Question about morrowind potions

>restore health 158 points for 466 seconds

Does this mean it will restore 158 points per second, for 466 seconds, or restore 158 points over a total of 466 seconds?

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You get the health and then it goes away after 466 seconds. I recommend you don't take any more damage.

158 per second

158 points per second, for 466 seconds

This road will lead to godhood OP, be careful.

Jesus Christ, what the fuck that is literally game breaking...

NOTHING will be able to kill you fast enough if you're constantly regeneration 160 points of damage every second for nearly 8 minutes.

You can still get one hit KO'd. The really broken potions take a lot of prep work. So they are a little bit balanced.

mw alchemy has always been op. have you seen the speedrun?

morrowind is basically omnipotent god wizard simulator, no surprise

>A lot of prep work
>Just go to wolverine hall

Take Advice, player created potions will pretty much turn the game into god mode, you might find it fun, but being a god loses its charm.

I must have played it wrong then. Struggled a lot against mkst enemies in solstheim with my wizard. How long does it take to become op if you know how to abuse alchemy?

bout 30 minutes

About 10 minutes of clicking.

Go to wolverine hall's imperial cult

There you can get the supplies needed to make intellect boosting potions, buy a ton of supplies, each time you make one, drink it, and immediately go back to making more, eventually you'll be making int potions that give 1million int for 200 years.

Your int will be in the millions, so you can boost your other stats, however I will highly suggest not boosting agility or strength, as it will boost your jump speed to where you're hulk jumping faster then the engine can load assets and you will crash the game, use feather potions instead.

Make a few restore magicka, health, and stamina potions, and you'll be regenerating your health faster then anything in the game can hurt you.

And now you are a god.

Thats probably my favorite thing about Morrowind

holy shit, I didn't realize Morrowind could be completely broken so easily. I want to do this but I feel like it would ruin the game for me

Morrowind is a very broken game mechanically.

For example, you can get a drain skill spell and use it on yourself, while boost skill spell on others and make it so you can boost the skill of any trainer to 100, and they will train that skill to 100 for you, and for no gold either because if you drain your skill to 1 and boost theirs to 100 they will charge you as if they're leveling you to skill level 2, but when your drain skill on self spell ends you'll go back up to what ever your real skill level is.

You can make enchanted weapons that deal so much damage the game can't calculate it, and crash.

openMW fixes some of the exploit stuff
pretty sure the code patch can change all of the exploitables

Yeah, that's what happens when you fortify your intelligence to obscene values and brew a potion. Another fun potion you can make when abusing the intelligence exploit is levitation. You'll make a potion potent enough that you'll fly so fast for so long that you might even pass through solid objects. You can achieve similarly game-breaking effects with potions of Reflect, Spell Absorption, and Fortify Attributes (strength, luck, etc.)

I wouldn't go that far. Alchemy's a fun skill when you're not exploiting the infinite loops for money and/or intelligence to make super potions. It's one of the best side skills for a mage to help keep their magicka up with fortify/restore potions when they can't safely sleep, and for non-mages to get some of the utility of spells without having to invest heavily in a school of magic. As long as you're not looking everything up online you'll find that the scarcity and cost of certain ingredients and the high-end tools will limit its power. By the time you overcome those obstacles you've progressed far enough that you'd have become a god with any other skill as well; Morrowind's just too damn easy after level 20 or so no matter what skills you choose to make use of. At least they put some tough encounters in the expansions, but it was too little, too late in my opinion.

>the Morrowind speedrun is 3 minutes
I love how broken Morrowind is.

his health is shit at the moment but yeah, he will became an God

I wish I could go back to Morrowind for the first time again. I know where all the good shit is, so all my games are pretty much the same.

I'd jizz buckets for a (good) random, procedurally generated world with the exact same mechanics though. I just can't resist that free Master level alchemy set (you know the one) and other goodies.

How's TR coming along? It's been a few months since I checked it out.

> free master alch

Caldera Mage's Guild, if I remember right.

Caldera mage's guild.

pretty sure there's a full set in the mage's guild in balmora, climb to the top of that wooden staircase and you can take them without anybody there

ayo it's in the uh, caldera mage's guild, dig?

