How did they get away with it?

Releasing a game that's objectively worse in every category than the first game of the franchise.

Market saturation may have killed music games initially, but Rock Band 4 murdered any chance of the series returning.

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They couldn't compete with rocksmith so they squeezed the name for the last bits it was worth before disappearing forever.

nigga just play bemani

You can tell HMX is a shell of it's former self, run by millennials these days

I was so hyped and I almost bought an Xbone to play it (to get all my DLC) but then I saw how fucking abysmal the character customization was, the utter lack of features, shitty tracklisting, etc, etc, etc that I just couldn't be bothered. My 360 guitar is broken but I think I'm done with the series altogether now.

Yep. Most of the original dev team is gone. Fucking hell, in their making of RB4 video you can literally see them reading notes from a modder from the CDLC scene on how to chart vocals. No joke.


Not to mention when they released the teaser hyping bringing back online multiplayer, it was basically some hipster fuck just going "online is harrrrrrd guyyyyssss" for like 10 minutes.

> How did they get away with it?
They didn't get away with it, no one cares about RB4. RB3 was the last game in the series. 4 was just a final, desperate attempt to cash that some how ended up being more pathetic than Guitar Hero Live


It's a real shame it was so bad. If they had literally re-released RB3 on the new consoles, it would have been better.

I bought the band kit on xbone for 90 bucks. Still pull it out every now and then when friends come visit. Good for a 30 minute play but it is shit compared to the older ones

They should have just done this.

Release RB3 but with a new base setlist and maybe some new clothing items.

Fucking shitlords, I swear. How can you not support devs that try so hard to be more inclusive, let you choose a "masculine" or "feminine" body type instead of forcing a gender upon yourself, and let you categorize songs by gender of vocalists, including an option for nonbinary singers.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go prep my bull.

RB was amazing for the multiplayer.
I love bemani, but full band RB is fun as shit, and It'll probably be the closest I ever get to experiencing a linked gitadora in my life.
Also it was nice to be able to play a rhythm game with non-rhythm game fans, which is basically all my friends. Even among gaming spergs, most people don't have the patience for Bemani.

Rock Band peaked at 2. It's a shame, I dug the keyboard.

EA had nothing to do with this game and had dumped Harmonix and the Rock Band brand literally the day that RB3 was released.

Truth. RB2 by far had the most polish and fleshed out career, amazing customization.....fuck.

RB2 really the greatest Western achievement in the rhythm genre. Even without considering the thousands of songs available as DLC, the on-disc song list is amazing,
The presentation was also really nice, had a pleasant cartoony art style without looking childish like the GH series did.

I worked on RB4
ask me anything

But they're adding super freak tomorrow.
I'm glad I have a new platform rock band, I only usually play quick play, but clearly understand how watered down this was from 3's content

Why did it suck so much and how did the team feel about shitting on a beloved franchise?

How does it feel knowing that you were part of the force that single-handedly killed Mad Catz?

I know it sucks losing a publisher as big as EA/MTV, but man does it suck knowing that 4 could have been better

>how fucking abysmal the character customization was

Yeesh, don't remind me.

They couldn't even be assed to make bodies with distinct sexual characteristics. You literally just get taller with broad torso or shorter with petite hourglass figure.

>Somebody Told Me
>Metropolis Part 1
>Pull Me Under
>Dude (Looks Like a Lady)
>Locked Out of Heaven
>Light Up the Night
>That Smell

And so many more songs with no playable keyboard part, what the absolute fuck? So many new songs with shitty guitar charts that throw on any random instrument.

I get that Viacom were a bunch of kikes who tried to screw them out of their hard work, but did they really think going indie would help Rock Band in the slightest?

How do you feel about all the pop DLC?

They still haven't released all of the old DLC 2 years later. A lot of it is locked behind preorder bonuses from various different stores.

Favorite song to play on each instrument?

Were you there when HMX let the guy who made Rock Band Blitz go?

was there ever a plan to port the game on PC even if the crowdfunding campaign didn't succeed?

>Mad Catz
They had cleaned up their image...
They were now a respectable..
It's not fair.

>GH WoR was great but came too late into the over saturated market. Same for DJ hero.
>RB 4 got fucked because bad business decisions.

