What did she actually mean by this?
What did she actually mean by this?
nyanners was always /ourguy/ how did the SJWs get to her?!
Literally who?
nyanners is a girl?
>Turns into a leftist after making songs about raping children
nyanners literally isn't even associated with video games
>implying an old lady needs help across the street
Why are sjw cucks so demeaning towards the people they apparently champion? The old lady can cross the street on her own, she doesn't need a numale to upload a picture of him doing it on facebook and giving himself a metaphorical blowjob for all his peers to see
the fall of nyanners is one of the most painful Sup Forums tragedies
It's not rape if both participants consented.
congrats on proving the e-celeb's point you fucking retard
somebody seems salty about a lag of patreon supporters
She made a joke. I know you guys aren't familiar with those though. That's why many of you still believe she was advocating lolicon when she made a silly song about it.
It's called sarcasm.
Fun fact, it's known that people who are autistic have a hard time detecting sarcasm, especially in text form.
That's obviously shitposting, retards.
Like clockwork. I don't even think about nanners. She literally doesn't matter.
There's a difference between helping someone and bragging on reddit about helping someone.
Is she going to be in the upcoming Sup Forumsgas?
gotcha bitch
this is true. much more so in the last few years. hell even i have trouble detecting it at times
A joke is supposed to be funny. Liberals don't know how to do anything. They're a joke.
I hate all you faggots obsessed with this ugly, annoying cunt.
>helping an old lady cross the street is the same as white knighting for some oversensitive roastie
But that's fucking wrong you retard
Humor isn't universal.
You're lost and confused.
no she hates Sup Forums now
is she still trailer trash?
t. liberal
what did he mean by this?
>Humor isn't universal.
that much is apparent FAGGOT
*nods respectfully*
ITT: People with actual, medically provable autism, that can't understand a joke or sarcasm.
Yeah, you know what's a funny joke?
An old lady asked me to help her cross a big street once
I thought it just a thing that happened in tv
Kinda honestly thought she was going to mug me or something to be honest
Yes? How new are you. She went out with Ken Ashcorp until he cucked him (literally) and Ken went insane. He then made his 'avatar' into a trap fursona, got really into full package futa and traps and shit. He even wrote a song about it.
I see what you did there.
But seriously, What's funny to one person might be funny to another person. Because of varying tastes and experiences.
So the average Sup Forums poster then?
Jokes are supposed to be funny. Liberals don't understand humor, or anything for that matter, but somehow they came to the conclusion in their minds that they are the heros.
Liberals are a joke.
There is literally nothing wrong with advocating lolicon.
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I remember speaking to her one time, she was an absolute fucking cunt. I'm not surprised.
everyone hated her you fucking newfag
she was manlytear tier