Just PREDICT the shitposting on October 27

Just PREDICT the shitposting on October 27

I don't even want to be on Sup Forums anymore. Actually I think I'm just gonna go.

Ah yes, I see a heavy forecast of Wojaks, posts which are just laughing, posts saying the game is too easy, and posts saying the graphics are shit.


i just scrolled the front page to this topic at the bottom and there was literally nothing that wasn't either bait or casualfags crying

though it's been dying for a long time, day Sup Forums is officially dead to me i'll be on Sup Forums while the sun is up


>graphics are PS3-tier
>more Wojaks
>still more Wojaks

The mods will have their hands full culling all of the junk.

>unanimous praise
>99 metascore from 70 reviewers
>sonyfiends commit ritual suicide after realizing Nintendo will win duo-GOTY awards for BOTY and Odyssey

>Implying the mods won't be peddling all these garbage tier bait
They are mods, but they still browse the chans

You can cry all you want but it'll still be the GOTY

>implying that sonyfiends won't just triple down on shitposting with baby cries of "paid reviews" and other shit

The reaction images with all the snapshot filters will be glorious.


>October 27 is 5 weeks from now

I don't need it....

So many Wojacks that the mods might finally consider making posting them result in an instaban.

How does this make you feel, Sup Forums?

Somebody make Wojak edits of Majora's Mask's moon above Clock Town so that we can use them when Odyssey is about to come out.

>it looks like a PS2 game
That's more like it.

Wojaks, shitposting about sales when data isn't even out on it yet, a lot of wojaks and falseflagging (although they're one in the same at this point)
If it gets a 100 on Metacritic, people will say Nintendo payed them to do it. If it doesn't, people will shitpost about the fact it didn't get 100.

Just take Sterling out of the average and there you go.

Super happy.

I won't care because I'll be playing at midnight assuming they let us preload.

>Post yfw Wojak gets banned from Sup Forums upon the release of Odyssey until the end of Sup Forums

I can't wait for that day. It gonna be fucking glorious. The ammount of SONYGGER asspain will be massive. Two (2) fucking GOTY material released in the year from their most hated videogame company.

I don't even care about metascore, that page is fucking shit, but SONYGGERS do and winning in their own game is fucking hilarious.

october 27 is not the date that will be most shitposting heavy, it will be review embargo date.

THen you'll get a few weeks of good threads, then shitposting about how it's not a TRUE mario games.

Also a fat, flaccid spike when sterling gets out of his cuckshed and post his review

It should be banned on sight now
It's literally nothing but a false flag tool

My current biggest fear is that i'll die suddenly before then.

Actually, getting older, i can see that it will probably happen, in my old age. That's not fun

that isn't the game which will cause the most amount of shitposting OP

If Switch manbabies are happy with the games, why do they feel the need to be constantly defensive and prepared? It just reeks of insecurity and doubt.

You guys are no better than the fanboys you speak of.

I'll see. As a '''nazi''' and switch owner, i believe i can do a twofer combo here

>Two of the most anticipated games of the year, coming out at the same time

Yep seems like a recipe for shitposting

>Predict it
No, I don't want to fucking predict it. I want all shitposters gone.

The only babies are people who think they're too mature for video games without bloody violence

How did Switch fags become so cancerous, so fast?

What's cancerous about that? He is just reviling in other cancerous posters being in agony. He isn't promoting shitposting, he is waiting for other people to shitpost in distress from something positive happening in the real world

>tfw banning Wojak would obliterate a massive chunk of shitposting for every system but it will never happen

Again, you are being insecure over playing a game aimed at children. Most people don't care if the game has a certain aesthetic, most people just don't want easy, simple, handholding games that Nintendo often produces when there are better options.

It's rarely an issue of violence vs. no violence. You're one of those people that think people can only like "Mature games" if they dislike Kirby titles for being boring, uninspired platformers.

>Sup Forums
It's literally ten times worse than Sup Forums though.

It's either that, Skyrim, Kirby, or this.

>reviling in other cancerous posters
>He isn't promoting shitposting
>he is waiting for other people to shitpost

Do you even read what you type? And I already know you are defending yourself, don't say "he is".

The GOTY is going to be PUBG btw

It literally isnt. Theres more light hearted shitposting but less bait and less genuine retardation

Absolutely this. I remember when it was the opposite, fucking hell
>Aimed at children
LMAO your favorite games are aimed at children too, dude

An unreleased, incomplete game can't be a GOTY you retard. Not like it would be GOTY, it's a single game mode, and has a host of problems in game design.

>Prime 4 getting released collapses all of Sup Forums
That's what I'm expecting.

We can still dream.

He is

Would it, really?

Banning Wojaks would be a temporary fix as shitposters would find a new meme in time. Maybe they wouldn't as they'd be unable to find/make one that works as well as Wojak and it would work, who knows?