They had a commit a few weeks or so, supposedly added some new content.
They're weird. You always never hear anything from then and suddenly there's a big release.

just use Morrowind Rebirth if you're a fat lazy fuck with no self control

Yup, it's in the tower, close the door and you can run off with the entire set with no chance of being caught


wouldnt that be foritify health? this would continuously heal him for 158 point for 466 seconds

save the game and try it out dumb fuck

Don't listen to this guy.

Actually a skinny lazy fuck with no self control. I'm holding off on reinstalling until openMW is a bit more mature. It still has problems with GCD and NPCs drifting last I checked.

Ah, classic

shame how trash oblivion turned out to be

>It still has problems with GCD and NPCs drifting last I checked.
NPC Drift is a vanilla Morrowind bug, one that was well-known at release but was finally fixed a year or two ago. The cause was the NPC idle animations and the fix is to just replace them, so I assume that would work just as well for OpenMW as it does for vanilla as it is my understanding that OpenMW doesn't actually include any Morrowind assets.

All roads in Morrowind lead to godhood.

People should enjoy the rough start because it gets piss easy quick.

Only in a few places (like the stilt strider guy on Ald Ruhn or w/e). It's a lot more disruptive in OpenMW, to the point where I've had to look for NPCs.

>tfw stealth archery is not fun in morrowind

Oblivion is good tho

Not really.

Heads up guys.

OpenMW is finallly getting shadows back.

well that broke the game

Even fucking speechcraft will make you a god eventually. If you cast a weak-ass Calm spell on an NPC and then Intimidate them successfully a few times (depends on how aggressive they were to begin with), they will not fight you at all anymore. This works on literally every NPC in the game except those with a forced "goodbye" in their greeting, which is generally reserved for a handful of scripted quest NPCs. This even works on the Dark Brotherhood assassins sent to kill you by Tribunal. It's pretty fun to walk into some slavers' cave and intimidate all the inhabitants into submission to make it your new home.

Once the only threatening enemies are creatures, you start to realize how few of them there are compared to NPC enemies.

The other exception to this rule is Orvas Dren who has the unique behavior of entering maximum hostility with anyone attempts to intimidate him, even if he wasn't hostile in the first place. Makes sense since he's the leader of the Dunmer mafia.

>boosting your speed that much

so fast it no clipped out the walls and i flew around

Careful doing it in exteriors, at around 5k and above you'll start to go so fast the game can crash.

Don't buff speed when you make game breaking potions. You run off the side of mountains into thin air and die from fall damage.

I didn't know that, but it's pretty cool even if it sounds more like an exploit than an intended feature. I like the idea of playing a diplomancer.
Also daggerfall had language skills that would make some random enemies non-hostile, it's kinda like a call back.

>health regenerating robe
>stamina regenerating belt
>boots of levitation
>50 potions of fortify speed 478 points for 10+ minutes
Come to me, through fire and war. I welcome you.

>sounds more like an exploit than an intended feature
I'm pretty sure it's intended, since (mechanically) intimidate is the opposite of taunt, and taunting enemies into attacking you was an intended feature so intimidating them into not attacking you also makes sense.

Every creature and NPC in Morrowind has an aggression stat that determines how likely they are to fight you at certain levels of disposition and distance. It's modified temporarily by casting Frenzy and Calm spells, and it's modified permanently (for NPCs only, obviously) by the intimidate and taunt persuasion options.

What's probably NOT intended about this trick is how effective weak Calm spells are. Due to a bug in the vanilla game even the weakest calm spell will calm anything for its duration. The Morrowind Code Patch has an option to fix it so that you have to cast a spell strong enough to actually reduce their aggression below the combat threshold.

