Why in the fuck do some games make you press cross instead of circle to exit a menu?
Why in the fuck do some games make you press cross instead of circle to exit a menu?
Its flipped in japan
because X means exit
Triangle should be the universal "exit" button.
why the fuck do burgers make me press circle instead of cross to exit a menu?
That's why I'm afraid to get weeb games on ps3/4, I'm glad the Switch is starting to get them since it it's the same for all games on it.
because someone decided that X was in a more comfortable position than O, and it stuck
personally, I liked the semi-common X/O=accept, Square/Triangle=cancel that you'd see in some PS1 games (most obvious example that comes to mind is OG Ridge Racer)
Triangle opens the menu, circle closes it, as circle is the universal back/close button you fucking fag.
Sometimes you get a brief flash of the Japanese button layout in menus. I noticed this on gravity rush 2.
Incorrect, you cross things out to "cancel" them on paper and circle them to point them out.
The circle button is in the prime "cancel" position though. Where the x is just feels natural to confirm/select.
Ex is accept
Ball is roll
Square is drink estus
Triangle is enter car
You're retarded right?
Your thumb naturally rests on X and square. Naughty Dog, like in every other fucking way, understood this better than Sony and made it the standard but the japs kept fucking around
That's only because someone decided to flip it for the west and people grew up using mostly that configuration. Meanwhile Japan has been using A/O B/X since the beginning.
>mfw Americans call "cross" ecks
>mfw Americans call "block" square
>mfw Americans call "wedge" triangle
>mfw Americans call "locus" circle
So the answer is that Japan's culture is backwards?
This is like those places that drive on the wrong side of the road.
Are there any characters that call it the cross button instead of the x button?
>Not calling it Pizza
it's 2 you fucking mongoloid
O = 1 side
X = 2 sides
/_\ = 3 sides
[] = 4 sides
go back in time and assassinate whoever at SCE was responsible for swapping buttons outside japan
Why do burgers call it cross?
Japanese are aliens and have their fingers in weird angles, making their button configurations unnatural and counter-intuitive for any human.
Jesus died for Sony's sings
What? Even Western culture flip-flops between whether X is considered "hit" or "miss." Like baseball vs. bowling.
I would have preferred if the West had followed Japan's conventions for X/O, so games would be more consistent. It's a pain in the ass when controls are randomly different than what you'd expect.
>if you play idolmaster on a burger console it thinks you're pressing O and X at the same time
Why is the control layout in every Dreamcast game completely fucked up?
Thisshould be universal shit
>1 side
That don't look like no cross I ever seen. t < THAT'S a cross
>Pizzas aren't round where he is from
How is life in England?
>whole pizza
>slice of pizza
>box of pizza
>no pizza
You're all fucking wrong
Fuck I knew there was another name for the X
What the fuck did Sony mean by this?