>boring classes
>very few classes
>same ol combat
>same ol graphic
after the demo, i'm not even gonna bother pirating this.
4 is better.
>boring classes
>very few classes
>same ol combat
>same ol graphic
after the demo, i'm not even gonna bother pirating this.
4 is better.
Other urls found in this thread:
Play a better game.
it's got the same number of classes as IV, and all of them are unlocked from the get-go
only boring classes are botanist and fencer (the latter only because of how nerfed links are in this game)
also it brings back five floor dungeons, which already makes it better than IV
>tfw can only picture Nenecchi from NEW GAME as that armored blond haired kid.
I can't wait.
How bad were links nerfed? I didn't get to use them much in the demo but I thought them coupled with shaman skills to give everyone the same element would be broken as fuck
>>same ol combat
>>same ol graphic
Were you expecting some huge innovation or something? Etrian Odyssey games are, for the most part, fairly similar. The biggest differences combatwise being the classes and even those usually have similarities.
enchanted weapons only get chased if you use a normal attack, so basically your team can't utilize their own skills if you want to keep the links going
How is everyone skilling their demo characters. I'm tempted to put the bulk of points in race skills.
Also, the floor gimmicks, enemies, FOEs and bosses. They make a huge diference, from game to game.
>still no news about a COH3 translation
>3 floor dungeons and some mini dungeons thrown in
>1 floor 5th stratum
>given the option of crippling the otherwise suitably brutal superboss (dunno if that's in 5)
I love 4 but it's not superior to this.
I only put enough points in race skills to finish all the quests, then I rested after hitting the level cap and redistributed most of those points so I could face the FOEs
>4 is better.
From what I've seen, I agree
>>same ol combat
>>same ol graphic
but that's good and exactly what people want, you nigger. That's the entire point of playing old style RPGs. You're basically going into a 60's themed restaurant, and complaining that they're not adding in 80's themed items.
>4 is better
Jesus christ, 5 would have to rape my children for me to think that.
untold 2 added a lot of good improvement.
v not.
All I want is U1 with U2's grimoire system
All I want is for grimoires to die.
>4 is better
EOIV babies need to leave, if you haven't beaten Vanilla EO1 or 2 you don't get to comment on EO design because you know shit all
IV is great, but V seems pretty good too. It's cute that OP is complaining about a series being itself. Maybe try Mystery Dungeon 2?
That sounds good for overall party tp conservation
bad things are bad.
V is worse because the store owner isn't a cute girl. Dark elf bartender is pretty good though.
the store owner in V can go kill itself. Shitty potato race and horrible voice acting
That's because they aren't links you 4 babby, they're chasers from literally any other game
I like the potatoes (I don't understand lolifags) but what the fuck were they thinking with that voice? Fucking hell it sounds like a character on a shitty sitcom.
v-voice acting? I haven't played an EO since 4 because I realized I'm not into this series. I gave it a hell of a shot though, played 1 through 4 but always dropped it near the end of the game.Hows U1 and 2?
>Entrian Odyssey became a series
>Dark Spire died a horrible death and has become forgotten by history
Worst timeline.
If I wanted to play dated old shit, I would do so
>Content locked behind story mode
>Really shitty grimoire system
>improved overall features
>grimoire system actually useful
>bosses are HP sponges if you don't break the game
Doesn't really matter about the "HP sponges" when your characters do proportionally shitloads more damage. Palm Alchemists, War Magus, hell, Medics can dish out good damage with ease.
both are fun but etrian makes map drawing convenient and fun and has yuzo koshiro music so I'll stick with this timeline
>very few classes
>same amount of classes as 4
what did he mean by this
also don't tell me you're one of the retards who thinks the skills available in the demo are the only ones in the game
post parties
Guild name is Suspects
man so Botanists are a must for actual healing I guess huh. and man Reapers need a lot of set up
>dying EO fans so desperate to have discussion they have to copy Monster Hunter threads
You can get an Earthlain Herbalist to smoke build helping your Reaper.
Not like Monster Hunter threads can really use the model anymore after the insane hordes of posters arguing about MHW.
So will it feature numerous different dungeons like in IV or just one big dungeon to crawl like older EOs?
it means the series needs an improvement.
not stay at the same spot.
One big dungeon, how it should be.
It's EOIV 2.0, except that the ONLY good thing about that game, the music, is now recycled shit.
Also just beat teh 3rd stratum in EO2U expert classic. People who said that Beast > Protector are wrong.
Your party is going to be 100% girls right?
Fuck this doujin was hot but I felt terrible for Nene
Fuck the stupid potato day of the bake when
Yes, but only because I flipped a coin and it landed on eyepatch dragoon instead of old man dragoon.
of course, who uses gross boys in etrian odyssey?