Has any of you guys played with the multiplayer thing?
Have you tried PvP?

have fun for 5 minutes before getting bored

if you want to borderline break the game while still having fun, I suggest an enchant focused playthrough


yes, why is that funny?

i would've killed for openMW 1-2 years ago, so i ended up just playing normally and got halfway through
i used to despise the fuck out of Skywind, and now i unironically want the skyrim overhaul version for no reason other than to have "new content" in Morrowind

>he doesn't know

Even when restoring 1000000s of HP a second, if a physical attack does more damage than your total HP, you will still die, because the damage occurs instantly.
However, magic damage, even from spells that just do damage for 1 second, deal that damage gradually. So it will make you invincible against wizards.

openmw is entirely playable now, even the mp mod pretty much works
>and now i unironically want the skyrim overhaul version for no reason other than to have "new content" in Morrowind
but skywind is a mod for skyrim, not morrowind
if you want new content for MW get tamriel rebuilt

thats why you combine it with fortify health that gives you 100000 health for 999999 seconds

>This works on literally every NPC in the game except those with a forced "goodbye" in their greeting

with morrowind npcs you can usually get around this by getting nude, doesn't seem to work on expansion ones tho

>Also daggerfall had language skills that would make some random enemies non-hostile, it's kinda like a call back.
It's a shame how shitty they were overall, since they were so unreliable and nearly impossible to level up. I actually spent hundreds of thousands of gold training Daedric all the way to the maximum trainable amount (51) at the Temple of Dibella and it made about a fourth of the Daedra I encountered non-hostile. It's also too bad that your language skills are never checked in quests or dialogue and they don't even let you actually talk to anything.

Still, despite all the flaws, I'd have rather Morrowind consolidated them into some "beast languages" skill that was more interactive and effective than all of Daggerfall's language skills combined rather than cut them entirely. Bethesda's solution to broken features when designing sequels is to remove rather than fix.

Morrowind has by far the most powerful enchanting in the series so it's a good suggestion if you're interested in breaking the game. If you're talking about the skill itself not being very useful due to the success chance, you can perform a similar exploit to Alchemy where you make a short "fortify intelligence" and/or "fortify enchant" enchantment and enchant more things that way. But the best benefit of all of the enchant skill is that it actually makes it cost less charge to use enchanted items, so even if you pay the ridiculously high fees to make NPCs enchant the most powerful items for you rather than making them yourself, you'll still be far more effective at using them if you have a high skill level.

>morrowind "combat"

they should've kept languages like you say but with battlespire tier dialogue

>with morrowind npcs you can usually get around this by getting nude,
LEWD. It's like you are selling your body for their mercy.

looks smooth to me
what's the problem?

Daggerfall's languages were a spectacular failure. But how would we reimplement it in Morrowind for it to make sense?

So is the loop like this?
>make potion that increases intelligence
>do it again, but now it's stronger because of that first increase
>repeat ad inifitum to the point where your potions buff stats into the quadruple digits and last for real-time weeks


>actually using the worst bow and arrows when you have access to at least steel ones straight away for pennies

so what
>go to wolverine hall
>buy the three ingredients
>make as many you can with that stack
>drink them
>make more
>drink them all (it stacks)
>on the 5th stack of 10 youve made you will start hitting stupid levels
>it begins to sky rocket

have the creature approach you like it's attacking but open dialogue, and the dialogue available would already be decided by your language skill

>cast is instant so you can stack enormous damage instantly
>can cast from any school of magic with 0 proficiency in them
>enchanted items slowly recharge while mana doesn't
>can stack multiples of the same type of enchant if you each on a different item
>make about 4 rings that fortify ~150 points of int for a few seconds
>cast one, goto pause menu, cast the next, repeat, to increase enchanted creation success rate and make any enchant you want

best way to play the game

>morrowind "immersion"

Pretty much. Alchemy is gloriously broken.

It's a good starting concept, but talking before every battle encounter would be tedious. Unless it only works on higher daedra who are rare. But even then, it breaks the flow of the game. A dedicated try talking button working on rolls? Still seems tacked on.

Maybe for use only on higher daedra when using space on them instead of attacking? Also different races of people on Tamriel? NPCs would have to be edited for some of them not to talk regular Tamrielic.

One of the things I like about Morrowind. I remember once when I played as a Breton, I made a few hundred restore magicka potions that restored 800 something points for 15 minutes. It was pretty fun.

I figured out as a small child that I could steal the soulgems in the balmora mages guild and use them to enchant a fucking ridiculous sword, and kill guards to sell their armor.

