Does Sup Forums believe in the Indoctrination Theory?
Does Sup Forums believe in the Indoctrination Theory?
The only thing I believe is that it was a shitty game.
We both know bioware doesn't understand what depth is anymore so that theory doesn't hold any water, not thats its particularly deep in itself.
Even if you accepted the Indoctrination Theory (which contradicts a lot of the lore and bases its premise on Bioware being smarter than they really are), there's still the problem of Shepard lying under a pile of rubble, not ending the reapers in the name of postmodernism.
The ending was shit but how was the game itself shitty? It's been 5 years but I remember the gunplay being the best in the series
they should have gone with that i mean its not great but for fucks sakes atleast its a good way to work your way out of the complete shit ending they made........ but no muh autistic vision was there response to that
The theory made sense in a lot of ways and Bioware should've gone with it instead of muh artistic integrity
Mass Effect 3 really was when Bioware started going down the shitter
The Indoctrination Theory was pretty shit.
I know people were disappointed with the actual ending we got, but basically saying it was all a dream and essentially changing to some half assed internal conflict right at the end isn't much better. I think the only reason people accept it is because it's a fan theory that seems complicated.
it's a shitty reddit theory, it's funny because the ending and game tanked so hard that retards have to think up a "it was all a dream" tier theory to cope with how shitty the ending was. and then they went and fucked it up even further with that abomination of a game that was andromeda