Choose wisely, fuckface
Choose wisely, fuckface
TimeSplitters is on ps2 and gamecube so I win either way
Anyone that says right is either retarded or a manchild.
ps2/snes library carries the entire side
everything else is a bonus
Blue because red has XxBONExX
Right because it has the PS2 and master system, throw the rest in the trash.
Left. Bloodborne.
Right purely for the iphone. Can't browse Reddit on the go with a gameboy.
PC and you get all of them, minus the food
red but only for the pizza
My fucking negro.
Only consoles on left I want are PS1 and Gamecube
Nobody said the systems wouldn't be BC
Right, and homebrew the wii to emulate the games on the left
> iphone
what were you thinking ?
>neither side comes with games
what's the point
>choosing worse side just to use a shovelware magnet to emulate some old, shitty games
sell that shit and buy more games.
WiiU covers literally everything Nintendo besides 3DS which isn't there either way.
Phone with a proper controller can cover a ton of shit too.
PS2 can play PS1 so I'm only missing out on later Sony which is mediocre anyway.
Plus I get Xbox classic and the 360.
And you can dress up chicken and potatos in a lot more ways than pizza can be.
Blue is OP honestly
Genesis and Dreamcast are the only things I'm missing out on but I can honestly probably play most Dreamcast games via ports and shit on the PS2, Xbone, and 360. And one of these devices can probably emulate Genesis games without me knowing it.
Blue is honestly kinda overpowered.
>access to entire nintendo library
Where the fuck is my Sega Saturn?
Blue. PS2's backwards compatibility means I can play all of the console games I need.
Just buy an android fellow memer
wrong you choose left ps3/4 can emulate everything nintendo except wii and up
you can emulate all nintendo games gamecube and below on ps3/4
that's not how this works, you can't just buy things that aren't on the list
those are some pretty good looking chicken strips desu
You forgot to add an integral option.
>Auto] 9
left because right sucks and the food at the bottom sucks plus you wont be able to use certain parts with that case
>puts the best consoles on the left
it would have been more interesting if you had split them evenly.
i just wish ps2 was on the left but ps3/4 can just emulate everything so eh
Can I have the chips and leave the rest?
those are fries nigga
>Wii can play GameCube games
>ps2 can play ps1 games iirc
>og Xbox can run jet set radio future
>the only real loss here is PS3/PS4 for the fightans
>they're all on PC or coming to it SOONtm so who gives a shit anyways
>chicken tenders are better than pepperoni pizza
Don't get me wrong I fukken love pizza, but pepperoni is a shit tier choice.
OP is a faggot for liking pepperoni.
Pfft. Choosing sides. I will have them both!
Left. Genesis, PS1, Dreamcast, Gamecube, PS3, and PS4 offer way too much high quality shit to turn down; even if the Xbox, PS2, SNES and N64 are tempting
almost every other country calls them fries or french fries you nu-male Muslim bbc watching british cuck
The US calls them fries. The Commonwealth calls them chips.
>Resorts to insults
Sign of somebody who knows they're wrong.
Are you retarded? Idk about gb games but there is no gamecube or n64 emulator for the PS3 and the PS4 can't emulate anything. Also the only gsmes wor playing on either or those systems is Demon's Souls and Bloodborne. If you pick left because of the PS3 or PS4 you might be retarded.
only the United Kingdom Australia Ireland and New Zealand call them chips
I'm from New Zealand. Other Commonwealth countries call them chips too, like India and Jamaica.
I looked this up and it isn't true at all. Why are you lying, sonyger?
i can play gamecube and dreamcast if i pick left already plus there are snes nes gb gbc and gba emulators on ps3/4
ps2/snes library are overrated
but then so is pizza.
Or I can pick right and have access to all of nintendo's games and don't need a shitty PS3 to emulate them.
The PS2, The SNES and the superior food choice are the only things going for Blue
But that's enough for me
>choose between A or B
are PC cucks this fucking retarded?
what are you going to emulate n64's 7 games gamecube only has about 20 xbox has way more so that's good kinda great even you also have the shovelware box and it's younger better brother the wii u
I like piza
Your retarded strawman and terrible grammar doesn't change the fact that I could pick right and play ALL of nintendo's library on the Wii U and I wouldn't need some shit doorstopper like a PS3 or an Xbone to emulate them. Get fucked retard. I could also get a PS2 and play PS2 games on top of PS1 games if I wanted to. There is no logical reason to pick left unless you like pizza or have shit taste in video games.
