*plays over 1000h*
>well honestly I liked better the 2 hours of stealth gameplay from MGS4, V was shit
*plays over 1000h*
Its always better 2 hour of new stuff than a 1000 hours of doing the same shit over again.
what about the first 2 hours of those 1000 when it it felt like new stuff?
>MGSV has good gameplay meme
The controls are good, but every other element of gameplay is shit.
Brainlets think controls = gameplay.
Even the 1 hour of GZ is way better than my 70 hours of TPP
So what makes it bad from a gameplay perspective? Haven't played the series since 3 and thinking of picking up the legacy collection before jumping into 5
Yeah those cramped hallways that railroad you through pseudo-stealth sections and turret/shooting gallery sections really shake things up each playthrough
Hey, anyone got any tips about FOBs? I was about to start my own thread but I seen this.
This guy keeps raiding me over and over again and stole all my damn anti-air guns and I'm on my last nerve. I just want to develop my shit. All advise I see for the game is 2 years old. Any exploits? I'm not paying for microtransactions.
>tfw when couldn't connect online to play FOB missions
>tearing my hair out trying to figure it out
>spend all morning playing story missions and side ops while still looking for solution
>hours later I restart my Xbox
>suddenly lets me connect online
>remember that they still do periodic "scheduled maintenance"
>rejoice and invade someone's FOB with non-lethal security and successfully sneak past everyone
That tranq pistol's last upgrade it's so OP it's not even funny
story is almost non-existent past the first hour
git gud scrub
Just step up your security all the way. Have each FOB have lethal snipers, equip them with battle dresses, use all security devices, gun cams, mines, etc.
All his platforms have security I can't shoot down, and guards I can't tranq. This doesn't seem to be a case of git gud.
Thats the issue. They set off every alarm in the game then just kill all my security. I'm hemorrhaging security.
It's a shame because the controls and movement are top notch, but completely wasted.
you can tranq guards in battle armor if you shoot them beneath the eyes. anyways most pros play lethally, and hurting soldiers and letting them die won't even count as a kill IIRC
That's fucked up. I hate killing security
Well clearly you have fucked somebody pham. You not getting a hit by those Deadskulls autists are you?
The biggest problem is it fell for the open world meme and the world is empty as fuck
The majority of enemy outposts are extremely simple and identical to the others
It gives you lots of options to deal with enemies but no reason to use most of them since tranquing guards from far away then fultoning them is always the objectively best way forward and trying to experiment actively detriments the metagame
Reflex mode and Far Cry-style tagging completely defeat the need for spatial awareness when sneaking
Stuff like the animal collecting is literally pointless, has no tangible effect on the game, and just adds to the checklist of things to do for 100%
Honestly there's nothing wrong with that, there's plenty of short games that are better than drawn-out longass games. I just played Prey and while the first half is damn near a masterpiece, it wears out its welcome in the second half. There are plenty of games that would be way better if they were a bit shorter. There's way too much padding in a lot of games.
Which weapon will do the job? I've been leaning on Brennan LRS-46 to penetrate armor for kills. It's also one of the few snipers with a silencer. Aside from that I have no idea what other weapons would work. Should I just go full blown commando in every game?
Open world games especially don't know when to call it quits with their main story. BotW did it right, let me go to the endgame any time I want but make it worthwhile to explore the world first.
I'm still planning to do a minimal-upgrade, all-casual-settings-off playthrough. Has anyone here tried something like this?
>It gives you lots of options to deal with enemies but no reason to use most of them since tranquing guards from far away then fultoning them is always the objectively best way forward and trying to experiment actively detriments the metagame
>Reflex mode and Far Cry-style tagging completely defeat the need for spatial awareness when sneaking
>Stuff like the animal collecting is literally pointless, has no tangible effect on the game, and just adds to the checklist of things to do for 100%
I feel like this is a clash between western and eastern approaches when playing a game. Westerners don't care as much about optional, fun approaches if they aren't the most optimal thing in the world while japs just love goofing around and have fun experimenting. Just compared the channels from top western MGS V players (it's all about effectiveness) vs top jap V players (it's all about goofing around and experimenting). Same difference in mindsets can be appreciated in fighting games, where westerners always pick the top tier charas whereas japs try to pick as many varied characters as they like
it depends but most people will modify their weapons to have at least some stun/sleep grenade launcher as an aside (important for PvP duels, not for the AI). Also as for the sniper, a more popular choice is to modify a non anti-material sniper to put one of thos big magazines (even at the cost of less penetration) so as to shoot everything on sight. If you can't modify weapons yet, you're kinda limited in options, so try to complete side-ops 107 through 109 as soon as possible
Doesn't work with FOBshit the only real reason to keep playing this game.
