ITT: worst guns in gaming

ITT: worst guns in gaming

Anything in Farcry 2

i see your smg but i raise you this


What do you mean by "worst guns"? Do you mean the visual appearance of the weapons or the how the weapons fair in terms of damage/ammo-count/etc from their respective game economies?

I understand that they don't want grenades in their new shitty duel mode but come on this thing is awful.


whatever makes you hate said gun, goes

Halo 2 Needler

Fucking dual wielders in multi

Every single gun in this game. Just awful.

The silenced shotgun was cool.


>Hating the Needler
>Can't dodge a bunch of little needles

A real man is afraid of the plasma pistol. Fuck that gun

This freakin thing in nightfire

The pistol in Halo became complete shit after the first game where it was OP as fuck.


Came here to post this. The H2/3 SMG was pretty shit but it at least did okay inside it's intended range even if that range was way too small.

The H3 pistol literally wasn't even slightly decent at anything.

In H2 it was bad but it had a niche in that it was good at clean up kills or getting headshots at unshielded enemies. In 3 it was complete trash.

In ODST it was great, basically the H2 pistol better with a scope, and it was decent in Reach and 4. It's pretty good in 5 but outclassed by other precision weapons.

It makes the assault rifle from CE look useful.

The Assault Rifle from CE was fucking great, especially against the Flood.

Literally 99% of Uzis, these things are mostly useless.

The shotgun was 10 times better.

Honestly the worst gun in the whole series

Well no shit, the shotgun is a power weapon.

I think I can link 90% of the weapons included in F4.


Power weapons didn't really exist in CE, every gun was just sort of unique

Fight me.

delete this

Any of the pistols on STALKER are complete shit. It is easier to run by all the enemies while spamming medkits rather than actually shoot anything.

This gun is so out of place aesthetically. Did Bethesda ever give a reason why they designed the rifle to look like something out of ww1 over the previous rifle designs in every other Fallout game?

This and the .32 were so fucking weak.

Consider that Half-Life 1 doesn't have even a single bad gun - not even a single bad weapon. What's every other FPS's excuse?

Read again fuck nut, the halo 2 needler is the worst gun. It does not function,

You don't consider the rocket launcher a power weapon?

It used to be a monster before they nerfed it to kingdom come.

bad game design by lazy developers who think moving on to a better weapon is progress.

Imagine only being able to land bodyshots lmoa

>Consider that Half-Life 1 doesn't have even a single bad gun - not even a single bad weapon.
Uh, sweetie...

good in swat

>regenerates ammo so you'll always have at least one projectile weapon
>bees home in on enemies and fire quickly
I'm not seeing the problem here.

Because Bethesda thinks that time stopped in the 1950s in the Fallout setting thus an "old gun" would be something from WW1 since "modern" would be 40s - 50's.

Never mind that the Great War happened in fucking 2077. This also means we will never see guns from the 80's like Pancor Jackhammers and H&K CAWS again. Instead we get a "shotgun" made from a fucking horribly mutated PPSH like in FO3 and that retarded belt fed machine gun mutated into a magazine-based assault rifle in FO4.

>does shit damage
>you're dead before you can fire hardly any of them
>useless in corridors cuz of self damage
>more than enough ammo for other weapons that you never are in any real danger of running out
>might as well just use the crowbar if you're shit enough to run out of ammo

I never understood why they exist when you get a much nicer gun to start out. 4 had that shit too with the pipe guns

I'll bite,

The rocket launcher had the slowest melee and had a bigger AOE in CE thus using it in a moderate sized room could be suicide.

The Shotgun was fucking amazing, at medium and closing you could give a pistol a run for its money. You could fuck some one up turning a corner rocket launcher or otherwise, it also did fair damage to light vehicles.

The M6D was the bread and butter, it didn't have the farthest range, wasn't the fastest TTK, wasn't the best in close range and was very weak against vehicle armor unless you shot at a weakpoint. It was just very decent, accurate, decent range and everyone had one. Kind of like the spinfusor, it was just a bread and butter weapon. Graduating from it is how you know if a player was bad.

The AR, this weapon gets a bad rap, but in reality it shoots down banshees almost as fast as a rocket launcher. The weapon ignores most of the damage reduction that armored vehicles provide. Tapping this weapon at a banshee will make them rage through a roof and if you mag dump at point blank its an easy kill.

Plasma Rifle had plasma Stun, what this means is the enemy cannot turn around or move at full speed. This weapon was satisfying in closing the distance and it too fucked up vehicles, however it did very poor health damage.

Plasma Pistol, Charge with this weapon damaged a player for 2 whole bars and it dropped shields. It was a great hat trick if the enemy was 1 baring you, basically turtling with one bar of health. Swap, charge and pop in the middle of a pistol exchange and they'd die. It was also great for warthogs and ghosts.

Sniper rifle, maximum range, accuracy, obvious.


To be honest, if the can headshot it's useful.

Wouldn't see me using it beyond the Cordon (or, an hour into the cordon) but it can be good for a headshot or two before you sell it for a better gun.

>can't be worse that the .45
Tripwire finds a way

It's a ranged option for weak enemies late game, think of it as a stepping stool, not an elevator.

Dual spikers were super fun though

You could super rapid fire the plasma pistol on console to kill another player in about a second and that stun made it easier to do. My friend could do it insanely well.



