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Because Skyrim looks like shit also is that really SSE?

Of course lol
You can easily tell it because it has no subsurface scattering.

Well there's your problem, don't use ENBs. Download something like Realistic Lighting Overhaul, something within the game that makes it look good. Then download a decent water mod, some HD landscape textures, the Static Mesh Improvement mod, then Immersive Armors. That's the problem when you mod shit, unless everything looks 10/10 perfect (which it won't), you start to notice the imperfections

What the fuck is your problem Todd?

>Why SSE even exist
So consolefags will rebuy it l

Is there a single ENB that genuinely improves the look of the game instead of just cranking the saturation to ridiculous levels?

There are plenty that just fix the shitty shadows and add some more effects without fucking up the colors.

Yes, there's a select few that tweak with/add lighting sources to make them look much more natural, and guys, this game is almost 7 fucking years old, and a huge open world, what do you expect? You can't really say this games visuals didn't blow you away when it came out in 2011. If you don't like the damn game why even make a thread about it, do you seriously get that much joy from shitting all over a game you supposedly don't like?

>huge open world
>takes 15 minutes to cross the whole map on foot

Yeah it sure is huge bro :^)

I already have those mods and the game looks even worst without ENB.


That honestly looks loads better. Get a better ENB.



it's hilarious watching switch diehards defend their port saying it's totally the special edition, zenimax and bethesda just don't refer to it as such in any marketing or promo material for no reason i guess!

OFF looks better.

actually disgusting

Because paid mods and current gen marketability

This looks better. Imo

Yeah nearly 15 square miles is nothing, get the fuck out of here.

Stop crying you lucky cunt.
I can't even run SSE with mods kek the new engine rapes my system.

What does that have to do with this thread?


shit doesn't even have skse, the main component to modding



What? Skyrim looked like crap on release compared to other games at the time.

I just think it's funny that they made this big fancy Special Edition re-release but then had to turn off a bunch of the improvements to get it to run on a Switch, and won't call it SE while their fans defend it as definitely being SE, cuz they are delusional

I only need the new CBBE to be happy with my SSE also RaceMenu.

no it cant be true

isnt it not being actively worked on? when was this put up

Just download CBBE and fap. Everything else is irrelevant in this game.

It was literally the most popular, best looking (FOR IT'S SIZE) game of 2011.

There, I wrote it in bigboy letters so you wouldn't have to hurt yourself

CBBE is not released yet.


There should be one of those stupid comics about MORE SATURATION when it comes to ENB and other filters for games.

What about futa mods?

Considering BF3 launched right around the same week as Skyrim did in 2011, it certainly was NOT the best looking game of that year.

That wasn't saturation, that was temperature.

Those games are extremely different and run exceptionally differently. I guess "bigboy" letters weren't enough for you.

It's the same shit. MORE COLOR and MORE BLOOM with every single pack.

Don't you sass me, boy.

Don't reply to me again

No man, what I'm saying is that instead of raising all color values, this particular ENB only raises warm color values. Red, Yellow, Orange ect. Hence temperature

Why'd you reply for me sir? I wouldn't mind keeping on talking to the guy as long as it's not a one sided conversation on both parts like it has been so far.

I will.

I said don't reply to me again

>new update breaks CC for SE users using the skse64

Even though Skyrim is shit, SE version is for idiots who is willing to buy the same game again on console

What part of all that shit is in the same vein don't you understand.
Also explain why the water got all fucked up blue/green then too

I've been debating getting the special edition for the past 3 days since my PC died.
Guess this thread decided for me

So you're buying it?
Good work

What Loli mod?

You stop that, Todd.
Reverse psychology won't work on me


Hey, you're the one saying that you will purchase Skyrim Special Edition and I'm congratulating you.
You won't regret it as you have access to tons of amazing mods!

Why are ENBs always so god damn overkill.
All you need to do is just some light tweaking

I said stop it, Todd.
Don't you have an oblivion special edition to work on?


Because when you add warm yellow values to blue it makes green. Think about it

I'm actually happy with SSE because the performance is amazing on my system (GTX 1080 /i7 4790) I mean Oldrim used to crash a lot and the stutter was awful. On the other hand SSE has not any kind of stutter and I play it in constant 60fps.
It only need more mods to be perfect and of course all of this depends on SKSE Team.

>all of this depends on SKSE Team.
>he doesn't know
SKSE team not only quit, but they stopped getting help from beth with development.
Interestingly this happened right before CC was announced.

But user SKSE64 it's on alpha now. Some modders are working on their old mods.
It will be released soon.

who the fug is running it then
they all quit
beth stopped talking to them because jewish

ECE was released but it's on alpha too.

Also expired6978 is working on the new RaceMenu.

SKSE Team is almost the same. The only fags who are mad with Bethesda are the SkyUI Team.

Does it look washed out on purpose?

Call me when it's 2019, at this rate we'll never get both the stability and the eye-candy.
At least they're not abandoning it.

They are not mad with Bethesda lol They have real jobs now btw SkyUI team no longer exist.

does SSE still crash like a motherfucker when modded like the original?

>skyrim is nearly 7 years old

I'm not OP but I can answer that.
SSE is stable as fuck you can't even notice stutter.
Of course depends on your system if you have an ancient piece of hardware and you can barely runs Oldrim with ENB I don't recommend you to install mods on SSE.

>First Image: somewhat muted, hints of color everywhere though

now I'm really excited, hopefully I can finally finish a modded play through of skyrim this time

Should I just switch from SSE back to vanilla? I'm missing out on way too many sex/loli mods

SSE only worths because performance. I can't even touch the piece of shit of Oldrim now.
But some mods will never be ported :(

things are moving slower only because it's such an old game. actually, compared to the original mod scene of skyrim, things are moving pretty quickly. they know all the tricks to get things to work properly.

Better performance vs Better mods.
Original Skyrim still the best.


Enjoy your crashes.

Last I heard, enb doesn't fully work on sse. It just post processed stuff, and didn't actually change the shaders and crap.

As long as racemenu still isn't ported, sse will always look like crap.

Different question. Are there any good not focused on fugging slave/prisoner mods? Only one i could find is some old and dead Paradise Halls which may not even work and loverslab stuff. I just want to have my farm of slaves working for me. I don't want fugging to be all there is to do with slaves.

>You can't really say this games visuals didn't blow you away when it came out in 2011

Crysis came out in 2007
Far Cry 2 came out in 2008
Grand Theft Auto 4 came out in 2008
Two Worlds 2 and Arcania came out in 2010
Motherfucking Red Dead Redemption came out in 2010
Dead Island came out in 2011.

Nothing about Skyrim looked good visually even with the size considered even back when it came out. Go the fuck away Todd.

I fucking love when people install ENBs that don't even do what ENB should. Like you could use sweetfx alone and gain 500 FPS but instead you just use a featureless ENB that makes the game look worse.

>Retards still can't figure out how to mod after half a decade


SSS isn't that noticeable rly.

>thinking noise looks good

I can still remember playing this and Fallout 3/New Vegas on a standard definition TV. Good times indeed. Wouldn't mind playing them like that again. Is it just me or is playing pre, say 2015 games on SD TV's so satisfying?

Because Berthousde

Noise? Those are shadows.

its a gif you fucking doofus

leave it to game developers and modders to have absolutely no idea what outside looks like.