Really helping your case there.
if that's the case only things right gets to play is wiiu iphone with it's shit games and wii with all it's garbage ports because it's a gamecube 1.2 since ps3/ps4 can just emulate all of it
I need a phone user, not a fucking gameboy
just buy one
only thing this list means is you wont be able to buy or use the stuff on the other side
>Wii, Wii U and PS2 on the right side
I can pirate everything from 3 to 6 gen in those consoles, I will miss some PS3 games but right side is the best choice.
>Wii can play GC games
>Both Wii and Wii U easily hacked
>360 gets you almost all of 7th gen
>iPhone can also be hacked
I miss out on Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, and Persona 5 but honestly I can live with that.
Anyone who says left is genuinely an orally shit shoveling retard
Oops, sorry you had to hear that truth here
I choose PC, Uther.
left gives you more options like better graphics faster better emulation more games and more consoles and handhelds to emulate plus pizza because the fries are unsalted and the strips have no dip
Easy choice. Right has every game worth playing when you take backwards compatibility and virtual console into account.
>Right has every game worth playing when you take backwards compatibility and virtual console into account
PS3 is on the left and it can emulate the majority of the consoles listed in the picture
The PS4 can't emulate shit yet and the Xbone can also emulate the SNES/GBA. Which is irrelevant because the xbone is shit and has no games worth owning the console for. Right is objectively better, I'm sorry you are a brainlet who can't grasp this simple concept. You've been caught lying when you said that the ps3/4 can emulate all of nintendo's games and just start to double down on the retardation. Pathetic. Keep being stupid though, I'm sure someone will get a laugh out of it.
Pizza hands down. Especially since the bone is implementing BC and I would be able to play hueg and 360 games.
No it cannot. The Xbone can emulate more than the PS3 can you fucking idiot. That may also be on the left but that doesn't change that simple fact. GTFO retard. The only things a PS3 can emulate are SNES and GBA games.
Should be made clear if you choose a side if you are locked out from the games on the other side or not.
If you don't go for left, you're an ultra gigatard
>Original Xbox
>Xbox 360
>chicken tendies
>Game Cube
>Game Boy
>Pizza master race
fuck you OP you biased piece of shit
Right because I need to own a phone,
>PS2 can play PS1 games
>Wii U can play all other nintendo games
>PS4 is shit
Right is the clear winner.
yeah but i prefer pizza over tendies
nes snes psp sega gb/gbc/gba sega saturn genesis mega drive master system commodore amiga 500/1000/2000 multiple Arcade cabinets PC engine/Turbo Grafx 16 Playstation 1 DOS more than the xbox more than the wii and wiiu
> The only things a PS3 can emulate are SNES and GBA games
PS3 can play pic related
can i specify what models i want specifically of each system
if so the left wins without any remorse. id pick left anyway but some models arent amazing
maybe who knows
can i pick my pizza toppings or am i required to get pepperoni
So can the Xbone
>inb4 it can't emulate ps1/2 games
It can, look it up. Also the Xbone can play games the PS3 can't, like OG xbox games. Also the PS3 cannot emulate N64 games. I already looked into that. You can stop being retarded now.
PS2/SNES/tendies on the same column
easy choice
put SNES and PS2 on different sides and it's a bit harder.
i guess you can pick toppings or sauce yes
then left wins with these changes
>toploader NES
>model 1 genesis
>panasonic q
>BC ps3 (launch)
>PS4 launch (that gloss)
>backlit gb
>alfredo sauce, grilled chicken, some minced garlic, add ricotta cheese (in addition to the cheese), deep dish
you miss out on og ps1/ps2/ps3 games plus ps3/4 has better and faster emulation more games faster stronger no need to buy tons of extra parts and no supporting the mega jew that is mircosoft's gaming division and we can also play xbox games thanks to the xbox one
that whole list is great except for Alfredo sauce that shit was nasty
it might have been because the only pizza i had with Alfredo sauce was pizza hut and Frozen
try it again and not from pizza hut
>no pc
Fuck off consoleplebs