Man I really feel that rhythm games are phasing out, not even miku have a certain future.

>no playable keyboard
You got to be fucking kidding me. Was it at least the full length version of the song?

I played ridiculous amounts of rock band games and I forgot RB4 even existed

Was there a technical reason why they couldn't just reuse assets from RB3? There's so many things that were omitted or barebones that could have just been ported over instead. Like said, RB3.1 would have been better at times than what we got.

It is, but it's all Keytar crap. Y'know the kind of charting they had mostly phased out after RB1.

Also RB4 has "Hail to the King" by Avenged Sevenfold and "The Seeker" by The Who, and forces you to play rhythm guitar for the more difficult sections.

It's a shit show.

>tfw no Blitz on Bone/PS4

I enjoyed the game as a way to play songs without breaking out the plastic.


>GH WoR was great but came too late into the over saturated market. Same for DJ hero.
Those two games got cucked by their own publishers. Activision is completely responsible for the over-saturation of western rhythm games. Guitar Hero went off the fucking rails with spinoffs like Band Hero, Smash Hits, Metallica, Aerosmith , Van Halen, as well as a yearly main GH game.
EA published a bunch of spinoffs too, but they felt a lot less like cash ins and all except Beatles had exportable songlists, so you could just stick to RB2 for the majority of the plastic guitar wars.

Is GH LIVE worth picking up for 50 bucks?

To be a bit fair, GH also charted keyboard on some songs.

Is the staff actually incompetent sjw millenials like this guy said?

Why did you guys try to outsource the PC version? You guys were clearly getting ripped off by that price estimate.

>Fucking loved Rock Band 1
>Didn't like Rock Band 2's set list at all
>Had grown out of it by the time 3 came around.
How was 3 anyways?

here's my question

FUCK YOU___________________________________________________________________________

>How was 3 anyways?
Fun setlist. A bit more indie than RB1 and RB2 in some areas. But still a lot of big names to give it balance. Keys were a fun addition, and the vocal harmonies feature being kept from The Beatles: Rock Band was cool.

Character customization was the best the entire series. The only real downside was that Career mode was skimped on, and was relatively short compared to 1 and 2.

Worse than 2 aside from keyboards and menus. The soundtrack relied on too many poppy radio hits that older generations would enjoy.

>>Didn't like Rock Band 2's set list at all
How the fuck is possible? Unless you don't like rock music at all, I don't see how someone could have this opinion.

Thats something I hate about 4, the character customization is awful,
Why did you guys drop the ball on that one?

Revolver was their worst album by fucking far.

Metallica and Aerosmith were fine. Band Hero and Smash Hits were pure cash in. And I dunno what they were thinking with Van Halen.

But releasing all those games close to each other was really stupid even for jews, even worse because Ninty cucked then with DSI and 3ds so all those shit for On tour got useless.

>Character customization was the best the entire series
It was a lot harder than RB2 to make custom logos on shirts and instruments. You had a much smaller area to work with, and things wouldn't stick the way you wanted them too. I remember struggling with it a lot and thinking it was vastly inferior to RB2's character create, at least in that facet.

I suppose I'm more thinking of how in-depth the face and body builders were in RB3.

Did they get away with it though you memey tard? It barely sold

>tfw wasted like 5 years of my life playing thousands of hours of RB/GH and got pretty good at it
>kind of lament I didn't use that time to play actual guitar because I could've been a lot better than I am now and the games are basically dead
Rocksmith is okay though. I don't like ubisoft's meme about it being the best way to learn guitar, but it's probably the best tool I've ever had for learning individual songs.

Difficulty plateauing is what killed the genre.

Once you had expert down you'd blow through the sequels in 20 minutes.

>tfw no Taxman or And your birds can sing
Wtf the point of Rock band 4? Should've just let the series die.

Do you guys like the Jimi Hendrix guitar charts? They were always too messy imo, not very fun

I was around more for the expansion than the original game, so the mindset was "let's make this game better" more so than talking about what went wrong.

a bunch of us hated it, but accepted that it was making money and kind of needed to be there. It was more "I guess this is what today's generation likes" than anything

Panic Attack on guitar, YYZ on bass, Bat Country on drums, Ghost of Perdition on vocals.
I was out before the big layoff wave, but the I'm still amazed they did it. He was also the guy behind RBN iirc

It was a new engine and there was only so much code they could reuse, that explains stuff like practice mode initially not being there. I'm not really sure about visual assets though.

