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At least it was before the elves fucked everything up.


Leyawin was the best town and I will fight you about it

>not Bravil

>living in the poor ass north instead of a patrician wealthy city like skingrad

skingrad has the WORST quests, paranoia is shit tier.
and given that the two or three quests offered by the citizens in the city is all you can do in them, that is the only valid way to judge whether a city is shit. so skingrad just sucks.


I'm guessing that blank space is where the church is supposed to be.


I think it's a beyond skyrim image

>Better Cities adds hanging corpses and decapitated heads on chopping blocks
a little absurd don't you think

Out of my way. Comfiest city coming through

It's a really comfy place. That rain, the buildings, the marsh.
But dude, fuck buying a house that's basically "Imperial Shack 2.0" when it has such neat unique houses.

Thats not Balmora


Most things in City mods for elder scrolls are, they think good city design is just Vanilla with more clutter thrown at it.


see >huge fat fucking ramps just jammed into the street that lead to a second floor of a district
nigga this aint canton city

>deliver the amulet in the year 3E435

It makes it even more comfy



>can't even spell cheydinhal
enjoy the orum bum chum gang, corrupt guards, hlaalu count, and acknowledgement that the dark brotherhood is in an abandoned house but the guards pretend they're not there

Exactly, shit's just slammed in there for no reason.

wtf lol how the fuck do quest that you can only do once change anything?
Aesthetics and RP are the only important metrics user

>go to skingrad as RP no nonsense Knight of True Virtue, Skullfucker of Evil, Necromancer's Bane
>glarthir the batshit bosmer comes up and whispers that he'll give you a good time at midnight behind the chapel
>can't tell this pervert to fuck off
>have to comply (to clear your journal) by meeting with him and telling him to fuck off
and god help you if you roleplay the type to take his job, because if you're not just waiting 24 hours to tell him "yeah they're evil" then you're wasting your time so fucking hard, even the most hardcore autistic roleplayers will not do this

Kinda want to get a One X so I can nostalgia over playing this game to fucking death on my 360.

Anvil was literally, genuinely, the comfiest town.

>vanilla oblivion
don't do it man



user making dumb decisions is half of my life, why stop now. At least its not the PS3 copy

This image fucking sucks user. Wheres the church?????????

Presumably the big fucking piece of empty space in the left-middle part of the map. The bigger question is where the fuck the guild halls are.

I think that's Skyrim Beyond: Bruma

Speaking of which how is that mod?

No shit that's where it should be. Problem is it's not there.
Much better.

>ywn fuck methredhel
Why live?

that's where the men are women

It's where the men are women!

Boring. Oblivion is a boring game.
>woah another cave
>haha swoosh my sword everywhere
>funny faces lol so quirky XD


Voice actors tier list
Elves > Redguards > Imperials > Beasts > Norcs > Bretons
Elves > Beasts > Imperials/Bretons > Norcs >>>>> Redguards

Those describe all elder scrolls in general.

>nords live in literal wood shacks

Watch the skies

Seen any elves hahaha

Anvil or Skingrad is the best.
Bravil would be great if it wasn't a total shithole

Fucking n'wahs Anvil is best city

>"""""Town"""""" in TES is at the largest about the size of an IRL castle with a courtyard
>"""""""City"""""""" with 6 houses and 7 NPCs excluding nameless guards
The closest thing to a convincing city in any game is Novigrad and even then it's pretty small. What the fuck is with these lazy ass developers throwing down a handful of shit huts and fap shacks and calling it a fucking city. They wouldn't even qualify as a fucking village.

1. Cheydinhal
2. Bravil
3. Skingrad
4. Anvil
5. Imperial City
6. Bruma
7. Chorrol
8. Leyawiin

Fucking wrong.


Bruma's temple was dedicated to Talos

the AC games have big cities, about the only reason to play those games

I felt like Oblivion was the worst offender.

Something was just off about it.

Maybe it's because the dungeons are literally computer-generated and have no variety to them whatsoever.

Not to mention the combat is like swinging a nerf bat and hitting enemies doesn't even make them flinch

>Maybe it's because the dungeons are literally computer-generated and have no variety to them whatsoever.
No, they are fucking not computer generated.

