How do you feel about this lawyer?
How do you feel about this lawyer?
Aroused. Not nearly enough good porn of her.
Or a bunch of other Ace Attorney girls. It's a damn shame.
She needs to be less of an idiot and get a longer jacket but she's generally fine
I love her
Unnecessary when they still didn't know what to do with Apollo.
I can't wait for AA7 to be about her
Blame the fujos.
She was a lot better in AA6 than AA5. And I don't mean in that there was less of her, it was just better written and her role in the plot was better.
I like her. I want them to do more with her properly. They were on the right track with SoJ, but they're not quite there yet.
At least she's better than Kay.
Haven't played Spirit of Justice yet, but in Dual Destinies she is okay for me.
At least her "lawyer gimmick" is actually different unlike Wright's Magatama which is just regular court gameplay with a spiritual paintjob and Apollo's bracelet which is just staring at someone's armpits and requires no thinking at all.
What's happening to ther?
Athena should've gotten her own game instead of getting forced in a game with Apollo and Phoenix when they already couldn't figure out how to write AJ and Nick together. Apollo should've continued his trilogy with Nick as a guide and then introduce Athena with the emotion gimmick. I thought her thing was pretty weak even if it was better than the bracelet.
Logic Chess > Psychelocks >>>>> Widget > Bracelet
One of the worst characters in the series and why the creative direction of the games suck now
I feel like getting into a fist fight with her and losing on purpose
uh so anyone else kinda uncomfortable with the way SoJ deals with illegal immigration?
playing it now and rayfa is coming off kinda..well..racist...
worst main character girl
>Having one twin wrapping her thighs around your dick while the other laps on the tip
I like her gimmick and both versions of said gimmick's music.
>implying non white characters can be racist
which would you have at each position?
she's pulsating with JUSTICE
>that she gives you when your penis is just too small for her
stupid anime shit right from her opening where she's basically late and stumbling around and just the only thing missing in the toast in her mouth.
the onomatopoeia there are buzzing sounds
the g-spot is only 2 inches into the vagina.
i hope you didn't make this it's so dumb
She should have stayed a loli
Everyone knows all women love having their cervix bashed.
>revealing your insecurity
how are people this fucking stupid?
I really like the way this artist drew this. Great technique.
Better than AJ, but it's a low bar.
I like dicks too
it's apparently painful.
All immigrants are required to grovel at her feet
Do people really not like Apollo?
I thought he got some great development in SoJ and his game was decent, better than DD and JFA at least
I want to humiliate her in court.
The problem with Apollo was that he was a non-character nobody cared about in his own game, pushed the curb in 5 in favor of everyone jerking off to Athena, and then overly pandered too in 6 where literally every character and important plot point is somehow related to Apollo. He finally got the development he needed and 6 is far better than 4 and 5, but it was still really sloppy
>better than JFA at least
Why do people hate JFA? I thought it was the best of the original games.
also, AA4 is the worst game in the series
Kristoph is the best villain in the series
>find uncensored image
>it wasn't futa
There's a futa version you futafag.
no he isn't, and even if he was, that doesn't mean AA4 isn't shit
Keep looking
>Thinks JFA is the best
I mean I already knew your taste was awful. The only good thing about JFA was the last case
The only thing shit about AA4 is the 2nd case. Brilliant 1st case and 4th case and the 3rd case is alright.
Literally the only good case in AA2 is the 4th, and 1 and 3 are two of the worst cases in the franchise.
AA2 does get the added bonus of introducing Franny though.
That's a different user, faggot
GK2 > AA3 > AA1 > AA6 > AA2 => AAI > AA5 > AA4
AA4 has a great first case and a shitty second case, yes.
LOL at the 3rd case being alright. That's the worst in the series. 4th case is the worst finale in the series.
I love AA5 and AA6.
I hope we get AA7 announced soon since Capcom refuses to give us the L O N D O N games.
