Take it like a man, shorty!

Take it like a man, shorty!

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A real Texan...*sheathes wrench* woulda dodged that.

Sometimes you just need a little less gun.

i'll take it.


>when you land that third critical punch with the Gunslinger and Engie shouts HAWWWW!

Battle Engie is best Engie

Cream gravy

I just wish the minisentry wasn't so shit now. It is pretty funny to see people calling it "cancer" even though a scout can walking straight to and kill it.

I had to start using the jag for quick and decent setups

I hate minisentry engies, not because of enemy engies, but because of my own. There's always a defense where the only engi is minisentry and he's completely useless.

He probably doesnt know how to fucking play then. Mini sentry engie is only ever viable if you already have a normal sentry engie and the mini sentry one is there to spycheck or help upgrade his other shit