I mean starting a new playthrough. I don't care about FOBs.
>Also as for the sniper, a more popular choice is to modify a non anti-material sniper to put one of thos big magazines (even at the cost of less penetration) so as to shoot everything on sight.
I did this but man does it feel cheesy as heck. It breaks the game vs AI but the real meta is Hand of Jewty and grade 8 battle armor.
After S ranking all of the normal missions and doing a few of the extra difficulty missions, some stuff I thought was annoying was:
>Missions can get repetitive, especially if you're tackling them in similar ways.
>Side Ops feel really tacked on compared to the fun stuff in Ground Zeroes or even some of the stuff in Peace Walker. Taking out multiple armored tank units with helicopters brings me back to the worst moments of PW, and going to X location to rescue a random prisoner doesn't really do anything for me
>The open world isn't used well and traversing it feels more like a waste of time or similar to a timer counting down in a phone game. I'm not asking for a bunch of minigames or whatever, just a more meaningful use of space. I think the same effect could have been achieved through instanced areas.
>The scoring system can discourage possible methods of approach as in most cases it favors speed above all else and can make you feel like you're doing a mission incorrectly when you get a low score.
>Interrogation is a mostly waste of time as you rarely learn anything of value, or they just straight up refuse to tell you information for some reason, or the codec subtitles overwrite theirs so you miss what they said
>Fultoning out bodies removes a lot of the consequences of taking out guards. Really you only need to watch out for the ~30 m detection range guards have, otherwise you're mostly fine to just clean up whatever mes you may have made.
>The environmental stuff they introduced isn't used all that well. Using stuff like wall cracks on certain missions can be cool, but I never remember them showing up too often, and I only remember using them twice, both times on the same missions. Knocking out comms, power supplies, etc., could be neat, but the noise you would potentially make to do so and the alert you would cause just never seemed worth the trade off because the gain is not that substantial
About half way through Afghanistan I tried making the game a little more fun
>Turn all markers, sense, whatever the fuck off
>Disable Reflex
>Never bring tranqs
>Only guns are an unsilenced rifle and a silenced pistol
>Rifles uses sniper magazines so I only have 40-60 rounds total instead of 200
>Minimal gadgets at low-level of development
It actually made the game fun for a while, but it's still piss easy and samey as fuck.
It lacks a lot the trademark stuff that makes a MGS game. No memorable boss fights or decent villains (Foxhound, Dead Cell, The Cobras, B&B Unit), two whole maps with a whole lot of nothing in between, the enemy variety is meh: dudes in walkers + zombies, boring ass chopper rides, all the good info is stuffed into cassettes instead of proper cutscenes, Snake is an uninteresting mute most the time, the list goes on. There's not much reason to care about is going on V.
I'm 80% done with the game. But FOB invasions didn't become a problem until recently when a huge surge of invaders just started fucking me over. Before then I was just doing side-ops and plinking away at the increased difficulty mode main missions. So now Im being cornered into FOB invasions just to progress.
yeah, once I started a new game and refrained myself from fultoning guys as to slow down R&D. It was fun and you don't break the game as soon as normal
about turning off casual settings, I play always without markers/white indicators/reflex. Gets much better. You can even mod the game (PC) to give enemies better sight and hearing if you want to make it even more difficult.
honestly once you do a no traces run, most self-imposed challenges fall flat (unless you mod the game as stated above)
one little fun challenge is by going full lethal without suppressors (CQC forbidden) and try to end the missions without combat alerts. It will help you a lot in learning how to abuse AI
Xbone, PC or PS4?
>including the B&B unit
is it coincidence that the MGS bosses went to shit once Fukushima left the series?
PS4. Bought it on sale for $10 awhile back. Been logging in everyday just to develop shit and collect the daily rewards.
Skullz event is back and theres a double xp event or something now. I guess I'll just have to start invading people more.
