She looks dope
MvCI Monster Hunter Trailer
>from capcom after the massive jewery in SF5
Where's the DLC to keep her from talking?
>that last super
I don't play or know much about MH, but that looked weird as fuck. That voice is too.
she would have made the base roster look way better. when does she drop and how much.
>playing as a girl
Monster Hunter always had a corny / comical side to it
I thought Sigma was supposed to be first?
>game just came out this week
fuck capcom and anyone of you faggots for buying this game
Is that Menat's VA?
Its a barrel of gunpowder
Nice moveset but did they butcher every Capcom theme in this game?
she sounds retarded...
The only character that looks remotely polished and it's not even in the base game. Why are you buying capcom games again?
You'd think they'd include her in the base game to promote MH if they're really intent on exposing MH World to a broader audience.
I'm enjoying the game and there's nothing you can do about it
because i like combos
This is customary to post ITT
>Why are you buying capcom games again?
Because they are fun games
>that level 3 charge
If only she wasn't DLC, I might have been interested in playing this game.
>Expecting basic logic from capcom
Literally the only reason capcom is getting any money from me
>Not in the base roster.
>Announced 2 days after the game launched.
Capcom must have realized they weren't hitting that sales goal on day one right away.
God damn it
I would have bought it if she was included. I'm just gonna wait for UMvCI and pirate it.
So where's all the people saying how they couldn't finish her in time and that DLC will be in a month minimum?
>Day 1 on-disc dlc
Didn't they learn their lesson from SFxT?
The voice ruins it. The Grunting silent character is more charming, and if link can do it, so can she.
>No amaterasu
>No phoenix wright
>No Lei-lei
>NO wesker
Capcom its like you don't even want me to buy your game, I might as well just rebuy the ported UMVC3.
>None of her attacks use felynes or monsters from the games
>that fucking barrel at the end of the level 3
Definitely gonna be on my team
>some leaker said lv3 was summoning rathalos with HH
>was fake
Im a bit miffed
>Charge attack that has 95 fucking hits of super armor
Giving monster hunter people english voices was a mistake.
when does she release
>So spiderman what are we gonna do
>I dont know Ryu
>Hey look over there who's that
>Camera hangs 3 seconds too long
>Thor in the background T-poses for 5 frames
>Monster hunter comes up
>Who are you says everyone in unison
>I'm Monster Hunter from Monster Hunter and i'm here to save the earth
>Doesn't use shock traps/pitfalls
>No paintball-auto marking
>No dungbomb/flashbomb stuns
>No whetstone critical charges
>No Felyne tag teams
>No Carting
>No hunting horn temp buffing
>No Light bowgun range
>No Glaive vaulting
Its like the intentionally tried to make her as boring as possible. The hunter has one of the most diverse movesets out there and they made her generic as fuck.
Is it me or are some of her animations straight-up lifted from the MH games? The Demon Dance looks way too fluid compared to everything else
Am I the only one who thinks she speaks too fucking much? It's like they suddenly turned Link into a chatterbox with Teedus' voice and made him go HA HA HA HA HA HA
Also I would have much rather have a male hunter.
>Game just came out
And this is why people except FGC don't buy or play fighters.
Large barrels are normal to use when you down monsters and their weak points are exposed.
Anyone has the >hell yeah motherfucker edit of that pic?
Didn't game like just release a couple days ago? Why the fuck are they already showing off these characters?
>Called Monster Hunter
>No Monsters
What gives? even Frank still throws zombies.
It's funny, but then it hurts.
because she's on the disc already and this game bombed so they need to release the DLC quick to recoup money
They shouldn't have given her a voice at all. They should have stuck to the sound effects you have in the Monster Hunter games.
5 days?
Because they chose 6 characters from the base roster to cut and sell back as DLC, that explains why Sigma is DLC.
because capcom fans are the easiest to milk for money from. Just like how they are still making characters for SFV.
Because characters like Monster Hunter are locked on the disc goy, not actual DLC, unlock the privilege of using them for shekels.
>Capcom making the canon Monster Hunter some bimbo and giving her a generic face and voice with a bunch of annoying phrases
Capcom and sega are the only companies that legitimately make games anymore. Nintendo is outplayed platformers and zelda-likes, Konami is fucking dead. Namco is subpar RPGs and dancing games. Theres not much left of the big 5. I'll always love Capcom properties, but I hate them as a company for how they act these days.
