Blood Vials > Estus Flasks

Blood Vials > Estus Flasks

bloodborne is great but no, estus is better. everything in bloodborne is blood this, blood that, for fucks sacke blood is in the name of the game.

Is bloodborne good?

Dark souls is great but no, vials is better. everything in Dark souls is souls this, souls that, for fuck sacke souls is in the name of the game.

Bloodborne was written by D'ark Y'agami

>farms for vials

>can completely run out of blood vials
That's why they're bad, especially in these types of games.
>ever running out
The fact that it's possible still makes them worse than Estus.

>he's so bad he had to farm for vials

Blood vials made the game too easy

Are you mad at the game for sticking with a theme?