Crysis 1 was released in 2007 and it has better graphics than modern PS4 games

Crysis 1 was released in 2007 and it has better graphics than modern PS4 games.

How is that POSSIBLE?

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How come all I ever see about Crysis is people talking about its graphics? Is it even a good game or is it just pretty?

>shit textures
>shit lighting
>shit DOF
>shit motion blur
>better than modern game engines

Its a pretty sweet power trip if you can switch powers on the fly well. Takes a minute to get the hang of but WEW
Fun as shit in a comfy jungle

it's amazing until the aliens show up, then you have to unlearn everything and begin going rambo

It's really good. Crysis 2 is pretty bad from what I played though.

Just imagine. There are people who went into crysis not knowing about the aliens.

>wanting garbage like DOF and motion blur

It's a pretty good game that lets you fight the way you want to in order to solve encounters. I personally play like the Predator, ambushing from stealth and picking people off.

Sadly, it falls apart at the 2/3rds mark because the aliens pretty much necessitate using the gauss rifle exclusively.

Yeah. I feel like they should have had a quarter of the health they did.

Crysis still looks visually pleasing OP, but unless you're talking about low budget PS4 games I have no clue what you mean. So many games it feels like surpasses Crysis 1 visually at this point.

That said I still liked the alien stuff. I just think it could have been slightly better.

Halo 1 was released in 2001 and it has better graphics than modern Nintendo consoles.

How is that POSSIBLE?



>pretty much necessitate using the gauss rifle exclusively.
Punching them to death is also an option. If I remember right I probably killed at least 1/4 of them that was. Maybe even 2/5

Crysis 1 is pretty good, Crysis Warhead is amazing, Crysis 2 and 3 are dogshit.

play it

*that way

Console bab, please.

You won't see such graphics with your PS4 that can barely even produce any graphics with dynamic resolution bullshit, low poly low end textures and sub-30 fps.

No it doesn't.

BotW graphics are dogshit.
Don't even try to defend them with some """style""" excuses. They are THAT BAD because the console can't handle good graphics to begin with.

it's a very good FPS right up until the ayy lmaos show up, then it becomes just okay, definitely worth a playthrough though

>MMO from 2012

Still looks better than new games releasing on console.

There real problems with Crysis are the low polygon models, everything else, AF not working correctly, very aggressive texture streaming that makes all textures look like shit and the low resolution textures can be fixed with mods and configuration files but when you have all those problems fixed the low polygon models really stand up.
Besides very Anti Aliasing resolve but this can be fixed using Nvidia SGSSAA but then you have to use DX9 and disable some Post Process Effects like Blur and Bloom.

I heard someone actually ported Crysis 1 to the CryEngine 3 but all I could find are yeras old incomplete ports to CryEngine 2.
Crysis Warhead looks better anyways.

Crysis and Crysis Warhead are good. Crysis warhead is better though.

Nice early PS3 grass PCbro.

>30 fps shit that looks worse than Witcher 3 and Crysis 1 from 2007


>PS3 grass
You're giving too much credit to that generation.



I played this the other day on a buddies ps4.

I wanted to puke. Also bloom fucking everywhere. Felt like I was in a 2008 PC title.

It literally doesn't. Switch games look better than Crysis 1. These threads are always embarrassing.

>Switch games look better than Crysis 1.
post some


i dont even agree with the pccrysisfags in this thread but this is the meaning of wrong

Its pretty good the jungle parts are the best but it falls a little flat later on and ends up more linear and much less open ended than the earlier parts of the game.

You're wrong, Crysis looks like shit by today's standards.

You know what's even worse than your graphics circlejerking?
The fact that gameplay hasn't evolved.

>You're wrong, Crysis looks like shit by today's standards.

You can only get those standards on PC with ultra graphics. PS4 hardware won't even handle 2007 Crysis on ultra settings with 60 fps lol.

The game actually has global illumination and a lot of neat effects. The textures are pretty bad though, WW emulated looks basically as good as BOTW emulated just because Nintendo was so lazy. But graphically it's quite a bit more intensive.

Sure uncharted 4

You just described modern console games though.

technically it isn't really better but it still holds up in some ways for sure and the scale if the levels and detail is still very impressive
Its pretty great if you are creative, sneaking through a korean base and taking them out one by one like the predator is always fun

>tfw the grass in crysis is fully dynamic and react to you
>tfw the grass in your video is just badly animated with zero iteration whatsoever
Ayy lmao

you said better graphics not physics because i can name alot of game with better physics

I wish this game was made in Germany so I could reply with 'kraut space magic'

Maybe the developers made a deal with satan?

Roda Crisis?

No it doenst

So your shitty 2d-sprite grass that doesn't interact is better than fully 3d modeled grass that interact with the user?
wew lad

sad when 2d grass looks better than the so called master piece 3d grass

Pretty damn good as far as sci-fi shooters go, you feel like a genuine bad-ass for the first half or so of the game, then BAM - fucking ayys

>I wish this game was made in Germany so I could reply with 'kraut space magic'
What am I missing here?
>Crysis is a first-person shooter video game series developed by German developer Crytek and published by Electronic Arts.

>looks better
Im sorry user I didn't knew you were blind

So sad consolebros get deluded by basic shapes and simple water effect on textures, like it was a hard thing to do

the denial seething
have fun playing five nights at fuckboi's and old shit meanwhile im gonna go play me some mario kart

>Watch Dogs

>mfw PC anons can use Cemu to play the better version of MK8 that doesn't have excessive item spam, and they can play it with much better image quality

Show the water

>Watch Dogs 4
There was a Watch Dogs 3?

I played far cry without knowing about the mutants, it was awful.

yeah have fun with a downgraded version of the game because the only games pc has is ports
i love shitposting with other anons

I liked it.

Because you're a newfag.

It doesn't just react to you but it reacts to wind and shit.

What is that closed flap on the side for?

You stick your dick through it.

And what does the octahedron do with it then?



I still can't run this game above constant 60fps lol. Still get drops. Fuck this game.

Too bad the only games consolebabs are playing are dogshit multiplat sports, bf1 and cod.

But don't feel bad about no games, sign the petition for PUBG to get ported on consoles!

holy shit buy a better PC

At least they wear blindfolds so they don't have to see how ugly the game environment is.

i will just as soon 80% of people who play games on pc can play new games on ultra 60 fps

>i will just as soon 80% of people who play games on pc can play new games on ultra 60 fps

I sure do!

i have a shit laptop because my old pc broke so i gotta wait to play that i really want to
shit game

That's not a big budget game at all.

While crysis was and still is impressive, what i loved was the freedom, the scale, the physics and how good plyaing felt.

PĀ¢ucks only have this game as benchmark.

>this is from a ""next gen""" game made in 2010

pffffff wow

Nobody knows. Even at the time people only used it as a graphics benchmark and never bothered actually playing it.

You guys ever think that graphics maybe aren't the most important aspect of a game?


I am fairly sure it was made in germany
