What went wrong?

what went wrong?

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the entire second half of the game

Nothing really, but it did suffer of rushed out release by the higherups.

Never understood the hate. It's practically the same as "redoing" same areas in past games via Alternative-versions.

I mean, for one the visual design doesn't change at all, which was a huge part of what made the otherworld segments worthwhile since they were generally more unsettling. I also don't think the environments are all that memorable in the first place either, and their usually far brighter than the locales in the original trilogy. Finally, and most importantly, is that all of the backtracking in the second half is a damned escort mission, which is just generally awful.

Silent Hill user, if you see this then what should I do because every time I try to start SH3 it says no CD rom drive found.


I have a Lenovo Yoga 910, can I run PCX2?

>if you see this then what should I do because every time I try to start SH3 it says no CD rom drive found.
Apply a no-cd crack on it, OR keep the ISO mounted.

Let's throw in the SH PC Guide + links:



SH2 torrent:


SH3 torrent:


Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" is a all-in-one fix, that works as a no-cd crack as well. It is included in the pack.
If you use the NEW fix mentioned in the guide, you can use the sh2proxy's EXE as the no-cd crack!

In case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.
If SH3 runs like shit even on a strong PC, check and lower the Rendering Resolution setting.

SH2-4 do not support Xinput gamepads. Either use Xpadder, a DirectInput pad, or just play with KB+M.
There's now SH1 emu-settings as well in the guide. If the image of the game does NOT fill your entire screen in fullscreen mode, check your plugin AND GPU control panel's image scaling settings!
Also give the new PGXP emulator a shot for a lot less wobbly PS1 graphics.

-Play in the release order.
-Never play below Normal difficulty.
-Replaying them all is recommended.
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting,
-Don't try to kill everything that moves, especially outdoors.
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help.

you having a giggle m8?

depends on its specs, but by a general rule of thumb, craptops don't run PS2 emulation well.
No problems with the PC ports though.


under protips should be:
"review journal and in-game notes regularly"
"headphones always headphones"

Almost nothing.
I enjoyed it times more than 3.


That was the best part.

Probably naming it Silent Hill 4. Emphasis on the 4. It's a decent horror game in its own right.

if I wanted some monster chasing me throughout the entire game I would opt for something like nemesis or pyramid head not just like ooo floaty annoying ghosts. I don't think it really adds anything to the experience besides annoyance.

Ghosts are believeable, which is what makes them scary, especially when done right like SH4. A huge creature with a giant knife isn't.

>like nemesis or pyramid
How the fuck are they any different from ghosts? Just because you like their designs more?

>it's good x, just not good y
Nah, m8. Fuck that logic. I still hold my opinion that 3rd game shouldn't have even existed, since 1 was a self containted story and 3 was just a parasite.

I got it to run, is it possible to play using my PS4 controller?

How was 3 a parasite?

well for one they actually pose a very real threat and move and act in a way that inspires fear. At least in the case of nemesis (all ph's encounters are scripted and intentional) he'll stay down once you beat him until you leave that area which is nice because not you get to actually check the area thoroughly instead of being shooshed along by this ghost you can only keep down with these special swords you have to pick back up or they'll be lost for the next area. PH served both a narrative and game-play purpose as a reoccurring menace. Being hunted was almost the entire plot of 3 so there it also has meaning in both. Ghosts just kinda meander around harassing the player but posing no serious threat or plot purpose besides indicting these 4 people died.

I only take franchises with numbered entries seriously

It's kinda irrational on my part, but I never followed ads at the time, so thought it would be a self-containted story like 2 and was massively dissapointed that it was a sequel.
I didn't like level transition since it feeled like everyting was sewed together by cutscenes and sewed not very well.

It was PT, where you killed korean general in the end, right?

>Ghosts are believeable

Nothing, best game in the series.

Sure are.

I'm not scared of no ghost

It failed doing what the first three excelled at.

SH1-3 have amazing atmosphere, amazing environments, amazing abstract creature design. SH4 is boring uninspired urban areas, generic J-horror creatures like long haired pale woman and twin baby heads with black coat, no atmosphere whatsoever with the exception of the circular prison, you're supposed to be in the satanic world of a serial killer and everything is so tame and boring with annoying ghosts flying around.

Jap general that plotted the war between North and South Korea so Japan could conquer Asia or something like that, someone correct me.

I loved the story, but the removal of fog/radio/flashlight and the invincible ghosts made completing it tedious. Still better than anything that came after it, actually I liked it better than 3

they made the core focus of the game a serial killer. Effectively making the game a paranormal murder mystery.

Now thats what i call shit taste

you must love downpour

noise, thanks senpai.