Why is she so perfect bros?

Why is she so perfect bros?

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Not Cia, not perfect.

Interested in science, good-hearted and goofy at times, very emotional

Because she's not real.

Found perfecter

where did u get this

It's the ending if you collect all memories and some other stuff

This was the hottest Zelda right? Pederasts need not apply.

kys cuckboy



BoTW is by far the most beautiful Zelda. It'd be better if she were a brunette.

what is this expression meant to convey?


realistic ahegao

i didn't know blind people posted on Sup Forums.

because of her butt

LMFAOO Epic comeback bro XDXDXD

>memes will defend my waifu
What a bitch.

Why is Urbosa so perfect bros?

ugly as ur fat mom


you must watch tranny porn. it shows

Dad walks in

tell the dad about wonder of deolphin vagina

I prefer TP zelda with huge tits.

This is probably the only fanart of zelda that gets me rock solid.

>wanting to fuck gerudo
>doesn't let you live in the own country
>probably stronger and taller than you
>has a face so sharp it can cut steel

user you might have shit taste in women.

Brunette Zelda is best Zelda.

Sableserviette; they have a tumblr they put it up on.

I want a threesome with her and Riju.

So BOTW Zeldafags have pretty much replaced SS Zeldafags as the worst waifufags in the series right? They are even more outspoken and it doesn't help that she's far less attractive than most.

She's getting MOBLINED

Fucking hell, just watched that vid. I'd donate a dollar to their Patreon for more.

>posts fanart where she looks drastically different

Anyway, because hot characters sell

>probably stronger and taller than you
But that's the best part, you mong.

BOTW Zelda is the most beautiful and best incarnation of her. Don't you dare discriminate against us. This should be her main design forever.

You have to post fanart to make her look good.

She is perfect regardless of in game or fanart user-kun.

Can't wait for Smash 5 to come out and use the same design they've used in the last two games. Y'know, the attractive one.

I'm not saying that you're gay if you don't find BOTW Zelda to be the most beautiful, but if you don't think she's the most beautiful, then you probably enjoy pleasuring other men sexually.


She kind of looks like she has downs though at certain angles.

Yes, I'm gay because I prefer a beautiful girl over a plain girl. That makes sense alright.

I dunno if you have a fetish for eyebrows, giant moeblob eyes, ugly foreheads, ugly hair or just like girls that look like they have the downs as mentioned, but don't force your shit taste on the rest of the world.

Woah buddy, nobody said you were gay. You can be a man that pleasures other men sexually and not be gay.

FYI, after BOTW any brunette Zelda follows closely in beauty.

No offense but how is Twilight Zelda more attractive?
She's never shown any emotion and just looks bored or ticked off

becosh she where a dresh

Ah good point, thanks anaon

She's not
This is a perfect girl

Funniest joke I've read all day

She's very fuckable, especially when you think about how much time alone they must get alone together

There's just something about girls like her, nu Lara, and Elena from Uncharted that just do it for me. Kind of the tomboyish, pants wearing not obsessed with their appearance thing does it for me.

>those perfect Aryan features
Japan loves Europe more than Europe hates itself.

Reminder that filthy knife ears deserve death.

big pussy

You know it's the truth, you just don't want to admit it

>Any filthy musclefreak gerudo
>A fucking fish
You people are fucked in the head if you don't recognise the superiority of the true best girl

I wanna fuck Riju's young brown booty hole

I want to bully Zelda!

if only that could save it

Gerudo lolis aren't small enough.

That's because they actually have somewhat proper proportions for a 13 year old, give it another 3 years and she'll be perfect


>tongue literally hanging out


Very soon. Hylian whores cant resist.

Fuck your cuck shit, honestly

>cuck shit
Too bad for you, im a nigger.

I'm sorry for your hardship

Its not too bad, easy pussy though.

fuck your nigger shit, fucking shitty nigger!

There are probably 20+ more offensive words you could have used and you used none of them. What a goddamn waste.

yes she is.

that faggot needs to get a tumblr or something.


Zelda's a virgin, right bros?

Yeah unfortunately he disappeared. He said he works way too slowly to ever consider having a social media presence.
I mean that's just a comedic song mate, I cant get offended by that weak stuff!

>oooo i'm a nigger look how niggery i am

how very droll, sir

Its just a word mate. I also refer to myself as a faggot every now and then.



She's 17. She can't even have sex.

Not for long after the end of the game

The BOTW version of Zelda is the only reason I want to start playing Zelda games. What game should I start with?

Fucking prove it then fag. Timestamp with your titties out

Ocarina of Time


Link's Awakening, your choice if you want the DX version

Alttp or oot

But user...I dont have titties...

Kass's teacher pls, she wasn't going to fuck you anyway


You got nipples? Then you have titties

Well, he's right. it's fucking right there in the fucking gif. People like you who post shit without even thinking or observing piss me off.

IS there any way to emulate them?

I don't know what these stand for.

She's white

>is there any way to emulate N64 and GB games

Is this your first day on the internet

>I don't know what these stand for.
If you google both the games show up.

>the blood moon sparkles

literally diamonds over here

>IS there any way to emulate them?
Ocarina of Time is an N64 game, Link's Awakening is on the Gameboy and Allttp (A Link To The Past) is for SNES
All three are easily emulateable, a simple google search will easily get you what you need
Minish Cap is also really good