1,000,000 gold in no fucking time

im trying this now. im actually still at the beginning stages, these potions arent that strong relative to what you can do

Alchemy is a pleb tier way to break Morrowind

Patricians enchant suits of 80%+ Chameleon and spook the shit out of people (and get slaughtered by werewolves)

that's true, but even then i thought maybe a spell, but how is it any different from dominate or charm at the end of the day?
illusion is a personality skill, which really fits with a bard character
the more i think about it the less i see a reason to actually have the language skill


So will side stepping and waiting for them to run out of magicka I believe.
Missile weapons and mages are always easy to beat in TES.

So I can become Spagett?

>the more i think about it the less i see a reason to actually have
That's how I feel about most Daggerfall features its fans tout as being the reason the game is better than Mw.

fuck around with the disposition values, and probley the topics of conversation. If you and another npc talked two different languages but knew a little of x you can only ask them the most basic of topics. Trying to talk about quest info would require finding an npc that actually spoke a language you knew and such.

How do I make godlike potions and enchants? Every time I try playing this game I get the shit kicked out of me constantly. I've tried enchanting and potion making but both end with lackluster results, and failing more than half the time.

i mean skill merging isn't necessarily a bad thing, you don't need all these different skills if they're redundant because you get to a point where it's inhibiting gameplay since your class archetype is too spread out over so many skills to be really viable
climbing is probably the only skill from daggerfall that should've been carried over since it would've had some practical use

The game will become boring.
Enjoy the suck because the alternative is worse.

>can't even kill a rat
how shit can you possibly be at a video game

find an npc that sells two ingredients to make fortify intelligence. After you buy them check to see if the vendor restocks those ingredients, there is a bug that if they restock you can resell them what you bought and they will restock the new number letting you buy hundreds of whatever a day. Make a single fortify INT potion and drink it and then make another and so on.

You named your Dark Elf character Michael? That's pretty fucking gay and very unimaginative.

Why is Morrowind the only game in the series that embraces the crazy lore? Every other game is pretty standard "go kill the evil dude" stuff.

>100% Chameleon Enchant

no one gives a shit about main quests

Well, the problems with Daggerfall's language skills are as follows:
1. They are completely passive: there's nothing you can actually DO with the skills. All they do is occasionally make certain types of creatures not attack you on sight.
2. They are extremely slow to level: your skill is "checked" each time a creature spawns, so your best way to grind it is essentially to find a dungeon with the enemy type of your choice near the entrance and repeatedly exit and enter the dungeon. If you're lucky the same enemy will keep spawning, though sometimes it'll cycle through other enemy types that can appear in that dungeon. Keep in mind that your skills only level up when you sleep and there is no notification when a skill is ready to level up, so you have to randomly sleep during this process since doing it while your skill is ready to level up is a waste of time.
3. There are too many of them. There are only two language skills in the entire game that actually effect multiple enemy types: Daedric and Orcish. Furthermore, only Daedric and Dragonish actually affect POWERFUL enemies that you are likely to encounter late game due to level scaling. Every other skill (Impish, Nymph, Giantish, Centaurian, Spriggan) not only effects a single enemy type that you are unlikely to encounter with any frequency, they are also all weak as fuck enemies that become extremely rare at high levels, making way for Liches and Ancient Vampires, Daedra Lords, and level-scaled human enemies.

So the fixes are pretty simple in my mind:
1/2: Make it something you can actually use, like the feature Oblivion added where you can block and press space to yield to human enemies. Use this control as a universal "communicate with hostile" interaction which checks your language skill. If you pass the check, start a dialogue minigame similar to SMT demon negotiation to try to get them to stop attacking or maybe give you an item, flee, or join you temporarily in battle.
3: Fewer broader skills.

you don't have to do a 100% chameleon enchant just because you're doing enchant

This is obviously a Cuckbride thread.

You can also use Azura's Star and top tier gear for permanent restore/fortify stats, and temporary spells that are insanely useful. I play on an xboxhueg and last stopped because i had levitation and speed fortifications out the ass and the game kept crashing when I'd start sprint-flying across the map too fast, lol