What was your FIRST overlap of boobs and video games in your life Sup Forums?
I'm talking that OLD shit, like the fucking flash game era or whatever.
For me, it was Miniclip or some other flash game. Virtually the dial era still or close as fuck to it.

I downloaded an "Adults Only" volleyball game. To it's credit, it really was a fuckin' volleyball game. BUT, if you beat it enough times/had a long enough time keeping the ball from the sand or something- you'd get the ability to remove the tops of the women involved.

Also- fucking found it.

Other urls found in this thread:

There was a strip poker game on the c64. That was the first one I ever played. That graphics pretty much made it impossible to fap to. Leisure Suit Larry was also a thing at one point.

Boobs are awful
feet and vore are significantly better
get rekt
stay jealous

I'm pretty sure I could play Leisure Suit Larry 1 from start to finish without having done so in the last 15+ years.

Ass > Tits
>inb4 nigger
Only malnutritioned shits like tits, to compensate for the lack of milk their mother had.

My brother's used to play A kind of point and click in a hospital with sex nurses that undress is you do the necessary steps.
Kinda had the MAD artstyle. I think it was called quip or semething

Modern men no longer desire big breasts

the first game i ever played was a strip jokenpo game for sega saturn
it had tits on it

Tit to hip ratio is a sexy thing. Need big tits if you have childbearing hips.

You can see a nice ass on ANY beach.
None of that shit was unavailable in any beach game or whatever. Now a bare ass without swimwear on it or something-

Do tell if you ever saw it because I sure as shit didn't.

I've honestly been a flatfag for as long as I can remember. I never had a BOOBS experience with vidya.

>friend and i both had sega dreamcasts in 8th grade
>he gives me dead or alive 2 to borrow for a week
>get home and decide to check it out before homework
>end up fapping like crazy to breast physics

Breast physics was a game changer for the industry.

I played some games with nice titties in it, like Final Fantasy 7 and Resident Evil 3 and all that, but the first time it really hit me was when I played Soul Calibur 2.

Is that the game that gives you 99% of the boob except the 1% that actually matters to see?

I don't particularly remember.

But what I do remember doing is learning to mod Duke Nukem 3D just specifically to edit the stripper sprite and remove the nipple tassels. Just drew on real nipples.

Led to a lot of dirty tissues.

I torrented an hentai sci-fi game called "Critical Point". It was honestly pretty great. It had a cool sci-fi plot and androids.
You're a guy sent on a moon base to investigate some shit and you're like the only guy there among a bunch of anime waifus and I didn't try to fugg them because I was too much of a wuss even in a game kek and it felt wrong and I was afraid someone might walk in and I had gotten pretty engrossed in the plot anyway. My character got raped some point though (they SERIOUSLY wanted the D). Also an android tortured me and chopped off my arm. If you try to fugg them it's kind of silly and your character is a bit of dick but you see some anime tiddies and it's nice.
The scenario was surprisingly good desu.

frank's adventure

Every percent matters.

YES same

You have a mental illness

In 2001 I was 11 when I played DOA2 for the first time. I think playing Kasumi may have given me my first boner. Dat jiggle physics and dem boobs.

I don't think it was the first, but it was the one that has stuck with me after 15 years...


Flashgames on Games like "Street Life" and "Franks Adventure"

She made my peepee feel funny as a teenager

I think on the xbox, some kind of Dead or Alive beach volleyball game where they played naked.

first off
yay boobs, love them a whole ton

i think Quest 64, that game had some ladies that time forgot


DOAXBV only had brief, silhouetted nudity.

There was a hack to play as nude Kasumi in DOA2

i felt like a faggot thinking about how I was embarassed about Sheena's huge knockers on the ToS cover/ ingame costume, or I-no on #reload

fuck, i wanna watch those shitty dubs again

i remember when sci fi channel would show anime at like 1am and saturday mornings. they showed fatal fury movies, but had them mad censored at times.

King of Fighters, Mai, in the arcades, during a field trip.

I'm pretty sure they were all naked, maybe it was a mod or something. My dad put cracked games on Xbox's at that time and sold them

Meet N Fuck flash games


Imagine being this gay

Modern men no longer desire big breasts

I probably got a boyboner at some gameboy games, don't really remember

Then I got a PC and I came to Tifa's tits

It's true, i've also always been a flatfag

One time a friend of mine and I just played a bunch of them on Newgrounds we were kids. Both of just sat there hard and laughed every now and then. It was weird.

Yeah? Well we still desire TITS and that's what this threads all about.

Did you fug?

you're not a modern man, you're old and outdated


You- I like you.

>I'm talking that OLD shit
>like the fucking flash game era

Not 100% what the order was, but I definitely remember Boom Boom Volleyball being there, then the cootie's bar x-ray glasses flash game too. Maybe it was moving the shower in The Sims to see boobs. There was a decent amount of xbox games that were featured in OXM too, including an adult issue, that had Leisure Suit Larry, The Playboy Game, and The Guy Game. Then there was Dead or Alive (plus volleyball) and Sudeki. Years later I got a rip of the guy game and finally saw the tits uncensored on a really hot blonde girl that I fawned over for years.

I also remember there being straight porn levels in unreal tournament custom maps, that was incredible.

Final Fantasy 8. Shiva tatas are okay.

wwe games were a good source of tits, I remember no mercy being good and then later on there were bra and panties matches. the loading screens were divas just being hot too.