I want her to humiliate me in court
I must be one of the odd men out, because I liked AA4's darker themes and Phoenix being a fucking secret genius
How good are the DGS games?
She's ooookay. Not sure why she's still there especially after Spirit of Justice. Mood Matrix is pretty cool though. Best thing that came out of her presence is Blackquill.
It's not that the game is completely without redemption because those parts are good, but that doesn't make the entire game good because you're ignoring everything else that makes it bad.
The only bad thing about the game is case 3
The rest is decent up to great
No, the fact that she's an idiot is what makes her good.
I kind of like her. I was all primed to hate the shit out of her when she first appeared, because she had all the marks of an obnoxious Mary Sue with how she's a child prodigy and shit, but to my relief it turned out she's not that at all. Athena is, if anything, a comic relief almost. She's a goofball and completely incompetent at anything that's not law-related. That on top of how she's Wright's biggest fangirl ended up making her quite endearing.
My only issue with her now is that I hate her stupid sidetail.
She can be annoyingly stupid sometimes and looks so out of place in AA universe. probably my least favorite playable character so far.
I also don't like how her back story is just a rehash of edgeworth's.
Yeah, i feel like the hair clashes with her overall design
She'll never be a good lawyer if she keeps letting her emotions get the best of her and speaking before she thinks. Honestly, I don't even understand why she HAS to be a lawyer anymore now that Blackquill is free.
Kay is better than any assistant purely because her theme song is so great.
Worst girl is Trucy. Holy shit, she's so fucking unfunny and they try to make her the joke character so desperately.
>virgins who have never rubbed a g-spot with their fingers
Why open your mouths when you have no idea what you're talking about?
She doesn't but she went through all that trouble to get through law school so she might as well keep doing that job.
Agree that case 3 was shit, but disagree that was the only problem.
My thing is, I don't only judge the games by the quality of the cases. The Ace Attorney games all have the same gameplay, so you can't really rank the games by how they play, so I tend to judge games based on both the quality of their cases and how their stories stand within the entire series.
So my thing is with AA4, it was doomed to fail from the beginning because the inexplicable time skip fucked up the entire story set by the trilogy, and the series direction hasn't gotten any better since then imo. If the game was made to stand alone, separate from Wright and his friends like it was originally supposed to be, I'd probably view it better.
And then even if I judged it solely in a vacuum, I still hate most of the characters and all of the cases except the first one.
I agree that Kay's theme is great, but she's a really shit character.
Maya's the best assistant by default simply because she had the best development, thought to be fair, she also had the most opportunities to develop as well.
magatama is basically logic chess so it's good.
you replied to an obvious bait webm making fun of small dicks. you wouldn't have otherwise if you were either big or secure about your size. no one is denying your attempt to prove to a bunch of anonymous people online on how well you understand women.
When she started I thought she was a Mary Sue. But since Spirit of Justice ruined both Phoenix and Apollo I guess I can grow to like her.
I was incredibly let down when Maya reappeared in SoJ because she hasn't changed one bit. She's still a fucking airhead. I really wanted her to become more like Mia.
Athena's minigame is probably the best of the bunch to be honest, in terms of what it adds to the gameplay. Really bad story justification though. It's breaking the suspension of disbelief how the judge always lets this one bitch give "therapy sessions" to witnesses in the middle of a court session.
I didn't reply to the webm you moron, I replied to the autists thinking you need anything more than fingers to find the g-spot
2-4 > I1 > 3 > 1 > AJ > the rest of 2
Haven't played I2 or the 3DS games, I marathoned the games I played so I got burned the fuck out.
AJ has the best soundtrack btw
They didn't have the balls to do anything with Maya because she's so popular that people would have flipped their shit.
At the same time, they should have done something, because it's fucking weird how she's almost 30 now and still looks and acts almost exactly like she did when she was 16. I would have also expected there to be more overt lust between her and Nick by now.
they're not denying anything about the g-spot
they're just laughing at dicklets who constantly brag about fingering and oral. it's hilarious
In fairness to Maya, none of the returning characters changed at all.
