That friend who always pick mage in every single game with mage class

>that friend who always pick mage in every single game with mage class

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That's me

t. low IQ meathead

you have no friends

I usually do unless the magic system sucks.

>that friend who takes one for the team and picks a healer

How did you guess?

>That one guy who always picks the XxStealth_ArcherxX and acts like he's hot shit
>Bonus points if it's a first person game and he thinks an overabundance of "stealth critical" multipliers makes him good

I always have to do this because nobody ever picks a healing class so I have to do it because if I dont we all die.


Gabriel a SHIT!

That's me alright, what's wrong with that?

back to your containment board losers

Delete this image immediately.

Sup Forums is anime

you should get yourself back to veddit

I only pick mage if they let me be a pyro mage all other magic is stupid




Mages and sorcerers are fucking awesome though

if you don't pick the two hander every time get the fuck off my board


What are some games with a fun mage class?

shoot yourself in the head

Don't forget to report these people for avatarfagging

You are either way too assmad or way too desperate for (you)s. Either way, end yourself my man

None, although, in principle it is still the best class to use. Wizards are the original autists. You need to represent your kind.

>that one friend that has an anime avatar and tries to be a faggot at every possible turn
No wonder you dont have friends op.

>announcing your report


Dumb gabu poster

>announcing your report of announcing a report

>not picking mage in every single game with a mage class
Magic is the best.
Don't talk to me.

We need more anime on this site
normalfags hate it

>that one friend that has an anime avatar and is fucking good at most games and generally pretty funny

How does he do it? he never even talks about anime

This kiddos is why you don't talk to people that post anime online, they are autistic manchildren

vanilla WoW, at least with enchanting.
>inb4 charging a fireball isn't REAL MAGE
Fuck off, true magic is gamebreaking, take it from a D&D player/DM. And even still, WoW mage can
>pull recovery out of their ass
>CC for days
>turn a battlefield into a nuclear wasteland
>Rick Sanchez portal to any capital city
>turn mana into gems for later consumption

>every game i want to pick the mage class
>99% of games the mage class is shit and the spells are unsatisfying as hell
>just switch to warrior class after

>that """friend""" who roleplays anime girl

>there is this relatively amusing website,
>someone wasted his time on making it
>someone paid for the domain
>someone also paid for and other girl domain names so they redirect to

those reddit people might have wrong taste in animu girls, but they sure do put some serious commitment into jokes

that's me desu

Baldur's Gate
Icewind Dale
(MAYBE) WoW if you're into MMOs
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (this also has amazing first person combat)
Arx Fatalis
Dragon's Dogma (not really a fan of the magic in this game, but the visual effects make up for it)

> Friend insists on playing mage, or any class that's magic oriented
> They're bad at it

>animeposter tries to act like he isn't from reddit as he shows something they made

The pure mage class is probably the most boring tho

Play Dragon's Dogma.

>Check it out
>Waifu, not Daughteru
Disgusting. I guess the King alone rides the path to enlightenment, plebs can't be trusted.

>am the guy who always plays mage
>skyrim comes out
>you can either do weak ass spells repetitively or conjure weak ass weapons to play as a different build
Never dropped a game so hard, haven't even bothered to look into modding better magic in because it's shit anyway

>Goyim DropOut


The spells are satisfying but it's not fun.

>gabriel dropout thread on v

Sataniachan is best girl. However... players that always pick the same class are obsessive players that can't handle any new thing.


I pick paladin because I have no friends so I need to solo the shit out of it.

Who is this semen demon?

GABRIEL DROPOUT is a show about a girl named GABRIEL who is pictured in the OP.

But, is she a semen demon? This is important, user.

>he thinks that's impressive magic

I don't have any friends. I always wanted a cute healer girlfriend.

>That guy who kites in a multiplayer dungeon game

Maybe you should try being the cute healer girlfriend instead.

She's actually an angel. In the show.

there is succubus in the show, but she's terrible at her job

Is that a photo edit or is that really in some show?

Range, power, and usually a play style that involves more than hit stuff with big stick. Whats not to like?

i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i can be y-y-y-y-y-y-your cute girlfriend(male)

What was that?

y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-you heard me

That's not the same show, nor even the same character.

Nah, you'll get too annoying eventually.