Games you dropped faster than a ugly chick on a blind date.
Games you dropped faster than a ugly chick on a blind date
So, are you gonna explain why or?
I find most games put out by NIS are forgettable anime garbage
Its boring
I really liked 2.
it's a shame there will never be a mana khemia 3 the battle system was a step up from the paper mario games story wasn't the greatest thing in the world but no rpg has a well written story
nice headcanon
This fucking game.
Same. But it was a GBA iteration.
Who thought it was a good idea to put a limit on items you could bring in battle? Probably the same guy who thought it was a good idea to count your weapons and armor as items.
The alchemy system was so good though
It gets that cumbersome? I didn't even past intro/tutorial. Hated the UI the overall pacing.
No game should be this complicated desu. The optional tutorial is like 10 hours long.
>Not liking Dept. Heaven
I haven't played them yet but those games are the epitome of JRPGs and you have shit taste for not liking them
Its a puzzle game pretending to be an SRPG.
Oh boy, that voice acting was something else.
I decided to just not.
>I haven't played them yet but here's my completely uninformed opinion
I am very informed when it comes to those games and i know that they're good. Just like how i know that red velvet cake is good even though i've never eaten it
MK1 and 2 are some of the greatest jrpgs in existence.
If you're blind, how do you know she's ugly?
Yakuza 3. I was just bombarded with cutscene after cutscene that I finally gave up and let the game collect dust ever since
>I haven't played the game but you're wrong about the game you played and I didn't
Yeah, eat shit jabroni.
I bought it used from Game Stop and took full advantage of the return policy on the same day.
If you are a weeb maybe. MK characters are too annoying and one dimensional to take seriously.
Fight me
It takes awhile to get started. I stopped at the first planet for a long time before picking it up again. But once it gets going, boy the end game is hella fun. I don't care what others say, Star Ocean 4 is a fantastic game.
Not every game needs to be taken seriously.
The battle system is top tier, the sprites are great, the music is A++ and the humor is Disgaea 1 tier, even funnier than that in MK2's case.
Would you recommend the 360 US version, or the PS3 international version?
PS3 version doesn't require disc changes.
>Meanwhile, the mainline Atelier looks like this and plays like shit
Really man?
PS3 for sure. Besides dual audio and anime portraits, the 360 version is on multiple discs so when you're at the endgame revisiting old planets to do quests or collect materials for crafting, you actually have to keep swapping the disc when you go to a different planet. It's insanely cumbersome.
While convenient, i'll suck it up if they cut content. Are there any major differences in story or playable characters? I'm getting to the end of the first on on SNES and found out yesterday that they added more characters and feel gypped.
Only a weeb would appreciate MK's ''humor''.
I was going to say a child at first, but then I remembered a character whose sole reason to exist is to get fucked by lots of dudes and to breed like crazy.
Oh, holy shit. I thought it'd be like old PS1 RPGs that just keep on on the current disc. Fuck that noise then.
Eh, even ugly chicks are worth a shot.
It's fat chicks you gotta avoid.
Them and chicks who honestly can't think further than their own feelz.
Now, what games have I dropped faster than a fat chick with no awareness?
Thus far, only porn games, because I learn that
And dropped.
basically any weeb game with unimaginative moe pandering design/aesthetics and/or urban sci-fi /school settings with a plot ripped off your generic, third rate LN.
give me your Suikodens, early Wild Arms, Breath of Fires, early Tales, etc. but i'm not going anywhere near Neptunia, Trails of Cold Steel, and the recent Valkyria game.
say what you want about its shitty story but X-2's gameplay is a upgrade to 5 where you can change classes mid fight
"Ugly' usually means fat when it comes to chicks.
If I was on a blind date how would I know she was ugly?
But girls with low self esteem are the easiest to manipulate
>top tier battle system
>everything else....
Jesus Christ
but only after maxing everyone out
If your only complaint is "weeb weeb" then why would you even glance at a game that looks like MK in the first place?
No, actually, the ps3 version adds the anime icons back that were removed from the 360 version for being too japanese, replacing the hud icons with 3D faces instead of the anime ones.
This was boring, dropped after 20 minutes.
>start playing X-2 immediately after beating X
>watch the opening cutscene
>close the game
haven't played it since
I hate the vast majority of people in this thread but that's okay because I would expect the feeling to be mutual
Because not every anime game is as dumb as MK?
>b-but the game doesn't take itself seriously
>the characters are supposed to be that retarded
>shut up, its funny
Where's the brainlet thread when you need it?
Edge of Space.
As a reviewer on the steam page put it: "Starbound's autistic cousin".
That's all you need to know about it.
I got about halfway through this game before I was plain sick of it. Kept trying to convince myself that as a Fire Emblem fan, I should like it.
I tried the PSP port, since the hardware lack of touch input it was replaced with analog nub and it felt really weird, not to mention all other gameplay element is felt way "too creative", entire endless introduction really weirded me out i ended up dropping the game.
I dropped this one too, even though I enjoyed SO 1, 2, and 3 well enough.
>likes ugly girls
>doesn't like futa
get a load of this faggot