Phoenix reverted to his old self after he became playable again, and Edgeworth, Larry, and Maya are all exactly the same as they were before.
Part of the reason why I think AA4 is the worst. The time skip was retarded.
The timeskip fucked everything up because for some reason they wanted to continue post-timeskip storyline when they instead should have inserted AA5 between 4 and 3.
Point out to me where they bragged about fingering a girl, it's not an accomplishment
And how does being good at fingering and eating pussy = being a dicklet?
You sound like an insecure faggot who needs to assure everyone that you have an average sized dick
It would have been really simple to make her act more like Mia when dealing with others and going back to the same old Maya when speaking with Nick privately. It would develop her character overall while conveniently allowing her to be written in the same familiar way, and in a roundabout way it would be a way to justify why Nick goes between his original and hobo personalities depending on the perspective.
They made Ema do a complete 180 and that worked out fine. I wish they would take that risk on some other characters. All these static characters make the timeline feel a lot shorter than it really is.
>Play new AA game
>Can't get enough lewds of the characters
>Write all sort sort of lewd greentext
>Don't want to fap to anything else
>2 months later
>Totally over it to the point where lewds of the characters do nothing for me any more.
Why does this happen every time?
B-but that'd mean no Apollo in AA5
But AA4 actually tried to either retire the old characters or do something different. AA5 is when it was decided that every possible character from the past games had to snap back to status quo and share the spotlight.
Given what they did to Phoenix in AA4 they were probably to scared to change her in AA6.
What they should have done was make AA4 independent and completely separate from Phoenix and the trilogy.
And since that didn't happen, the events of AA5 never should have happened, the events of AA6 should have been 5 minus Athena, and then 6 should have been something else
Maya's personality looking even remotely like Mia's would be too fucking strange. They've always been different. It would be like Nick suddenly becoming mastermind tier smart in AJ, completely ooc.
Yeah, Ema is the big one, went from a huge perma-PMS turbocunt into one of the friendliest characters in the series. Everyone else they played super safe with.
AA3 was supposed to be the end of Phoenix's story. AA4 was supposed to start a separate series of games with Apollo. Unfortunately AA4 flopped and they got rid of the writer, which is why AA5 and 6 are so derivative
Apollo is a shit character anyway, and so is everyone connected to him.
I want to pinch her nipples and sniff her butthole desu senpai.
I don't think anyone is saying they should drop Maya's dorkiness completely, but it'd be nice if she could be a little more professional instead of cracking wise constantly. Feels like all her training has been a big waste of time. If she was my village's future leader I would be ashamed.
She is dressed like a thot
That only happened because Capcom big wigs forced Phoenix into AA4 when it was supposed to be a completely new cast.
If AA4 left the trilogy alone and was completely new like it was supposed to be, AA4 might actually be decent, the series direction wouldn't be a dumpster truck of a mess, and we wouldn't be discussing this
she was introduced way too fucking early into the series
should've made at LEAST apollo justice 2, maybe a trilogy focused on Apollo, then introduce athena later on
at least spirit of justice gives apollo a somewhat nice backstory and ending with khurain even if its kinda shoehorned in, so hopefully they can redeem athena now too
People change. The last time we saw Maya was, what, 12 years ago in the storyline? 10 years? A huge gap nevertheless. If anything, it's weird that she hasn't matured even a little bit in that time.
Nick becoming a mastermind type was fine too, the guy is super smart, he's only been the bumblefuck he is because he was inexperienced. In AA4 he no longer has that problem.
Why does capcom have a fetish for sabotage?
Why does everyone say Apollo is gone for good? Phoenix was on the phone with Lamiroir at the end of SoJ.
I don't understand why Athena was introduced.
I mean, I realize they wanted the new gameplay mechanic. But I don't think her character is any decent to actually carry cases.