Is this game any fun_?

Is this game any fun_?

Pretty good game.

Yes, now go away.


It's directed and designed by Hideaki Itsuno so yes, it's very fun


Nice, I got probably 1.5K hours on the PS3. Played it more than either Demon Souls and Dark Souls, such a comfy atmosphere.

It's not very fun at first, then it gets slowly more and more fun until it's really fun, then it drops off and it becomes not fun. Shortly after it becomes not fun, you find a place that's REALLY fun.
Then you find certain creatures in that REALLY fun place, and you start to think that it's not so fun anymore.
And finally it kind of fluctuates between not fun, and fun.

Dragon's Dogma has minigames?

Mystic Knight best class

That's the class for people who don't have the balls to go full Gandalf

The combat system seemed really braindead to me.

just walk up to a monster and mash attack

Play mage then.

the combat is like it or hate it
the game is unfinished, and it shows
but it's still real solid

aside from the fact that dark arisen added a lot of really fun stuff

some of that review is just nonsense
what minigames?

Maybe climbing on monsters? Closest thing I can think of

That's you being braindead, not the game.

For mini-games they mean teaching your pawn how to do some things. I know it's pretty dumb, they have totally missed this, but hey, that fag played only for 25 hours.

Button prompts would be my guess. Get caught by a harpie, so you wiggle the ever-loving fuck out of your analog sticks.

neither of these happen frequently enough that one would say the devs focused on them instead of the main game

>what are paid reviews

>just walk up to a monster and mash attack
You have never even touched this game, don't even start.

NO, it's garbage-tie weeb trash

it's not a good game
but it's a pretty fun game

How is it not a good game?

It's nice but clearly unfinished, I honestly think that with the full content it would've been the best arpg made to date

it has so many flaws it can't be called a good game
but since the devs though of content and gameplay instead of profits and DLCs, the small qualities it had blend together well enough to bring you enjoyement

Its a solid game that definitely has its flaws but it can be surprisingly fun. People find it pretty hit-and-miss though so it might not click for you, but its definitely a game that you shouldn't judge within your first few hours of playing

Who paid them to criticize DD by mentioning nonexistent flaws and mechanics?
Let's be real, the reviewer is just an incompetent with poor taste.

Wouldn't giving DD the score it deserves, a solid 8.5-9, put it into competition with more shill worthy ARPGs like Skyrim and The Witcher? Wouldn't that be something the people paying IGN would want to prevent?

Also, first time DD came out it was in competition with Kings of Amalur. EA, you can't go wrong

I love how weeb has basically turned into "thing from japan I don't like"

if somebody were to pirate this game would that person lose out on user pawns and stuff and would it even matter?

>would that person lose out on user pawns
yes; also I think one of the bosses has better drops and more of a challenge as well as it can be fought online or something
>would it even matter?

How? How bad do you have to be to call this easy combo combat system unfair?

Is it possible to not have a legion of npc followers?

You like walking and silly party members?

*open world exploration and deep character customization

I borrowed the game from the internet. What should i expect?

One of the best berserk games that's not berserk.

Also dragons.

It could have been great, but 80% if the time, you're walking in some empty forest, doing lamo sidequests.

Combat system is great, but game is heavily flawed.

It's primarily fun.

>wooow, how was I supposed to know you need to equip new weapons?

The dragons are some of the best ever in video games. They make skyrim dragons look like kitty cats in comparison.

the actual combat is fun but I couldn't really get into anything else in the game

Post pawns.

Flaws like minigames and being unfair?

Is this sarcasm

The Skyrim score is obviously paid but that Dragon's Dogma score is fucking spot on.

play in hard mode
best experience is being fucking killed in one shit

Until you're 100+ before you even get to Grigori because the xp gain is so stupidly high.

True. And then you have sleeper arrows. petrify arrows that could be use to kill anything

throwblast are OP


Bois when is the panel at the tgs that might have something for us ?

Tomorrow ?

There is nothing for us.

Just buy more copies, surely they'll see that the fans want it.