Well clearly someone has put a bounty on your head user because a near dead game like MGSV shouldn't mean that you are getting invasions non-stop. Probbaly some little clancunt has chosen you to be his special fucktoy for the month.
they were more interesting than the shit we got in 5
not that different from the skulls unit, it's just that they had a face and were hot
Do the weekly even Konami sets up. Those bases are usually easy to raid. Then spend your even points on S rank soldiers.
I disagree with that. Skulls Unit was just
>bulletsponge grunt
>bulletsponge heavy guy
>bulletsponge sniper
All of their encounters were either annoying or unremarkable.
B&B unit at least had mechanics and gimmicks going for them during their fights, except for maybe Raging Raven, but at least she could fly. Their backstories were lacking though, because they were just pic related
>one little fun challenge is by going full lethal without suppressors (CQC forbidden) and try to end the missions without combat alerts
That sounds interesting. How does it work exactly? Do you keep enemies constantly dazed with smoke and stun grenades, or do you stay at distance and abuse the sniper rifle?
The B&B backgrounds felt like that one Law and Order SVU greentext screenshot.
>Can't unequip your stupid dangly rifle from your hip
>Even though it always uses the default rifle for cutscenes so it's not like it matters if you have a rifle for them or not
I know you can mod it but I don't give a shit, that should have just been a fucking option.
This argument is parroted ad nauseum by every single Sup Forums user so I don't know what makes you feel so smart and special
Every single mgsv thread is just a repeat of the same shit over and over again
>can't go full Subsistence outside of the designated missions
You can guarantee that Metal Gear Survive is gonna be all about that shit. Survival open-world crafting zombies for everyone.
well yeah mechanically they're better, just thought you were talking about background/charisma/motives/weight in the plot
you can get spotted if you abuse the sniper rifle even with a silencer. They key is not being seen by the enemy, and that means cutting line of sight completely even if you're 200 meters away. You can be sniping enemies in the open with a silencer and get spotted eventually (it seems like they have an alert level that fills up the more you kill people within a soft-alert phase). So if you're going to shoot somebody even when unsuppressed, be sure that no other enemy has line of sight, no matter how far or close (or just kill them before they enact the alert). You can be 5 meters away from an enemy, shoot unsuppressed and still not cause a full alert if you aren't in sight.
>He still thinks Metal Gear Survive is real
I bet you also think Kojima left konami which is why they're now remaking a game he produced
Wait for the end of TGS for the reveal of the REAL mgs5
Where's the seppuku stream, Caramel?
Thats what I've been doing for the past few months famalamb, seeing if its going to be real or just another autist meme.
where is that suicide stream we were promised pussy?
not caramel but you have to be fucking stupid to deny the truth when Konami apparently left the gaming business, and yet we're months away from a full Zone of the Enders 2 remake with VR
*glomps you*
>owo what's this?
980 hours of that were looking for fire resources
>not caramel
Okay Caramel.
stream, we are waiting
glad to see your only argument is using some transexual who probably killed himself already as a strawman
he's Creme Pliskin
Glad to see that you're a legitimate conspiracy nut.
MGSV released 2 years ago. It's time to let go. You people even think a Square Enix game is somehow part of this big MGSV ruse with Death Stranding just because Shinkawa is doing the art.
Now please, stream of suicide or leave.
>not just being a nigger and stealing it off other FOBs
t. shitter
>you people
I don't even know this square enix game you're talking about
being afraid or angry at a generic "they" group is a way bigger sign of paranoia than looking up clues for a videogame which may be part of an arg
Mgs games always had a bunch of years between releases, I don't see how mgsv being 2 years old is any relevant to the announcement of a new one
excellent write up, I just replayed from scratch to mission 50 last two weeks and I completely agree
Yeah, the new game Metal Gear Survive that was announced last year or whatever will be the new Metal Gear game and won't have Kojima involvement because he's working at his own studio now without control of Konami. Just let go and let the man make new stuff.
And please stop being the flat earthers of the gaming community
>Huey was going to put the AI pod inside Sahelanthropus
>Sahelanthropus was basically a walking nuke
>the AI pod was basically the Boss
>trying to literally turn The Boss into a nuke
And I thought I couldn't hate this fucker any more.