>Maybe it's because the dungeons are literally computer-generated and have no variety to them whatsoever.

Shit nigger I guess you fucked up.

That's why Shivering Isles is great. It's like they realized the tone of the game was completely at odds with the combat, voice-acting, and animations, so they made a world where all the stupidity kind of makes sense.

>beat thieves' guild
>can't go legit by joining mage's guild
>can't go jarhead by joining fighter's guild
>I'm a thief, not a murderer, so fuck the dark brotherhood
>saving the world is for soldiers so fuck the main quest
>nigga I aint about to lose my mind with sheogorath's monkey cheese bullshit, fuck the shivering isles
>as if I'm going to become a virtuous paladin of the Nine and slay literally who-maril
What is a thief to do after their questline? Fucking nothing?

The open world meme means they aren't able to cut out all the filler neighborhoods you have no reason to visit like Athkatla in BG2. There's so much of the city you don't need to visit.

Open world needs to die or developers need to be less lazy and actually try to innovate and design a giant city with randomly generated, non plot important building interiors. I don't see the either happening. We'll get Skyrim cities or empty corridor Gran Sorens until we all die.

Steal more shit, obviously

>go back to backing silver vases and iron longswords from citizen's homes after I stole the Elder Fucking Scroll
such a job is beneath a master thief such as myself

Yeah, they really did well with that. I should replay the shivering isles.

if they made cities realistic sizes in TES it'd take them twice as long to develop each game. also old man gamebryo probably wouldn't be able to run them smoothly on anything less than a small supercomputer.

Despite its failings, oblivion had some comfy-ass cities.

Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't.

That was the joke, yes.

>the church has been deleted
Was this made by a Muslim Turk, or something?

They're not generated, but yeah, all bethesda games that use some variant of gamebryo mix the worst parts of arcade and tactical realism combat together

I "retire" characters. If the accomplish one or two great things I just stop playing them.

was i the only one who really liked cheydinhal?

Very good taste, I remember her

What are you, stupid?
Everyone knows that the comfiest town is Caldera

you can have big cities but they might be empty or hard to navigate. A lot of shooters have huge urban places but there's nothing really interesting going on.

i'd honestly would not mind a compromise, having cities that are two or three times as big as the ones TES has right now(imagine three Chorrols put together, or an imperial city with every building having 5 to 6 stories), with a bunch of NPCs that don't really have anything interesting to say or do except exist to fill up space so long as the actually scripted, developed ones blended in with them, on a proportion of at least 1 to 3.

most of the non-important NPCs would be randomly generated, stay for short and leave so there's a feeling of constant traffic.

>capital province of the empire
>every "city" is a tiny ass town, some even are hamlets
>even the imperial city is just a town

I dunno, download a mod that makes loot more interesting.

Caldera was shit. Imperial city assets look like Runescape-tier ass. Plus you have broken shit like Creeper, and the free master's alchemy set. And the Mages Guild and Castle are fucking tiny as fuck.
It's like some amateur modder made Caldera.

>Special Friend tier

>Fangirl pussy tier
Weebum-Na, Methredhel

>Randomly generated characters tier
Everyone else

>Basic as fuck tier

>Retarded Mary Sue tier

That's not how you spell Pelagiad


its in the mod, dunno why its not in the pic

Where men are women

>Weebam "Powdered Deer Penis" Na, a male Argonian, in a waifu tier list
for what purpose

Bruma = Anvil > Imperial City > Cheydinhal > Leyawiin > Skingrad > Chorrol > Bravil > Kvatch (rip lol)

>the AC games have big cities
what games?

Wowee I fucked that up
I meant Dar-ma, the chick you save in that quest in Chorrol

Anyone who's first game is Oblivion or Skyrim is a newfag who needs murdered

people who were 10 when Oblivion came out are now 21. You're the odd man out here

Why do Skeletons have such great animations?

Y'all mafks got taste? Do you like Oblivion?

Just play Nehrim, it's not perfect but a lot more fun than modded ESIV. Grandiose and epic feeling...once again, not perfect, but a lot of time was put into it by the (pretty damn) small company. And it's free, bros!

sorry grandpa, but the old games were shit

Jokes on you, Redguard was my first