That was a bit before I was there.

>promised all this shit at launch
>Half assed full filled them or blatantly didn't include it at launch and charged the player for it later
>Then on top of that the calibration was always off on every TV I would play on.

I was hyped as fuck, the hipster as fuck teaser made me feel like it was going to be so inspired and it was the opposite when it came out.

>Having shit taste in music

This actually. I really enjoyed replaying songs, but nothing beats your first time playing one of the games from easy/medium all the way to expert. GH2 was my first and I can still remember how awesome it felt to finally get to the final set of songs and beat free bird on medium, then struggling to get through any hard songs, and then finally five starring Hangar 18 and beating Free Bird.

They killed madcatz ;(
Who am i suppise to trust with sticks now? Razer? Fuck no

Having an epiphany and realizing that I should move my hand along the neck to hit orange was something magical. And then figuring out I had to strum up and down for Knights of Cydonia.

Nigga just buy Qanba. The obsidian is like the best stick on the market right now.

All you have to do is anchor green on TTFAF.

Everyone says that its hard but after intro the song is somewhat simple.

Now fury of the storm is bullshit and you don't have a huge ass timing window to help.

afaik EA still owns rights over it so they can't do anything with it

EA won't even issue new RB/RB2 export codes to customers and discontinued support because they're a terrible business.

it's a shame because RB3 is the most perfect rock band. they fucked up removing pro drums mode in RB4, and all of your inputs blatantly snap to a 16th beat or something queer easy like that making it turbo easy mode for normies. you also can't buy any new DLC for RB3 anymore. huge fucking shame about this franchise and a big disappointment to me since it's literally the only PS3 game that's been in my PS3 for two years.

Pro Drums is in RB4

>those songs you were dying to play but never made it in

I can only replay megadeth songs so much before I get bored. Their DLC sucks.

they didn't remove support but afair you can't see the cymbals. what is pro support if you can't see the cymbals? did that change or is my memory fucked?

also post your favorite song to drum to

You can play customs on RB3. Shame about removed DLCs, those ones will never come back.

Good. Rock Band was pretentious and boring shit, anyway.

Not that Guitar Hero going Tryhard in 3 and then stupidity thinking it could sell out afterwards is any better, but at least 1 and 2 were refreshingly tongue-in-cheek.

>You can play customs on RB3.

Doesn't that only work for the xbox version?

I had a buddy who was ridiculously invested in the series and had spend god knows how much on DLC and he convinced himself this was totally them making an effort to unify everything and create a shell for the most amazing Rock Band ever instead of being a cynical low fucking effort cash grab by a floundering developer.

You can convert to Wii DLC format, and some ps3 versions work too.

It's a rhythm game you sperg.

>they fucked up removing pro drums mode in RB4
they didn't

Yeah cymbals are there.

>refreshingly tongue-in-cheek.
Yeah, not at all like all the other mid-2000s games that were super serious and grimdark.

Rockband 4 objectively did EVERYTHING worse:

Rockband 1:
-HEIGHT (and any combination between the two sliders)
-Skin Color
-4 Genres (Punk, Metal, Goth, Garb) ((Each with a Torso, Legs, and Feet option))
-Accessories (Include Glasses, Earrings, Wrist, Rings, and Gloves) ((Some of which could overlap to make interesting designs))
>Cosmetics (Hair with secondary color option, Makeup, and freely moveable Tattoos and Facepaint so you could make your own unique, shitty KISS-like designs)
>20ish different tattoo artist genres, placable on your arms and torso
>Designable or custom Band Logo

RB4 has like 8 options between faces, and you can either be a twink or an emaciated chick
It has no distinctions between the tops bottoms and shoes. It's like going from Morrowind's armor and clothing to ESO's where all clothing and cosmetics are hardly separate models and more like different textures

There's so much more to go on about. If you bought this game you were ripped off. It's like they purposefully took out features

I can't tell if you're agreeing or being sarcastic.