True I do remember that, but trying to pull that off on CE is a bit of a bitch, plus players have more control on movement so you need the plasma rifle to do that.

One I forgot,

The Needler, This weapon did need a projectile speed boost, maybe at plasma rifle speed. Instead it too is kind of a hat trick weapon, basically its for ambushing. Enemies don't get notified properly when hit by this weapon so if they're scoped or doing something attentive they eat the needles. The weapon fires faster the longer the trigger is held, which is another problem. I mainly use it when I see 2-3 people circling each other in a fight. I just mag dump and one of them will charge up into an explosion, damaging or killing everyone. The explosion is very forgiving in CE and is far more likely of netting an extra kill. Requires a lot of skill and luck though.

Literally any auto weapon from FO4.
Who the fuck decided it was a good balance idea to make the bullets magically do 1/10th the damage when a weapon was converted to automatic? Gee, how do we balance automatic weapons in a game with SCAVENGING FOR LIMITED AMMO and CARRY WEIGHT? Oh, I know, we'll just make them piss-weak!

How dare you replace the Enforcer with this piece of shit?

Wrong. This is the best gun in the game.


any bow in a gun game, shit slow as fuck and have to mess the whole game so it can fit.

Fucking GTA V does a terrible job at balancing its weapons, the MG is literally a direct downgrade of the combat MG in every way from damage to even the maximum amount of ammo you can shoot of in a single case (like 100 to the combat's 200).
GTA IV's guns felt much more balanced to me and actually sounded like real weapons.

The correct post


Consider that you unlock it before the combat mg should mean it's shit to begin with. But sure shines in the long range.

Am I the only one who hated Battle Rifles and all its variations in the halo series?

They were too fucking good, and shit only got worse when they made them baseline weapons over the AR

>massive helical magazine
>holds almost no ammo
The Human Revolution shotgun is retarded.

oh geez user how embarrassing ;)


years later and i still don't understand what this meme is referencing

fighting lion

>worse that the pistol you get in the tutorial that uses the exact same ammo
Why do they keep doing this? At least with the .32 Pistol, you can say it's to use until you get the Hunting Rifle, but the Chinese Pistol is forever worthless. The same shit happened in Morrowind; Netch Leather Armor is completely pointless when you can get Chitin Armor in the first town for not that much more gold. Skyrim, too; the Heavy Imperial Armor you can get is better than Iron Armor. Why give armor in the tutorial that's better than the Tier 1 armor? What's the point?

It also fires underwater, which can be useful.

You take that back fucker

Because degridation used to be a thing, and the expected some people (retards) to simply replace degraded armor with w/e they could find.

Shit user. It's referencing shit

this underwhelming piece of shit

>GTA V weapons
What the fuck were they thinking, a single weapon in each category felt almost the fucking same as all the others and they all sound so weak. I don't get how they went from IV to this.

truely a form of art

Because Bethesda is retarded
It's even worse in Fallout 4. Since they removed weapon degradation I guess they thought people would take pipe rifles if they had ammo for them.
Good thing they give you a 10mm pistol, a 5mm minigun, a .308 hunting rifle, and a .44 Magnum in the starting area so you don't ever have to use a shitty pipe weapon.

What's wrong with it? I've been replaying Fear recently and it's fine.

>reload animation looks like he pulls out a whole new gun

I always use that thing instead of th/e SMG for mid-range. Should I make the switch?

i'd agree if fucking ammo and caps weren't an issue throughout most of the game

I fucking hated running out of all my good ammo and the fact that .38 ammo was fucking garbage on every weapon in the game.

kill yourself my man

The melee on the brute weapons are apparently stronger than normal

I did a play through with assault weapons and it wrecked everything faster than dragon tooth sword

Yeah I could see two giant fucking blades having something to do with that user

I don't think ammo was the issue, but rather the enemies all being bullet sponges as you ranked up.

Anything pipe related is god awful. But then again, can't expect much from a broken sink with a trigger.

I loathe the nonsensical burst fire on each trigger pull even though the gun is actually a full auto, it's a bitch to control and it deals abysmal damage

not gonna tell you what to do but the only automatic weapon worth shit in FEAR is the nail gun

The assault shotgun is really good, but the AR is a piece of shit that's weaker than the pistols.

You already linked what 90% of the enemies drop so you're off to a good start

It's just as bad, if not worse in the Source version of it too.

These motherfuckers from L4D2

They were great in 1 but there's no point in getting them now since they're worse than the magnum for absolutely every purpose. Crowd control, killing special infected, getting knocked down and waiting for rescue, it's like they're only there for the sake of being there in this game.

Pretty much every Bandit weapon in Borderlands.
>muh capacity

mechanics aside they wouldn't do shit to power armor

He's right.

Entire Serious Sam is fucking terible.

? ODST pistol was worse then 3's
In 3 you could actually kill brutes with the pistol you can't in odst without expending a retarded amount of clips

If you landed multiple grenades, you'd get a nice frag but that's about all it has going for it.

Their biggest offense is sounding like shit but there are some good replacements in the workshop

I couldn't think of anything truly awful that wasn't in one of those shitty FPS games where enemies have a level and all the guns feel like garbage (destiny, borderlands) so I'm going to post the best weapon of all time instead.

too cute to be legit