.
People are starting to prefer longer videos. They put it on in the background while they do something else. People's attention spans have gotten so small that they have to do two things at once.
longer video also equals more ads
Even worse is gating literally all of them behind the Dark Visor, which means you have to beat Agon and Torvus before even starting to collect those shits. I swear if the environments and sound didn't mesmerize the shit out of me at the time I might have dropped it.
because they thought getting a major in journalism, English or woman studies was a good idea but it turned out they are half formed human beings with half formed thoughts that can only make sense of the correlation between different events if they make references to pop culture.
Here are his points:
-The intro had faster pacing than the main game, which his 2002 self couldn't deal with.
-Backtracking was a bit too much.
-Priate battles are repetitive.
-Artifact hunt is disappointing tedium.
-Ridley Fight goes on a little too long.
-Difficulty in the Trilogy was supposedly lowered? And you have to pick Veteran mode to get the true normal mode from the original game? Dunno about that, but he doesn't like it.
-Patching out sequence breaking exploits is a bummer
-Completion score being tied to item acquisition rather than time is a bummer.
-He says Prime is "A Metroid game that isn't for him"
-Refutes the idea often espoused that Prime is Super in 3D
-Makes a super passive aggressive implication that Prime is lacking in "gameplay".
There, I just saved you 32 minutes of your time. Nothing you haven't heard in your average Metroid thread. The video is so long, because he goes over the history of prime's reception before release, the history of his own experience with Metroid, and spends about 15 minutes filling the video with compliments toward Prime. Only about 5 minutes of actual criticism, and it's nothing we haven't heard before.
Welcome to 99.9 % of these "intellectual" youtube video game critics in current year. The worst part is all the brain damaged normies parroting the opinions of the e-celebs because they have no fucking idea how to think and form opinions for themselves
>People's attention spans have gotten so small that they have to do two things at once.
isn't that completely contradictory? wouldn't it be more like, there's people who have so little attention deficit that they'd rather fill it all up by doing 2 things at once?
>-Patching out sequence breaking exploits is a bummer
>Fixing glitches in games are bad
This is like melee tier fag logic
Patching out ways to sequence break is kind of contradictory to the goal of Metroid though. Getting the High Jump as soon as you get on Tallon IV makes the game a lot more fun but you can't do this on many subsequent releases of the game.
Scandashing is something they definitely should've left in, in my opinion.
If a bug/glitch/exploit doesn't hinder normal players, then it should be left alone. Only the people trying to abuse them will do so.
If the glitches brought something interesting to the game and they wouldn't hurt an average player's time, I wouldn't see a reason to remove them.
it wasn't an issue in 2d games because those games were smaller. it became an issue in prime because the game is bigger and samus isn't as fast
>-Completion score being tied to item acquisition rather than time is a bummer.
In my opinion:
% of completion unlocks plot and backstory
Speed of completion unlocks PLOT and BACKSTORY
What Artifacts can't be obtained before Omega Pirate? You can get the one that 'requires' the Phazon Suit if you're fast enough and have enough energy tanks, speed runners do it all the time. Either way Prime 1 is nowhere near as egregious as Prime 2 in this aspect.
his lisp makes this completely impossible to listen to
>Patching out ways to sequence break is kind of contradictory to the goal of Metroid though.
while I agree that getting the Space Jump as soon as you land is probably a plus and shouldn't have been fixed, I disagree with your statement, as there's been more than 1 Metroid game without sequence breaking, it feels like even Nintendo is not sure if they want it or not (Super and ZM having same-wall jumping, ZM having infinite bomb jumping, but Fusion and Samus Returns not allowing same wall jumping for example)
in any case, this only heavily affects autist speedrunners and people who replay a game too much
Only 1 and especially 2. Prime 3 is good.
I think he's got dental braces
I'll give him 1 thing: the game, when being played in the intended route, does tend to make you turn around, go back to where you were 30 minutes ago, pick an upgrade up, then go back to where you had to turn around again
doesn't ruin the game for me, but I agree that at times it's a bit annoying
also he whines too much about scanning, specially when even he acknowledges that it's optional, come on
>prime 1 shit
>prime 3 good
did i wake up in bizarro world?
i can see why kraid was scrapped. he is ugly as sin in this.