Yeah, the venues and narrative tone were edgy, but the narrative tone was still dad-joke level sarcastic and the venues couldn't be boring or filled with rainbows and unicorns.

if they're not gonna sell export codes anymore at least patch it to make it free. literally angers me to my bones that i can't play rock band 2 songs in rock band 3 because i missed the export code window. just take the network check out and make it check if it's a real rock band disc. it's not like 1-3 are selling new copies anymore.

Where the fuck is online matchmaking? Are we ever gonna get some kind of versus mode?

Did they close the window on 3? I remember exporting it after I bought 4. I know 1/2 is impossible due to licensing bullshit, they could renew it but they think people won't buy it and it won't make money if they did.

Guitar Hero won that vs battle anyway, better games and one of the best versions had a pc version(GH3).

That's ANOTHER thing they fucked up

The only real online element to RB4 was that you could compare scores on a leaderboard

If you want to play online you have to pay 30 big ones so you can have access to the Rockband Rivals Expansion which allows you to do battle of the bands, level up your account, and play songs online with people.

They took the premise of Rockband 2 and put it behind a paywall because they're so shitty. It includes 12 songs but you miss out on an extra 10 because you're unable to pre-order it anymore.

This is some EVEN MORE gay shit
Makes me feel like a fucking idiot for not doing it before there was a window for this bullshit that I didn't have to worry about when RB3 was out
pic related

Random question, does anyone here know if the Rock Band 4 guitar works with Phase Shift? There's official drivers for the RB4 guitar on PC now thanks to Rock Band VR, but I can't find any confirmation anywhere that it works with Phase Shift, and I don't want to drop $50+ to find out myself.

There's no reason why it shouldn't, but I will fully admit that I haven't actually tried.

which rockband had run to the hills? i have an actual drumset and that song is at least twice as easy on that than in-game

3 and 2 are debatable depending on what you like, then >4>1
2>1 and 3 are a tossup but I like 1 more, then >4
The real shame is they went full jew on the potential of a PC port instead of just trying to make one. I would've liked that, personally.

RB1, although it was a crappy cover, they eventually released the original as DLC

>mad catz cleaned up their image
in what way? im a pc/poorfag these days, i thought id never hear of the day, not that it matteras now

I've finally ordered RB4 + a new guitar and an adapter for my other instruments. After going through 4 360 guitars I've decided I finally want something that was made recently, but got the adapter for my drums instead of getting new drums + I have a guitar that still works but is finnicky.

I'm worried I won't be able to get my RB1 and RB2 songs anymore though because I can't find the codes in my purchase history even though I did that at some point in the past. At least I won't be losing any songs from RB3 or my DLC.

So long as you've already exported them, that's all it pays attention to I'm pretty sure.

whats the best song and/or artist you found from these rhythm games?

for me
>best song: six by all that remains
>best artist: lamb of god
>honorable mention is buckethead
obviously im a gth2 fag, but i have no regrets about that

MadCatz made decent RB instruments as well as decent fighting game sticks. Definitely not top tier, but their quality went above their old days of being associated with making cheap accessories.
I think they also made mice and keyboards, which I've heard were decent as well, but I've never tried them.

How many songs does Sup Forums have in their library? What console?

>200+ (poorfag that only exported trackpacks and previous games)

A lot of the harmonix bands

Megasus fucking slays

My 360 got stolen so I had to start from scratch on XBone

I like I'm near or just past 300 songs, no exports but I've gotten most of the rewind tracks

>Best Artist: Avenged Sevenfold

Beast and the Harlot was my favorite main setlist song on GH2 and I had never listened to A7X before.

I have like 600 on my Xbox, but didn't want an Xbox One, so I got 4 on PS4.
God do I fucking regret it. Not only do I have a fragmented library and a ton of songs that I just genuinely can't rebuy, the PS4 is gathering more dust than it would have just being an Xbox One that only plays Rock Band.

It works, you just have to download the control profiler release off the main site, use the tool, and copypaste the notepad text into the device_list txt file in the settings folder

I still use a MadCatz PS2 controller I got when I was a kid lol. It'a white with some handle grips.