What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Long unskippable cutscenes

in other words, being a 90s JRPG and all the flaws that make them tedious

The story is the best part. The problem was disc two when they skipped too much shit

You mean why did this game get everything right??? This was the original plot for ff7 til they got told to work it as a side project.

>Emulate it
>Arrive at a 20 min long cutscene
>Game crashes
>Try a few more times
>Crash every time at random intervals
>Never got past it

>This was the original plot for ff7 til they got told to work it as a side project.
The director of the game was bored of doing FF and so Sakaguchi convinced the management to let him do his own thing. FF7 was always separate

I actually fucking LOVED the combat system, but I couldn't stand the long unskippable cutscenes. Some cutscenes were so long it felt like I was watching a fucking interactive movie. The combat system was so fun.

I solved this by pressing F7 it makes the game look a little wrost but I got through all parts that crushed the emulator

What kind of shitty emulator are you using?

Messy development hence why the latter half stops being a videogame

Combat was a cool idea, but it was long and slow. Never had to think that much either

combat was extremely easy, but it was fun entering in each individual hit and using combos.

Again, the idea of a Melee combat system was really cool, but it really had no thought behind it. You mashed in fights to get the combos, and mashed combos against bosses. If each hit had more thought in it other than 1, 2, and 3 points, then it would have been more interesting.

I thought it was submitted as the plot for FFVII, got rejected for being too dark and was made into it's own project.

flawed kino.

Well yes, but Takahashi never wanted to make a FF game. That's why when it was then changed to a sequel to CT he fought and fought until it was allowed to be it's own thing

Holy shit, nothing. What a masterpiece.

God I don't get to talk about this game enough.

What level y'all take Fei to? Anyone here actually go to 99? Grinding 80+ took fucking DAYS per level.

I want to say the only thing 'wrong' was the close minded critics who got buttblasted over the story being themed around 'destroying your creator' among other things.

Probably why we haven't at least seen it on psn, no interesting plot of that caliber allowed I guess.

Also as others have said, the long scenes you couldn't skip. Also the game was so long the '2nd have' was summarized in disk 2.....imagine how long it would've been if all of that 'fei talking in a chair' was actually playable instead.


dumb keyboard

For those that havent seen it, Here is the reason why Disc 2 is like it is from Takahashi:

“Honestly speaking, what had happened is Xenogears as a project was staffed pretty much entirely out of new staff members, young staff members,” said Takahashi, speaking through a translator. “Back then, we had the direction of, ‘All projects take two years and that’s when we need to get it done.’ So on top of developing the game, we had to nurture and teach and grow these younger employees. Things like 3D were extremely new, which led to some delays in the schedule. It just wasn’t possible to get everything done.”

As it became clear that Takahashi and team weren’t going to hit their deadlines, Square’s higher-ups suggested that they just end the game after the first disc, when Fei and his team escape from Solaris.

“It was a rough way to end it, and I felt like if we do that, then the players will not be satisfied,” Takahashi told me. “So we had a proposal—I proposed that if we do disc 2 in this way that it turned out to be, we can finish the game with the current number of staff and the current time allotted for the schedule and the remaining budget we have.”

So they turned disc 2 of Xenogears into the montage that shipped with today’s game. Instead of playing through events like the world’s mutation and the search for Fei, you just have to watch them. And it was Takahashi’s decision—so he could finish the story he wanted to tell rather than cutting it off after the first half.

“I do think my decision was the right one to make,” said Takahashi. “Because if we had just ended at Disc 1 it would have been bad.”

I would have rather had no ending than the ending we got

Should have cut Rico, the sewer shit and all the other time wasting subplots.

I keep thinking about playing it, but disc 2 sounds very disappointing. And I've heard that the localization isn't the greatest, so it'd probably be better to play it in Nip, and as often as I work anymore, I imagine playing a very text heavy games with a lot of, what I'm guessing is sciency/religion/philosophical dialogue in Nip would make me take 6-8 weeks to finish it.


Its worth playing, but the combat is lacking. the world, characters, story, and music more than makes up for it.

Too many characters.

I'll definitely play it eventually. I've played other games like that, where the gameplay is the weakest link but everything else makes up for it (Trails in the Sky comes to mind).

>boring combat
>cutscenes cutscenes cutscenes cutscenes
mediocre, overrated game

Found your problem

Text is way to fucking slow and the lack of money for disc 2

>lack of money
You mean lack of control by the director


t. pleb

Does anyone have any webms? I lost all my pictures.


I heard japs like disc 2. that is some shit taste

Made 1,000 short of 1 million in a year. Seriously, that was the only reason it didn't receive a sequel.

Disc 1 is Evangelion
Disc 2 is End of Evangelion

Do it.

>“Because if we had just ended at Disc 1 it would have been bad.”

The ironing

Or maybe that square it gold in FF7