>in any case, this only heavily affects autist speedrunners and people who replay a game too much
Now hang on. I was willing to back up your post, then you go and say something retarded like that. In my first run of ZM, I immediately noticed some peculiarities about the world that gave me the idea to sequence break. But since it was my first run, I consciously avoided doing so. On my second run, I attempted some sequence breaking, and found it very rewarding. And *because* there was more sequence breaks to be found, I played the game many more times.
You ever think that perhaps you're too dimwitted to appreciate sequence breaking?
He was right desu. His other videos in the series are alright too. He even manageds to see why Metroid Prime 2 is so great.
The only thing I never got was why he let Metroid Prime 3 get away with so much.
That's why I'm worried about Metroid Prime 4, especially not by retro. I fear the return of Waggle.
>tfw you'll never get a fun fully fledged metroid morph ball game
I just saw this a couple days ago. Most of his critiques are entirely valid. Prime is by no means a perfect game and has issues.
How would even a Kraid fight even work in 3d? His whole gimmick is that you have to get in his face. You can out range the guy in 3d space.
>There's still another 15 minutes to the video. This guy is awful and bloviates.
Whatever you do, don't watch the recommended video in the side by KingK. It's even worse as he only compares it to Super Metroid and spends 30 minutes rambling.
they wont wagggle they will want it to translate well to being played on the go
There's no such thing as intended sequence breaking. If it's intended, it's no longer a sequence.
>Controversial opinion in big fucking letters on a popular game described as fatal like it completely ruins the game from a Literal who.
Oh thats not click bait at all.
You're just being pedantic at this point, both Super and ZM have built in non linear progression if that's a better way to put it.
different user here, my guess is that Nintendo assumes the player will innately sequence break, intentional or not, because they can't figure out how to follow the "proper" path, and so they want the idio- go- player to experience the game "properly" on their first playthrough, at the the cost of sequence breaking on any playthrough.
HD trilogy pack when?
It's 100% correct.
As he says, it's not a bad game by any means, but the pacing can be all over the place, and it's more evident on repeated playthrough
t. someone who likes the game
Gamecube kids detest getting their toys criticized thought
HD Trilogy pack with both control options when?
Please. Leave the waggle out of this.
Ive made a 50 minute long video and I made it because I had something to say and it ended up being that long. Nothing more, nothing less.
Super is set up in a way that meticulously guides a first time player through its world though through visual cues or straight up locking the player in an area. For example you are not leaving Norfair until you get the Ice Beam and you are leaving Brinstar until you figure out how to use the run button.
Perhaps that's how they feel. I'd prefer sequence breaking regardless.
what did you mean by "go-" though? I assume the other one is idiot. But go-?
>stretched crap or dodgy ass patches
thats not the sane as official is it?
Im just asking, so you want the entire video to solely be comprised of 5 minutes of criticsism?
you are pathetic its almost adorable
>which his 2002 self couldn't deal with.
A lot of people's 2002 self's couldn't deal with those tho along with the scanning. Which is what made it so revolutionary at the time for a console game.
Nope, just cut out a lot of the fat. The first 17 minutes is him talking about history, his relationship with the series, and showering Prime with compliments.
He could have gotten through all that in less than 5 minutes, and then lead into his criticism.
what did he say nigger, I'm not gonna waste 10 minutes to watch some faggot sperging out about some minor issues with the game
>In my first run of ZM, I immediately noticed some peculiarities about the world that gave me the idea to sequence break. But since it was my first run, I consciously avoided doing so. On my second run, I attempted some sequence breaking
almost the same as me
>, and found it very rewarding.
I did not, I found it mildly amusing, I brute forced through a lot of shit, got to Tourian without the Ice Beam, then gave up because I couldn't kill the Metroids without it, found it interesting how some stuff still work without other upgrades (like you can have any beam without having the Long Beam, the beam gets gray iirc if you don't have the Ice Beam after a certain upgrade point, probably the Wave Beam, and such), but even after all that I didn't feel some itch to try to look for this shit, I mean, what are we comparing this to?
