>the switch won't be popular
c'mon now, nobody genuinely thought this
The switch won't be popular
>nobody genuinely thought this
Apparently, Nintendo didn't have too much faith in it. All these mobile and 3DS games we're getting are remnants of a hasty exit strategy in case the Switch bombed.
>nintendo's market cap is $53 billion
>sony's market cap is $47 billion
I didn't put together this autism compilation because I'm not a madman with infinite free time but Neogaf is just something else, man.
I really hope that at some point they phase out the 3DS and make the Switch its portable replacement.
It it just me or does Nintendo seem to bomb every other gen? The console that comes after Switch will probably crash and burn really fast.
How angry was Sonygaf when the latest NPD numbers showed the Switch outselling the PS4?
These people didn't realize the power of the tegra X1 and FP16 probably
But what about the games?
they fuck up which forces them to do better then get cocky when things go well for them and the cycle repeats