25 been playing games awhile. but honestly dark souls Gwynevere was my first "holy tits" moment

superior ass coming through

>be like 11
>realize she is completely naked

No. In order to appreciate a nice pair of tits you must stare at them head-on, in the open, fully in view of their carrier object. The riskl of getting caught is huge, and the alpha male does not fear this because he wants to get "caught," so that the carrier object will then deliver the tits to him. As well, to get a good view of clothed breasts up close a man must be tall to have the best angle at looking downwards, and height is an alpha trait.

Conversely, to appreciate an ass is cowardly. it necessitates a view from behind, a position of hiding and fear. The risk of getting caught is extremely small since carrier objects do not have eyes on the backs of their heads.

So boobmen are alpha risk takers to want to confront things head-on, fearless. Assmen are beta cowards, wanting to watch from afar in fear.

As well, boobs are a female sexual characteristic, whereas ass is appreciated both by beta men and also gay men. Is it heterosexually alpha to share sexual interests in characteristics with gay men? Of course not.

They desire toned stomachs and fine legs now, right?

Felicia was my waifu before waifu was even a thing.

>porn levels in unreal tournament

That's 100% pure Game-Kino. You really can't replicate that kind of event of seeing shit like that, at that age and in fucking video games like Unreal. Bravo user, goddamn.

>H-Hehe guys prefer chestkets like me! S-Small tits are justice!

Don't even pretend we had a steady supply of bare boobs on the SNES or Sega at the time. The internet was the fucking Wild West though.

I feel like it it was Sonic the Pervert. I probably stumbled upon it looking for Sonic the Swordsman.
I feel like I dodged a bullet because I could have become a furry.

>he bit the bait

A porn version of Tetris for MS-DOS. I used to play it when I was like 7 in front of my parents. Fun times.

>leisure suit Larry
>tomb raider
>the bit in time commando where the camera pans past a naked statue

Gay men like pecs, though, and while they're not quite the same as breasts it's still attraction to chest structures that have nipples on them.

16bit era was the dawn of the titty age.

I remember it was some red neck trailer park level, and then there was a porno store on the map, and BAM, tits. there were also playboy levels and a map that was literally just giant tits, but I'll never forget the shock of 11 year old me finding the porno store tits. easy way to hide porn as a kid too

>Tomb Raider has no nude code!
This one always gets me, and keeps getting paraded as truth. Truth is...yeah, in the commercial release there's no nude code. But if you look at the game's wad, there's textures for a nude Lara (even a nipple!). The most likely truth is that the nude code existed, but only in internal builds that the developers only ever had access to.

please tell me theres nudes of her

Yup, this same one but for the PS1

user's screenshot is literally from a porn game.

Nothing topped Sophitia from SC4 for me to this day.

The perfect boobs in the perfect outfit.

Which game has best boob physics

>He bought the bit

It was Tina for me, but yeah DoA was the king of my puberty.

I can hear that theme music in my head just from that picture. Truly made me learn to appreciate anime titties

Oh, I remember that I think

I can't pinpoint the beginning but this was certainly one of the earliest.

>SCV downsized all the tits


SC4 was great and I had the fight stick plastered with ivy's tits. I only played as ivy or sophitia

My cousin modified the Sims to add nudity.


chestlets at it again

If I recall correctly, this is the game where the player character is literally a floating pair of tits with a right arm.

I should probably scan that in at a higher resolution.

The epitome of video game design, surely. Imagine the concept art.

Screenshots of H scenes from Cobra Mission in a computer games magazine. It was the only adult game in those hundreds of pages.

Man, do I miss these sorts of aesthetics. There's something about the dithering and the pixel art that draws me in.

The plant from conkers bad fur day, I hate rare.

I hope to god that someone can help me find this.

My first encounter with the lewd was some sort of a shoot em up. Shit was in Japanese and I doubt it ever got translated. Anyways, after you beat the boss, you are rewarded with a cutscene involving one of the characters stripping down.

Mind you that I was 9 and I have never seen porn, let alone lewd shit before, and here was an anime lady stripping down to her birthday suit. It was the first and the last time I ever felt embarrassment from this kind of shit. Granted I never really know what other characters were there aside from the first two chicks because the game it self was somewhat difficult too.

Now I'm hoping any of you might know what this game was. If it is of any help I think the game also got packed inside the folder, along with other "hard" classic games, when Sup Forums gauntlet run was a thing.

Dragon Pink VHS tape from blockbuster. Hentai and I was like 9 at the time.


This is how I spent the majority of my time in Business Systems and Tech class.
Drafting was mostly counterstrike.

Tits are awesome. Who could possibly hate them?

when I was young I really liked them big honkers, but as I grew older I learned to appreciate thin toned body with a deliciously flat chest.

I really love fat anime tits.

I'm in the opposite, when I was younger I really loved asses. Then as I got older I started loving thighs more, then hips more, and now I'm older and holy fuck do I love some fatass tits, with the sag.

I remember it was some furry game on newgrounds, all I remember was a bar and some zebra chick.

i found some new site called home of the underdogs when i was but a wee child that easily offered game downloads
one day while working my way through their archive i happened upon true love and the rest is incredibly tedious and boring histoy turned into a paedohpile?

I'd follow this man into hell itself

Duke Nukem 3D was my first. Episode 2 got me into /d/ shit.

Also my first experience with modding.

The death animations in RE2 made me hard, is that normal?