Wtf was her problem


She wanted to bang the shota.

Her armpits weren't being worshiped. Don't worry, I have it covered now.

too much space between her legs

you're a good man

>not stomach and navel

Looks like she could use some protein shakes.


beta fetish

>beta fetish
Dumb armpitfag.


She was dissatisfied after Hope failed to find his penis

>implying otherwise
Dumb armpitfag. True men know midriffs are the patrician taste.

No problem, I'll fill the gap.

Everyone i know who has had a navel fetish has been a turbo beta. Even footfags score above you.

Hope was not given the opportunity to understand what Lightning was trying to do with her /ss/ attempts failed at seducing him.

so are you going to remake this thread every day autist? same picture, same OP, get raped.

You are just making up nonsensical shit, man. Midriffs are superior because it makes sense unlike disgusting armpits, you double nigger. You are even lower on the totem pole then inflation fags.

Built for sex.

these are some nice memes

Please take your tired stale DBS general memes back to your containment threads on Sup Forums. You retard.

you could fit 30 people in there

how about you take your beta navel fetish back to and cry more

Lightning is my BAE
>Be there when she gets home
>Ask her how her day was
>Encourage her to do her best tomorrow, too!

Nah faggot. Also proof of it being a >beta fetish?

do you also prep the bull?

Slim legs and skinny body is the perfect body. Fucking Americans and their shitty nigger taste

Who spends the time to make shit like this? lol.

>What do you think about Nicolas Ghesquière’s vision and his collections? Do you recognise yourself in his creations?

>Though his style was new to me, the moment I laid eyes on his collection, it was as if I was hit by a bolt of lightning. I knew that with this, people could change. I could change. It turns out I was right. His collection fills me with a sense of serenity and pride. All this time, I thought the only style that suited me was one that mirrored who I was: strong and tough. But I was wrong. He changed the way I see myself. Perhaps I’m finally learning who I truly am.

Reminder that this is canon.

Welcome to cuckchan!


she has literally no ass, practically an amputee

Does anyone actually waifu her, unironically?

The same shitposter who probably spams gay black cocks on /his/ and is likely a Turk.

Personal experience with betas like yourself. Google your fetish and see how many sex starved autists and how little truly related porn shows up because you losers never get laid.

>Personal experience
I doubt you have any experience at all in that field, user.
>porn related shows up
Who cares.
>dude sex man
Get out.

I-I want one of these cards

>never get laid
says the fag posting on a chinese fingerpainting mural while talking about armpits. where do you think you are, mongoloid?


>implying I'm the armpit fag

Whatever helps you sleep at night

wh-what about the adonis belt of a woman?

You are the armpitfag.

sounds like someones mad

>no hips and skinny body
>will die during childbirth

Sounds like a genetic failure to me.

I'm actually not, I just joined the argument when a navel beta (You) started preaching.

NO ASS. you can't make a game about a girl, give her slutty clothes and give her no ass

She is Nomura's waifu so he kept shoving her into every game possible even though she's a terrible character.

Does anyone know where the unedited original is from? I tried looking for any kind of FFXIII guro or the like and got nothing


>wanting a woman with a body that is designed against child birth

Wrong person. You're thinking of Toriyama, I believe.

its only 2 pages

the page you know and some quick background

really nothing worth looking for

no, sorry, she's mine. Stay away from her you pigs

>some autist spent christ knows how long making this

Cucks are really trying to one up furries ain't they.

Why is that boy wearing women's underwear.

>want to play XIII-3 waifu returns
>beat XIII ages ago
>trying to suffer through XIII-2 but it keeps crashing on PC and the shit framerates on my 1070 piss me off
Should I just give up on XIII-2 and play lightning returns?

As beta as that is I'm not sure footfags are above it. Maybe neck and neck

japs don't care about pc


Not working, armpitfag.

Jesus christ literally the body of a 14 year old boy.

Even Luna was hotter than her.

Wtf is wrong with that figure. She looks totally disgusting in this picture.

literally a supermodel body

Maybe for furniture. She reminds me of a well used cutting board.

Pictured: the least attractive girl in her game, still hotter than Lightning.

>post yfw you're not the faggot that spent time making this shit

Buy my purse Sup Forums

>cucks are the furries of the 10's
Huh never occurred to me.