Monster Hunter World: Best Boy Edition
Monster Hunter World: Best Boy Edition
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>After 4 years of suffocating under 4thGen's animefication, World finally goes back to the franchise's western roots that MH1 to Tri were known for
>Sup Forumsssholes hate it and want their animesque kabuki hunter XXX back
Silence children, we are here to undo the damage that your filth of a generation had brought forth.
Famitsu has a 40 minute MHW segment coming up in about 30 minutes (Mario is on now):
This is bait.
So 30 minutes of Bing Bing Wahoo until then, great
monhun was western inspired
not western influenced
there is a big difference and worlds crosses that line
Someone fucking gets it.
Quiet genfag.
So what's the story behind El Giganto? Was he a hunter that fell in love with a monster (hunter) and refused to make the choice to kill it?
He and Godzilla hates hoomin foreigners coming to their island so they team up to wreck havoc at their doorstep.
Preorders when?
what's the name of that? looks pretty sick desu
So is this (not) Diablos the flagship monster for MHW?
Your mothers asshole.
Is it true there are riders in MHW or is it a meme?
>open this thread
>this song immediately comes on the radio
Palico Riders, specifically. They use monsterspeak to tame monsters rather than brainwashing magic stones.
Maybe it's Diablos but fun.
Why did they just pan the camera at a girls boobs while she plays with a fidget spinner?
Well excuse me then
>4thGen's animefication
>gameplay side this game is more close to the 4gen(4U) than anything else
>still bragging about spinoff game for the low effort
Step up your shitpost fag.
Why is it so mad?
>implying matador fights aren't fun
Besides, diablos was boring because getting his horns stuck only worked on certain areas of the map. In MHW, every wall should be fair play. That might make him way too easy to fight though.
Because you interrupted it's dank puff
>Those """people""" who say the flagship monster look bad
Like... Are they meeming or something?
What the fuck, he looks sick as shit.
>You will never have horns that swol.
Plebeians don't know better
>sleeping while floating around in my super comfy fluffy fur
>some weird creature comes intro my territory clanging around in bright noisy scales
>tries to attack me
Wait...Can't IG fly in World though and retains its flippity aerial attack from gen? Doesn't Long Sword still have a counter and added a Helmbreaker? Don't DB users run like Naruto in their demon stance in this one? Isn't Charge blade good if not amazing in world?
It would still be nice to see a rider in the game. Even if it's just an NPC that brags about his monster and bumps into you now and then while he's riding it.
>yfw el giganto's motive is just that he wants the immigrants to fuck off from his peninsula
>yfw he just wants to be left alone
Monster hunter means "monster who is also a hunter".
I'm glad to see Japan keeping the boothbabe tradition alive.
IG doesn't fly you frechman.
I want to touch his horns
Is this image a joke or did they seriously use "put spikes on everything" as something that this flagship isn't guilty of
I don't know how anyone could defend the jet plane monster from Generations.
New mainliner looks sick af.
Every monster is just a monster that wants to be left alone in piece. Anything that ever attacks villages was either provoked or is infected with some type of disease.
I want to break his horns!
>mfw user save my webm and even rename it with a cool name.
>He's completely bald if you break his horns
>that tiny head
>tune in and this is the first thing I see
Why do you keep to post this pic?
Your pics is factually wrong because the right side
is true for MHW and other mainline game.
This should have been the flagship monster.
>did they seriously use "put spikes on everything" as something that this flagship isn't guilty of
The original post on /vg/ that said that DID imply that, though
Sure thing bud.
I'm just trying to pick some fucking herbs to stick on my dinner and a monster has to go fucking berserk and start attacking because I was in the same postcode.
Wish they would stop showing dumb GIRLS and get to the MH segment at TGS.
Wait a minute that monster...
Nature loves putting spikes on everything.
The person that put the greentext on that image didn't though
>all the "monsters" are relatively peaceful creatures hu dindu nuffin, just living out their daily lives, law of jungle and shit
>gets killed by hunters for sport under the guise of "restoring balance to the ecosystem"
>the hunter is the real monster, hence Monster Hunter
>the single unique monster design in a game otherwise populated with the most generic, bottom of the barrel, low effort schlock
Poor thing deserves to be in a real Monster Hunter.
>Cursing intensifies.
See, the flagship is actually based on real animals. Frontier on the other hand...
>kill prey with claws
>try to eat it
>horns keep pushing it away or hitting the ground when you try to stick your head down
Better question, what's the flagship elder dragon going to look like? How fucking huge will it be in MHW now that it's open world? What elder dragons will they bring back?
Honestly, if new Flagship Spikeboi is even a 1/10th as fun to fight as Dure, I'll be happy.
Fight is an mile a minute adventure from the word go.
Yasss, puffball should be in Frontier where it can hang out with the other special snowflakes
I hope we get a poogie boss
Why not just call it the final boss? Flagship Elder is kind of misleading because Daora was the flagship monster of Dos to begin with.
The flagship is OP image. He's basically a Gore Magala keleton who spends half the time slamming the ground with his fists, like how gaijinhunter hits his wife.
What the fuck are they speaking?!
I disagree. My personal favorite is the sleek snake headed lizard.
But there is no way they'll call him an elder dragon.
I think he's alright, but he's yet another dragon, has a shitton of spikes and a Shadow the Hedgehog color scheme. Some people were hoping for something more "out there" i guess.
He's an Elder dragon confirmed. Literally Fists Magala.
It's starting, boys.
>Porcupines are now not real animals
Really? Shit. He's actually a little lame for an elder dragon design.
Frontier on the other hand...
The theme was "From the Stars" and the mural implies an alien crashing landing on earth fucking things up. I was so underwhelmed by his reveal, I wanted an awesome but weird ayylmao like pic related.
Okay let's be real here. How strong are hunters canonically? Because it doesn't matter how large the monster is, they can effectively block anything.
Will the flagship have a blood attack?
Is that the Berserk wolf
considering it has 4 legs and wings, im gonna guess its going to fight more like gore.
The tears is delicious....
I mostly said diablos because he looks like him not that they'll play the same way. Diablos also has wings.
no, but it can grow even more spike
Is the tent some kind of tardis?
I wholly disagree
I want to cut off his tail!
>Sugar glider inspired body.
>Those movements.
>That color scheme.
>Kecha mixed with Nargacuga that looks like a snake
Snek is easily my fav so far. followed by bat puff and then Destroyah
>Have Espinas
>Have a troglobite(cave adapted) Espinas
I'd love to see if bats that float around like giant poof balls exist in real life.
I do admit they went way overboard with Z Hyujikki's back spikes, though they do a damn good job at being a visual cue to his special break and tells at least.
Its going to be really painful waiting the 6+ months for a PC release.
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