Fags like me.
The art is ok but goddamn minami star has too many fucking WORDS
would a team like this work? cause im curious to try it
Eh, it's one of very few that is close enough to the EO art style to feel like it, so I just breeze by the words (she got drugged and such, what else is there to read but despair and moans?). Himukai's actual doujin are very rare and only a couple are available.
Scruffy medic was the only exception to this rule
Soon amigo, soon(tm)
>tfw really love the concept of EO
>utterly hate mapdraw because I get autistic and waste hours just trying to make the map as fancy as possible, killing the flow
>know that auto-mapdraw is heretical given how integral it is to the franchise
Boys are cute.
Solution: Make the map a simple as possible and then embellish the fuck out of it when you finish the floor.
wildlings were cute as fuck!
>love the EO gameplay
>hate the art direction and the artists weird obsession with little girls
>Not enjoying going full autist on the map making
I bet you don't put floors under doors.
play Class of heroes then.
Unfortunately people don't want real dungeon crawling with a great fantasy art direction, they just want drawings of little girls
Dark Spire was literally too good for this world
Sucks to be you.
what platform and which one
just make a party of burly men
and eventually come to love the lolis
>Sucks to be you.
Not really, I can still play the games I just get annoyed by how gay the art direction is, on the plus side I still have good taste
Cass best bartender, y/n?
I always try to make my party with the 1 adult version of the class that looks alright, but it still sucks being limited so much because the artist wants everyone, including the blacksmith, to be a little girl or a boy that looks like a girl
>he says in a thread about the installment in the series with the most mature girls and teenage stacies in the entire series
good for you
>game has portraits ranging from lolis to cool adult men to titty monster women to cooler old men
>only use loli portraits
Are you okay, user? Did Himukai force you to create a loli party an gunpoint or something?
>how gay the art direction is
liking little girls is the opposite of gay, user
Good thing there are a couple of nice male portraits to use.
>with the most mature girls and teenage stacies
How many of them look like legit adventurers?
I haven't downloaded the demo yet but I've been replaying IV lately, kind of tired of using the same portraits every time I play so it'd be rad if V has more adults to choose from
U2's grimoires shattered the balance of the fucking game. They were terrible.
At least in EOU grimoires were so much of a pain in the ass that they weren't worth bothering with outside of some enemy skills here and there.
>build party
>realize it's a generic bread-and-butter chaser party
H-here I go
But I don't use the lolis, I just wish I had more non-loli options to choose from
but is it sexy?
>legit adventurers
So you're one of those guys that thinks everyone has to be a cool and mature adult to go on an adventure.
>no reliable elemental damage
A good amount of them, the elves in particular.
There's a kid race like you hate but everyone hates the fuck out of them for some reason so you can make a party without them. There's even a grandma.
U2 still has content locked behind story mode, dingus.
Kill yourself, pedo
The PSP (Easily emulable).
And if you can play both, then better, if not playing the second one would be easier.
1: youtube.com
2: youtube.com
3 (English coming soon(tm)): youtube.com
I just started this a few hours ago, Rover a best. A real shame about the lack of lolis though.
No. My party will be a sausage fest. No girls allowed.
>resting to go fight the FOEs
Shit man you should be able to take out both FOEs with some planning without needing to rest the race skills away.
IVE ONLY PLAYED eo4 demo and it was sorta fun (i didnt finish it) should i do this one too? is it more similar ot pokemon mystery dungeon??
still mad there are no lolis huh? you didn't have to lie and complain about the gameplay.
It's more similar to the EOIV demo.
If I think a guy is the coolest looking of the bunch I'll probably pick him.
A class, compared to a whole dungeon and 2 'classes' that aren't even classes.
you first ;)
Grimoires were cancer and threw the uniqueness of classes off a rooftop.
>worst class balance in the series; almost impossible not to make a completely broken party combination
>>grimoires break the game even further because of how easy it is to get maxed out grimoires from any class through trading
>force breaks and return flutes remove all danger from exploration
>buff stacking is retarded
The only thing EO2U has over EOU is better quests and a less ridiculous sixth stratum. Having the story mode dungeon available was nice but you still couldn't make a Fafnir in classic.
That reminds me, why isn't Nene considered a loli? She has an adequate body type with only the slightest hint of a chest.
That was something subclassing did, not grimoires.
OKAY i can understand that since they are in the same game, BUT, disregarding the FACTtheyre in the same, then how does it compare to pokemon mystery dungeon?
>couldn't use faf in classic
If you think grims broke the game then why the fuck would you want the best elemental burst hitter in classic
making bosses revolve around a donut steel class even if you were in classic mode was a terrible idea.
I don't think you understand the point of the dark spire.