In 8 minutes ITT:

In 8 minutes ITT:

I'll be posting codes to 5 games redeemable on Steam. I already have my own copy of them.


what games?

can we know the name of the game o we can decide if we want to participate or not?


post game names faggot OP
Let us know if we want to redeem those games or let other anons have a chance on it.
Last thing i want is to redeeem a key for a game I'll never play.

no game on steam is redeemable,they're all shit
also nobody cares that you have a copy for you

No, you may not.

5 keys for vape nation pepe simulator


offer still stands, cute traps that post pictures of themselves +proof and contact info will get any game they want


I'll post the name of the game with the codes, don't worry.

i'm from the future and i've already got all the codes. enjoy your dupes, faggots.


Scraped ;)


>bot that sees 3min into the future
we're screwed

it's gonna be Bad Ratz, isn't it?

no it's gonna be gun monkeys


no keys!

here you go, one cute trap ;^)

Okay here you go.

>implying this thread wasnt a distraction to lure people out of the other thread

>too many activation attempts

Fuck you too, Valve

Not OP but I got a few games from the last humble bundle if anyone wants them

Pretty sure I've seen this screenshot a few times before.

Zeno Clash 2:

Bionic Commando:

Sonic Generations:

Renegade Ops Collection:

Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure:

>the state of WWE

that other thread was auto-saging f a m

lurk moar


i am going to kill myself

are you dumb?

>enter in milisecond
>too many activation attempts
fuck me

>dont own bo2
>duplicate product code

Thanks user, I was fast enough to get Tesla Effect and Zeno Clash 2

Got Bionic Commando, thanks senpai

even if it's a troll code post, EVERY SINGLE FUCKING CODE BOTS REEEEE

I'm genuinely surprised you weren't a faggot.

Anyone have a spare SOTFS code? Kinda down on my luck but would really like to play.

don't samefag nigger


that's not what it means you fucking retard

kek wrestling is so dumb, why do you muricans like watching this shit?

fuck off with this faggot shit

You're welcome guys. Have fun.

Someone post another $100 code :^)

Thanks fampai

already have all of them outside of sanic but i didn;t even try to get it.

next time use stupid name so we know its OP

6 and I'm gay


Lol ur gay

ha gay


3 and i'm to cool

fucking faggot




the post 3 posts after me shall end with a 4

1 nothing wrong with me



I don't even want games I just want your friendship, Sup Forums.
Come. Kiss me.

wanna bet niger? this 5 says no



holy shit


5 nothing wrong with me

user thank you soooooo much

Everything is wrong with you, kill yourself n0w.



you have a very faggot profile


>vac banned scum
go die in a fire



no problem

last ones

Damn that's fucked up, not doing that again

twice is shit

but jeongyeon is waifu

0 and my life will only get worse from this point on.

2017 Batsu when ?

i will never ever get a key

some keys from humblebundle, bundlestars and greenmangaming

Congrats user. There's hope:)

8 and another natural disaster will occur

Hey what the fuck is this? I just got this email after I got a key from this thread

Dear Steam user,
This is an automated message generated by Steam account administration. It is being sent in response to a query made by a Steam user to discover all account names associated with this CD key.

Steam account name: darklordofdeath99

If you requested this query, please use the above account name to log in to Steam. If you cannot remember your password, click on the “Retrieve lost account” button on the Steam login screen.

If you did not request this query, please ignore this message.

Users cannot gain access to your account via the Find Account By CD Key process without access to your email account.

got bionico

That's 2 keys with the code plainly written out and 1 with typing.


don't worry user, here you have a key

december 31 like always dummy. translation will finish in april.

it means you're a faggot and i stole your account


>already owned
What was it?


Greetings darklordofdeath99 I'll send my boys to come see ya ;)

a key

>tfw this is an elaborate phishing scheme or a way to get people banned by reporting to steam that the keys were stolen

Top Bantz my lads

renegade ops

Here's a key, hope you can get it before the bots

I actually gave some steam credit to people but now I am helping a faggot get is pc changed
So no slots in my list of donations right now, sorry