Looks like a little girl

>looks like a little girl
>actually of legal age

Other urls found in this thread:



What real little girl has thighs that luscious?

Literally nothing wrong with fapping to this.

I don't really care how 'old' the character is. You're not fapping to their age, you're fapping to their bodies.

I suppose the fantasy of them being properly developed mentally is a bit less pervasive, but from what I've seen most '1000 year old lolis' act like little girls, too.

So if they look like little girls and act like little girls, whelp...

Laura b.

I've never seen a little girl that looks anything like this.

Cheerleaders probably. 14 year old freshman schoolgirls

fuck i shouldn't have googled that huh

I've never seen an 18 year old woman that looks anything like this either but it's a fair anime styled approximation of a mature female body, much like Elin are meant to represent little girls.

>most people on Sup Forums doesn't even recognize the name anymore
What went wrong?

So you'd fuck a ten year old that looked like a middle-aged woman?

The real crime is the lack of porn.

>looks like a girl
>is actually a boy

People are too busy drawing crossdressing Link.

Damnit wheres my broom


little girls look like, GET READY FOR IT, little girls, not looking like adults in any way.

No, that's illegal due to a lack of cognitive development. I might be physically attracted to them, however, which is only natural.

>found out the girls are based on real people

Like my wife

didn't stop Ky from fucking his wife, a 3 yr old mentally in the body of an 18 yr old

>found out you are really a pedophile after all
poor user :(


Mods usually ban all posts with screenshots from that VN

that is like, something you keep to yourself man.
that isn't something ANYONE should know or you get shadman'd

The madman

those are some thicc thighs


>lethal injection
Pick two

>lethal injection
save some for me please

I'm going to burn to hell.

>They barely come up to the waistline of other races in the game
>Round, cute faces
>Innocent, carefree, annoying giggling
>Flat chest and lithe figure

And the only argument you have against them NOT being little girls, is having slightly thicker thighs.

Whether a character is 'loli' or not is a combination of several factors including age, body type, personality, etc.
Everybody has a different idea of where the line should be drawn for whether a character is loli and everybody weighs these different factors differently, so it is better not to think of a little girl as 'loli' or 'not loli' but rather 'quite loli', 'very loli', 'extremely loli', 'cute cute CUTE!'.

Wasn't she deaged?

Only if they also acted like an adult.

Can that pic count the Tales game where you could, in essence, pick the loli as your PC during combat?

well there's also the argument that the are literally not little girls as per the game's lore and must have some level of maturity considering they have their own society and participate in wars and shit

>slightly thicker thighs
You don't know what little girls look like.

Age of consent is defined as the just that: age. Mental/body maturity has nothing to do with. You'd be in jail, my friend.

did you mean tales of symphonia or tales of vesperia?

>mental maturity has nothing to do with

lmao ur fucking dumb dude

Pretty much every Tales game has a loli character. That pic is from Eternia.

Do you? protip: Sharlotta S.

Fits the parameters of the thread.

stop trying to trick me into looking up 3dpd girls pedo shitter

>Fictional character
>People care about their age anyway

This is what happens when you tell people what to think and not how to think.

meant for

>we'll never ever get something like this ever again

>This is what happens when you tell people what to think and not how to think.
but you just implied i shouldn't think this way thinkfag


That is laughably irrelevant to whether or not they LOOK like little girls.

They're small, they're petite aside from having their thigh-slider kicked up a few points, and even worse they ACT like little girls.

So they're little girls. Fake little girls, but they're designed to appeal to people who find little girls sexually exciting.

No you missed the point.

And there's literally nothing you cucks can do about that!

you are the cuck because you will NEVER EVER have your mentally mature thick thighed little girl waifu and you will be lynched if you even pursue one


The parents were contacted and both them and the kids accepted.

What was it? Something illegal?
I'm asking for a friend


Didn't some of their more lewd costume items get censored in the NA version because they look like little girls?

In any case I don't really have any moral issue with people lusting for little girls, but let's call a spade a spade and not pretend slapping some thighs on a little girl makes them stop being a little girl.

>What was it? Something illegal?
no it's just some softcore cp model. i don't wan no trabble though FBI please stay away.

Cheese Pizza
Without the Pizza
Just Cheese models.

Doesn't really make anyone a cuck. At least they've got some worthwhile material that's not harming anyone.

It caused I-don't-remember to enter critical butthurt mass since originally they wanted to shut them down using it.

is that really a thing though?
people look up names all the time on google, so what would be the difference

but, is the issue
why did you NEED to hide the name, user?
it seems to me that you have the issues and YOU want others to get in trouble for something that you did, huh champ?

Not illegal. Just not the kind of thing you'd ever want found in your search history.

Real life doesn't have proportions like that in general. Which is why 2D is great and 3D is shit.

Are you saying I masturbated to depictions of real children?

I'm sorry for making this thread. I just wanted people to post legal game lolis, and now people are talking about pizza...

Cutest little girl in the world doing cute things in cute outfits.

How? The art is awful.

so if its NOT illegal, why would it be something that you wouldn't want found?

i mean, something you wouldn't want found is like scat porn. this seems a little more different user.

you want to tell us what your hiding?
have a seat

Don't be sorry, I almost feel like I'm actually on Sup Forums again.


That's what I thought at first, but it grows on you.

I don't like where this thread is going

ttl has better models

Hey, clowns fucking midgets ain't illegal either. It just raises questions I ain't got time for.

Don't worry, it probably won't be up very much longer

The devil loli is pretty cute, but the others are tumblr tier

There are things that googling will put you on a shitlist if you live in a police state.

Uhh, they're all depictions of children fool. Fictional depictions. That's kind of part of the fantasy.

don't act like a retard. if anyone even suspects you of being a pedoshit your ass is grass regardless if it's true or not.

also, anyone got links to episodes of to catch a predator? that shit is hilarious when they stumble all over trying to fucking deny bringing the shit they do

>no Chris, i didn't bring that anal lube for something evil, we were just TALKING!

even the fact that uab is talked about on Sup Forums means some of that original Sup Forums filth lives on.

Somehow that's a relief.

>user why do you have over 100GB of pictures and videos of prebuscent girls on your PC?

There's no reason to panic as long as no sinks are posted.

Lets see some proof

I agree with you.

>Enter thread expecting elin
>Get UAB and faggots posting names of real life kids

what's your favorite objectively morally upstanding video game user?

their football team is shit

then why doesn't anyone suspect (insert e-celebs here) of this shit? i mean, if its true or not, i want Grumps and SBF and PDP, all those fucks put in fucking jail.


Ever see the video of the guy who gets caught twice? First words out of his mouth are "oops" or something like that. Funny shit

M-Math blaster?

There's nothing wrong with UAB in itself but the problem is the people it attracts. And don't pretend that old Sup Forums ever accepted or excused paedophilia, because that was one of the only things that people still weren't ok with.

>art.... homework?

>user, you haven't been in school for 12 years, you don't even major in art

>i work for....JC Penny....

I feel safe knowing that I would never fall for that shit, I'd never want anything with that granny that they want to pass off as a little girl.

Watch GGs Wind Waker playthrough. They only sometimes preface their sexual comments with "if only you weren't ten."

user: Because I can't fit any more.

we never saw it, but i loved hearing about the one about the state judge or whatever that had it and kills himself. see chris? you dun bad!


Even Hansen can't believe it