>waaah waaah mommyyyyy people won't do what I want them to do waaaah waaaah maybe i-if I insult them online they will stop??? I can't take iiiitttt
Survive is the most obvious fake game ever announced in the history of gaming tbqhwyf
So have any of the consoles ever reached 100% Disarmament? They were at sub-50 on at least one or two platforms back when Konami actively gave updates.
>resorts to dumb greentexting now
Oh boy, you conspiracy nuts are all the same. You may not be Caramel, not sure if I believe that but whatever, but you're basically him anyway.
Just let go. Obsession like this isn't healthy.
Kojima is done with Metal Gear, and I don't know what it will actually take for it to make crazy people like you to actually see that.
I can't wait until Metal Gear Solid Six: The Survival, it's going to be amazing to see what our boy The Big Boss does next.
you mean The Huge Chief?
The Substantial Sneaker
Poisonus Reptile
Why does it make you so upset that people believe and say what they want? That's the number 1 sign of insecurity and low self esteem
Noone is ever going to just bow down and do what you say because you whine too hard, maybe your parents when you were 5 but I'm assuming that's not the case anymore
If you play with markers, you are not playing MGSV as it was supposed to be played.
but user, we will never play MGSV as it was supposed to be played. The game is unfinished
Because MGS Conspiracy nuts are actually the worst
You're all just annoying and the shittiest part of this fanbase by far.
Maybe you would stop being such a huge disappointment to your parents if you weren't so retarded.
I'm fully convinced that MGSV permenantely damaged the minds of some players.
The missing content made them feel so much phantom pain that they couldn't let it go and fell into a spiral of insanity while trying to connect every small detail.
Just stating simple facts nothing to get your panties in a bunch over lad
Yeah that's Cygames moneyhatting a remaster of a game they like, sorry Caramel
I mean, people were building up this shit for YEARS before the game was released and now even years later they still persist for some reason, using the smallest scraps they can find as ammunition for their crazy theories.
It'd be sad if it didn't annoy me so much. It's hard to feel sympathy for people who actively drive down discussion by handwaving stuff as part of "the ruse" or trying to force in their crazy theories that expose "the ruse"
>le reddit asterisks of epicness
I liked the base building, a little too much.
>le 4chen reaction pic of contempt
MGS4 was disappointing, but at least it felt like Metal Gear.
MGSV was disappointing and felt like a Ubisoft game.
Only retards would say MGS4 was better than any other MGS game. 4 was literally Kojima taking a piss.
I actually wish the base building was more in depth.
Custom Motherbase layouts would have gone a long way on its own to make Motherbase feel more like a home base, and even adding stuff like building where soldiers hang out would have been cool. Maybe have a cafeteria you can visit to have special events with the main characters or even your generic soldiers.
I dunno, I just wanted something more than what we actually got
Reminder that majority of MGS4's movie time is spent in the mission briefings or after the final boss fight (see the 1 hour post-credits epilogue), and it in actuality has around a 60/40 split between gameplay and cutscenes. There's also the fact that it's ironically more free than MGSV, doesn't have scripted bullshit like the entire prologue and truth mission in MGSV and is a better conclusion to the series overall
What? MGS4 is not more free just because MGSV has a couple of scripted missions in the entire game. That's like 1% of the whole experience.
The helicopter was tedious as fuck desu.
MGS4 is more free as in there's more you can do with the gameplay. You got Octocamo, actual variety with your weapons, including the Mantis and Sorrow dolls and a fucking railgun. That, and every level layout felt as if they were actually finished, and they have actual level design to them offering you options and ways to play that you'd just skim over in V because all you have to do is tell your dog to distract a guard, run up, click R2 and then fuck off with your S Rank.
There's also the fact that you don't have to hold O to pick up items and everything is fluid, and there are actual easter eggs and optional content that fleshes things out, like every MG game had until V got rid of the codec for cassette tapes
>they still persist for some reason
because they keep prodding disarmament (obviously for MB coin purchases, but conspiracy fags can't see that) and because we know so little about death stranding, along with the ongoing controversy surrounding kojima's departure from konami/cancellation of sillent hills/silent hill5
the real nogger jogger is the sleepwalker and decima trademarks
Hey Caramel, how's that Silent Hill multiple dimension bullshit going for you?