Most Overrated Zelda Game

Let's settle this once and for all.

Anyone that votes anything other than A Link to the Past is dead wrong.

Among nostalgic 20 something year olds who dont even play games any more, OoT. Among nostalgic virgins, aLttP

on Sup Forums Fedora's Mask

It's undeniably BOTW right now, but that will fade in time.

Twilight Princess easily.
It's disturbing how many people like it just because it caters to their imp fetish.

I never got the impression that anyone thought TP was all that good of a game though, just that they want to fuck Midna.

Breath of the Wild lacks what makes a Zelda game memorable and focuses way too hard on traversing Hyrule Field. I respect and agree with the sentiment on OoT/MM/TP's dungeons choking the fun out of the game, but LoZ/LA/LttP/ALBW largely handled this. And you're not going to give Zelda replay value solely by revamping the overworld.

>Wind Waker has ONE vote
Well, it looks like it's time to keep busting out that webm

That game was so mediocre and unchallenging that I would definitely have dropped it if it weren't a Zelda game