Will you buy it?

Will you buy it?

Looks like a good old cod2 remake.

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Fuck no, marketer san.

Remember to sage marketing threads.

i just missed cod, wtf are tou talking about?

yeah i'll grab it during an activision """""""sale"""""" 10 years form now when it drops to 30% off

No I hope this industry crashes.

>Looks like a good old cod2 remake.
No it doesn't, not at all

I played MW2 and Black Ops 2. That's enough.

no. sprint out times (this is the time you're able to shoot your gun after sprinting, the longer this is, the less free your are to sprint around because some asshole that's pre-aiming behind a head glitch will have the advantage big time) and time to ADS is way too fucking slow = campy as fuck COD. you can keep this pile of shit. games that reward camping are objectively AIDS.

i overplayed the beta to stop myself.
CoD2 took much more skill

Black Ops 2 > Black Ops 1 > World at War > Black Ops 3

No. I didn't enjoy the beta and shotguns are fucked again.

>actually defending modern CoD
>wahh this game is shit because it encourages me to actually check my corners, position properly, and use the map to my advantage instead of sprinting around like a retard
neo-Sup Forums at its finest

Last game that had good maps was black ops. Every game since then from what I've seen has this horrible fucking tiny ass maps to promote le epik rushing hardc0re1!!!! Ruined COD completely.

buy the superior cod 2 remake

how much will it cost

Enjoyed the free beta so yes I will.
Sup Forums needs to stop being so whiny whenever devs include female and race diversity.

It's just because the subject is a lot more vocal now, back then no one gave a shit.

back then it wasn't a problem and being forced unrealistically into historical settings and games

Yeah I didn't get Blops 3 or IW so I'm definitely getting it. I love WW2 and miss CoD. Also excited that they're including the Carentan remake map (sp?)

i think it's about 30$, don't know exactly

It's literally only a problem because of the historical setting

No I have be fooled to many times every year this cod will be the best but now with more loot boxes they get everyone hyped and it's always a let down black ops 2 is the last cod They actually put effort in.

Black Ops 2 was actually a great FPS game. Unfortunately it was the first CoD game I ever bought and I expected all of them to be like BO2. Ghosts was the next one to come out and that game is objectively dog shit. I never played the other 2 BO games though.

I did put Black Ops 2 at the very top though I'm not sure if I underrated WaW by putting it below Black Ops 1 even though both are amazing games. But I like how the choices and decisions you make in Blops 2 matter a lot.

I still haven't finished Blops 2 campaign, should I?

Looks interesting. Do the good guys win in the end? Wait don't spoil it for me.

youre either a pleb or a shill

this is going to be garbage, its made for the modern generation aka dumb idiots who need instant gratification and drip feed rewards every 5 minutes

enjoy your black female SS soldiers with red dot mp40's with 60 rounds and magazine fed kar98k

MW > BO > MW2 > BO2

depends what country you live in

There are multiple endings, so yes.

The definitive post for looking up shit taste.

>wooden reflex sights

I have no problem with playing some CoD but I don't want to play these drab grandpa wars. I'll probably buy the first next BF or CoD that's in a modern or near-future setting.




Shit taste

When will these be in a game

the moment it comes out?

Fuck no, did you see anything of the Beta? Looks like shit, not to mention the multiplayer maps FROM the Beta looked like hot garbage.

>Muh Nazis
>Muh Jews
No thanks

Reminder to report stealth reports

define "fucked." Fucked as in useless or as in how they are supposed to be?

Kill yourself, subhuman.

Useless like in every COD, bar a few

well shit, thats lame. Shotgun mechanics are the only reason i really play those games anymore. BO3 had some stupid (see:fun) ass shotguns. Makes the game super nuts

Who knows they might be buffed, but there was no reason to use one when an SMG killed faster at every range. I love shotguns too, but most FPSes they have shit range and are useless, thats why I loved Battlefield 4 since they had range and I could even use slugs to snipe.

Whenever I see CoD now, I always think about that developer interview for Infinite Warfare. When they said "This is the game we've always wanted to make." I couldn't stop laughing.

Absolutely. I really only play these for the single player and Sledgehammer is the only one that managed to do a good, well-paced story. From what I've seen of the trailers in the last couple of days, they're going to do it again.

Maybe for Nazi Zombies if anything, I much prefer coop games and not many of them are set in both WWII and have fantastical creatures at the same time.

From my experience with the beta, shotguns seem to use the same damage mechanics from BO3 but there's no movement system so you're fucked if they start shooting back at you. You also can't one shot with the semi auto because of the damage mechanics. The fire ammo seemed to increased your overall damage but reduces your initial damage so you'll often shoot someone, die, and get the kill afterwards. There was a lot of bitching about the fire ammo and shotguns in general so I wouldn't be surprise if they get nerfed.

It was 50 canuck bucks during E3 so I said fuck it and got it. Haven't really played CoD seriously since BO1, at least it's not some futuristic bullshit trying to be Halo/Titanfall/etc. anymore.