>playing an entirely new game
>not playing a specific game of the series for years, long enough for me to forget details about the game and get an itch to replay it and feel like it's kinda new
>replaying the game on Hard, and sequence breaking usually being harder than just regularly progressing through the game (outside probably of getting that Super Missile early which really helps against bosses)
>You ever think that perhaps you're too dimwitted to appreciate sequence breaking?
nowadays I enjoy reading something or watching a video about how you can sequence break in specific ways, but no, I don't find it fun myself to spam bombs until I get the timing right to climb multiple screens to get an upgrade early, compared to the regular platforming and combat of the series which I find way more enjoyable, the best I can get from this sequence breaking stuff is a "oh, neat."
also, same-walljumping looks ridiculous, doesn't feel rewarding to me and makes me question the devs' to even leave that in
just have his weak eyes be really behind his face so you still have to climb his claws to get a line of sight of them, I guess
I didnt even watch the video after your post. But yea 17 minutes of that sounds ludicrous.
>fetch quests, boring tedious backtracking
So, is Sylux fat like Samus or is she flat-chested/a loli?
People sequence break in Prime 1 all the time.
let alone Prime 2 where the entire game is an unfinished shitty beta and half the walls don't have proper collision detection
>fetch quests
>in a game woth no protags
thw artifact hunting takes maybe 30 minutes of you are smart its really not that bad
>rtifact hunting takes maybe 30 minutes of you are smart
delete this
Fat like Samus.
nah i refuse
The first time playing the Artifact quest is an absolute pace breaker especially with some of them being very cryptic like the one where you need to melt a block of ice, shoot a missile at a tower and then morph ball through the debris to get.
It's not as bad on subsequent play throughs since the item gating isn't particularly strict but it's still not a highlight of the game at all.
>some of them being very cryptic
t. cuphead reviewer
i seriously never remember having an issue with it even the first time maybe throigh exploration i had found most of them before i ever got to that point or something it was a very long time ago but i dont remember ever being that annoyed by it
maybe stop trying to rush through every game?
>Fat Samus
Maybe don't put a shitty fetch quest in your game? It doesn't add anything to the game.
>unironically preferring stick figures to thicc
Nobody likes a woman who'll blow away in the wind, user.
Alright, you're entitled to not like something. But sequence breaking doesn't hurt your enjoyment does it? But it adds to mine a great deal. To the point where I figured out how to get to Ridley on hard mode with only the absolute required upgrades. That was my stopping point however, because I couldn't beat him with only 99 health and 2 missiles. But I was happy to have gotten that far.
Same wall jumping isn't a problem for me. Because Samus can pull some amazing acrobatic feats anyway. My only problem is that the controls in ZM allows you to sloppily wall jump. In Super, wall jumping was a precise button sequence. In ZM, you just mash a direction and A, and the game wall jumps for you.
yes it adds a good reason to go bacm and explore places you couldnt do anything in before that way you get most of it out of the way honestly you should have triooed over most of them looking for missile upgrades super beams and other secrets
like i said stop rushing through games if they are not fun for you then stop playing
I see you're a man of taste, as well.
>Not having a single image of thicc Samus saved.
>Posting the sloppy whore Mal, who failed to lose weight.
would be better without the dopey looking face
I dare you to post 'samus57'.
>32 minutes
Yeah no.
If you have to ramble for that long to get your point across, it most likely wasn't a good one.
>Nobody likes a woman who'll blow away in the wind, user.
And most people don't like women who look like they'll break wind at any moment.
Sorry, can't help you there. Beggars can't be choosers.
im not begging for anything im just rating as i see
>she gained weight instead, looks even worse now
still got the ugly face tho
>wanks over SM
I will agree that nu-Mal is a bit big, but she used to be 11/10 perfection.
She needs to be dicked hard in four places! Wait, FIVE! I wanna stick my dick between her thighs
>fat bitch on DDR machine
Bitch you're too fat to have ever played DDR