Annnnnnd shitty voice. I'm really looking forward to venom and seeing how autistic they make his voice. They might as well give him his corny ps1 voice, that is if its actually venom and not agent nu-venom
>She just uses GS, DB and Bow
Fucking boring, man. They had so much room for creativity here and they just took the safe route like with everything else in this fucking game
She plays pretty much how I pictured a monster hunter character to play except without using monsters in her supers. Looks pretty fun too
>female rath armor
>instead of kirin or rathian
Seems very accurate to the hunters I've seen online.
Anyone know what that music track is? It's so familiar, but I can't place it.
>Thor in the background T-poses for 5 frames
I laughed harder than I should have
I don't understand your statement? What else could have they fucking done, like what? You people are fucking impossible to please.
>Monster Hunter character
WHAT. The monster hunter player characters are ALWAYS generic like nigga what
>Dat power armor
It's a fast paced electronic version of the MonHun main theme.
GL wyvern fires and SnS mashing are too complicated for Capcom.
Fuck off, they're right.
What are you, Crapcom shill defense force?
I feel like Capcom fans have literal stockholm syndrome. More so than any other company fanbase.
It's Proof of a Hero remixed
wait minute. how long is 5 minutes in freezer time
Fuck off Peter.
Looks good but goddamn that voice totally kills it.
I'm really disappointed. I was pretty excited as a monster hunter fan but she doesn't look nearly as cool as she could be.
>Only uses 3 weapons
>Doesn't use any items outside of the barrel bomb, not even coatings for bow
>All of the supers are just arts/normal attacks and even the barrel bomb set up looks stupid (Why not something like a pitfall/shock trap or sleep into barrel bombs?)
>Has a super annoying voice when the hunters don't normally have anything outside of grunts
>No references to monsters, not even felynes
Terrible fan service honestly. It gives me the feeling that the people who made the character didn't actually play MH much if at all and they just copied animations and the armor set. Only cool thing I can maybe see is if they make different colors give her different armor sets, but that would actually be work and we're just going to see magical rainbow rathalos sets from species that don't exist (except maybe Frontier because they have tons of stupid shit)
>Capcom and sega are the only companies that legitimately make games anymore
>monster hunter and yakuza rehashes
How delusional are you?
Ah yeah, don't see how I'd miss that. Guess I was too focused on the electronic parts.
>EDM version of Proof of a Hero
really don't like the music in this game. at least SFV had some variation
why does it look like capcom actually put effort into this character but not the rest of the cast so far?
Sleep, shock or pit would need new animations for every character.
Capcom isnt doing shit.
>What else could they have fucking done
GEE, i dunno, the 15 other weapons that exist? The alck of hunting horn, MH's own original weapon is already a mistake. We didn't ened another Strider with a great sword.
B-But I am not a "capcom shill" and I am really excited for this character. Like god dammit
Ratholos when?
I'll get the next revision when it comes out.
Only the GS is really unique. The DB and bow functions are already done by Gamora and Hawkeye.
All joking aside the unique move animations are ripped right out of monster hunter, but the way the moves link doesn't look monster hunter at all. Not even DB chains look right.
>Monster hunter rehashes
I don't see the issue.
>Yakuza rehashes
I REALLY don't see the issue. Fun games being remade is a good thing. Meanwhile sony is making the enxt blockbuster film.
>Resident evil
>Ace Attorney
Need I go on?
>Speak engrish
It's really hard to have threads without talking about "capcom shills" or "kappa redditors".
They devolve into shitposting pretty fast, so at that point you either join in or leave the thread.
The fact that the frozen status effect is literally just the generic standing pose with a blue texture over them makes me realize how right you are. Like god damn the only way they could be lazier is if it was a T pose.
This. I am not getting burned again like UMVC3
Almost like those are the core weapons or something.
Sup Forums tipically whines about EVERYTHING but all the complaints on this thread are very valid and true. I was super excited for the MonHun rep but they completely fucked it up. It's just the truth.
I'm surprised we've gone so far in this thread without having someone bring up Kappa, usually they show up by now.
>Resident evil
>Ace Attorney
3 out of 5 of those are fucking dead (ESPECIALLY Mega Man), what're you talking about?
And going back to how delusional you are,
>Nintendo is outplayed platformers and zelda-like
Metroid, Splatoon, and ARMS would like to have a word with you.
I think she looks pretty great 2bh, senpai.
A big monster lvl 3 would have been cool, I admit.
you can turn off the character voices in the game
Outplayed. I love metroid but it died after fusion. 4 metroid games was more than enough, Primes cool. but SR/OtherM dont need to exist, and nothing future should either.
Online shit I dont care about. NEXT.
I can cope with the bland moves but I really can't stand the voice.
I just can't.
This user just nailed the feeling.
tfw you know Switch owners gonna be salty af when this releases.