No, Sup Forums is objectively worse here
Sup Forums at least has daily threads reach bump limit discussing classic or relatively obscure games. Sup Forums is exclusively shitposting, with good posts only happening in shitposting threads.
The vast majority of posters hate film and only care about super hero shit and star wars. Imagine if Sup Forums was MOSTLY people who only play FIFA and Cod. That's what/tv/ is now.

I'm not promoting shitposting, faggot.
I wish this shithole ban all those fucking unfunny wojaks, but we all know that will not happen.
So what we do? Just enjoy the shitshow and laugh over the pain and agony that nintendo produces for some reason into the SONYGGERS.

It releases this year actually.
It's coming soon to consoles too.
It's going to be GOTY, and you can't stop it.

>Would it really
Not him, but yes. It's been around for years now, because the newfags are too stupid to think up something else.

social outcast, ugly as fuck and voted trump btw

>Doesn't address the other half of my post
As expected.

Wojak edits are unironically the best content Sup Forums has created

Sonytards like Trump? Who would've guessed?

Nintendies will go ballistic if this rehashed Unity looking turd gets an 8.8

>voted trump

i'm not even amerilard.
Stay mad, sonygro.

>voted trump

lol wat

Again, its having a release this year on top of constant updates. It sold more than the Switch and all its software combined. You can't stop it.

Social normie, handsome with a qt gf, voted trump btw*
Also I really care about quality games and I'll be playing Wolfenstein 2 on PC AND getting Mario Odyssey on switch on release day, because I have a job and enough money to afford both :^)
I bet this blows your mind that one person could have so many positive qualities yet still disagree with you

>Social normie, handsome with a qt gf
I'm a navy seal with 300 confirmed kills etc

Sup Forums has gotten even more cancerous.
larpin falseflaggers and wojaks being retarded an overreacting for ammo.
come pre SMO review embargo im done with Sup Forums
not even hiro can save it

I doubt someone with enough autism to defend Nintendo has any positive traits to be honest. You ugly faggot.

the mario shitposting is getting to me too
we are going to have at least 500 more threads on how its graphics arent good enough before launch
i just wana talk about the game

>I want serious discussion on fucking Sup Forums
Go back to r*ddit, shitposting is the heart and soul of this site you whiny newfag

degenerate European child, even worse. I bet you sound like a nails on a chalkboard.

why are you so mad, son?

Should have added *uneducated*, it would have been more believable.

because you are a waste of life and your parents think so too

But nobody gets butthurt over Kirby and that might be what could cause a collapse.


What we know for certain is that the dumbass who's been making all those gold face pictures with the 100 metacritic score will have made a picture of his own posts to make more shitposting threads saying "THEY ACTUALLY THOUGHT IT'D BE 100 HAHAHAHAHAHAH".

>shitposting is the heart and soul of this site you whiny newfag
spoken like a true newfag.
just because you got here when it was shit doesn't mean it was always shit.
don't ever reply to me again, fuckstain.

Everyone knows it won't get 100


I expect an 89 at least but not an 100

I have reported you for avafagging

That doesn't matter in the magic of shitposting.

The same shit that always happens. Some people get arrogant that nintendo got a new game and start shitposting threads, some sony guys will be annoyed because they get constantly shoved in the face that they are jealous and start shitposting, shitposters see the potential of ruining everything and start falseflagging as both parties to shitpost even more. Basically my prediction is that there will be no room for serious discussion about the game for at least a week.

Wait, what's the other one?

t. post-2008cuck

When the fuck did this nightmare fuel wojack get made?

Stop projecting your own failures on people online, its not healthy escaping reality instead of solving your own problems.

whatever that makes you feel better, sonygro-kun.
Thanks for your asspain.It was delicious.

Who /bundle/ here?

I'm so glad I decided to call my local EB games to see if they had preorders. Seems like they just don't wanna put them up on the website.

I knee it lol, you people live in fantasy worlds
Bachelor's degree :^)

I'm not even touching Sup Forums until I'm done with the game, especially after the shitshow that was the day BoTW's review embargo got lifted.


Says the guy that voted for Trump and is defending Nintendo like a manchild.
Listen, I can assure you I'm better than you in every single way. Maybe you should stop pretending to be better than you are, lest you get taken down several notches by plenty who are better than you.

What the fuck


Are you that autistic that you can't read?
Don't reply to my post and fuck off.

t. obese virgin roleplaying on Sup Forums

I'm sorry your life is so pathetic you need to pretend
Useless birdcage liner unless it's in a relevant field from a reputable school. Any dumb nigger can get a state school degree and still end up at a McJob

>Sup Forums hates wojaks now
but why

There's been an absolutely massive amount of wojaks made this year for whatever reason. I'm pretty sick of them.

>He voted for Hillary and promotes Sony
Literally the worst person I could imagine. I don't even have to make up traits about you being ugly and autistic. Those wouldn't be worse then being a brainlet Sony nigger

Here have a Sony version

Regardless of quality it will get 90+ and it will piss me off

This. I love wojak edits, they never fail to make me smile. The rage they cause is just the cherry on top

Wal-Mart had em on layaway during February, had one in my hands on day one