What happened to valve?

What happened to valve?

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It turns out that not having a management structure creates an environment for lazy paycheck collectors to waste their time. Who'da thunk?



Valve went from being a well integrated team of designers and developers that wanted to make fun FPS games and making oodles of cash via opening up their modified Quake code for modding... To a third party software distributor, stripped of all humanity, morals, or ethics. Senior management are literally taking tens of millions of dollars a year doing nothing but crony-capitalism. It's river-taxation in Video Game form.

This is usually what happens when you have a core-focused team like id and more and more people come in who aren't used to the corporate culture.

They try to leech off things, and it rarely ends well.

they dont have to rush out games. they can take their time developing games, tech, hardware

They found a more efficient way of making money so they just jumped ship and went full time third party distributor. They'll buy some popular mod and make it succesfull, then cash in on it on pseudo-gambling systems on the edge of legal, or copypaste a popular idea to cash in on trends (Artifact). Like user above me said, stripped of all humanity, morals or ethics.


They're working on stuff as per usual. Difference is that it's not solely games or things that the public will end up getting. Plenty of projects that get worked on and then dropped: you can look at the tech team that they hired on and they subsequently removed when Valve felt they weren't making any good progress. I mean from 2011 a majority of Valve was working on Dota 2. Following nearly 2-3 years of that being the major focus, they were also working on the Source 2 Engine.

It's been some time since then, so CLEARLY they're working on something else. But who knows. The nerds who look at their server leaks for any information found them working on some old HL2 map for an odd reason. We also had the old writer come out with his thought process for what Episode 3 should've been. I can't say for certain that they're trying to renew interest in Valve/Half Life, but it all feels sort of suspicious to me.

Money, primarily. Piss-poor management helped.

what fucking reason does valve have to be so nebulous about everything
obviously they can do whatever they want since they don't have investors to please or keep informed, but WHY?

gaben literlly confirmed they are working on 3 new games and the half life movies. what more do you want?

>people actually believe that those """three full length""" VR games will ever see the light of day
>Wanting half life movies made by JJ abrams

Laziness, no drive or purpose in life.

>working on
Key word, they've been "working on" stuff for years and almost all of it was shelved. There was some space game that was canned without being publicly revealed and the only reason anyone knows about it is because pieces of art and prototype stuff leaked.

What would you do to this cat?

They no longer have any competition to push them forward.
The "Praise Gaben memes" worked out too well
Their employees lack focus and dedication for a project

Is their VR stuff any good?

First post, best post.

You know they've been working a lot of games, right? Of course not you're a reddit cockgobbler, let me explain it.

Valve cancel all their games. Their employees are lazy shits, Gabe is a lazy shit, nobody wants to do anything because steam and dota skins or whatever the fuck else make them enough money they don't need to work.

They are not under the weight of anyone but Gabe. No publisher, studio to tell them to get to work.

They've worked on a number of games (Including Half Life 3 and Left 4 Dead 3) and all have been shitcanned down the line.

Windows 10 S leak happened.
The news that Microsoft would be disallowing third party stores in the future rightly scared the shit out of Valve, and they shifted a ton of effort towards ways to preserve the company past the lifespan of Windows 7.

Contrary to the imaginary lazy paycheck collector imagined by Windows users Valve employees have been incredibly productive the last few years in working on GNU/Linux.
That work is even mostly happening out in the open so if you want you can go check up on what they're working on.

It's too disorganized, the corporate culture was set up to open all projects to employees but also to own up to any failures of that product. That was what Valve's employee handbook had. And we see the result of that...no one wants to work with a risky labor of love and would rather ride the DOTA/HL2 gravy train where they are guaranteed success.

Remember the birthday card?