Which one is the best for gaming on PC?

Which one is the best for gaming on PC?

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xbone for pc
i personally like wii u pro controller a lot though

why the fuck did mods delete the last one?

It's pretty subjective, but the 360, being wired and all, is usually the best.

Followed closely by the Xbone controller, though I've heard it's only pseudo-wired, meaning there are no actual signals being passed, just power.

I question the build quality of dual shock 4's. They were clearly made on the cheap. The original ones had analog sticks that would tear apart after frequent use. But the newer ones seem to be having dpad problems for whatever reason.

I do like how the sticks are symmetrical but wider set than ps4

Out of those 4? Xbox One controller, just make sure you buy a Xbox One S controller with bluetooth and a Bluetooth 4 dongle.
If you don't mind using Steam better buy a Steam Controller it can be used as a Xinput controller(similar behavior as the Xbox One S controller) or do extensive customization with it, you don't even need Steam Big Picture anymore just launch the game from within Steam and make sure the Steam overlay works, nowadays the Steam Overlay it's great it works on pretty much everything even the PS3 emulator RPCS3 with the Vulkan renderer.
Plus they basically cost the same anyways.

Is it harder to setup for PC than an Xbone one?
Is the steam controller a meme?

Not the switch with it's busted, broken d-pad that's for sure.

DS4 and XBone are great. Wii U is also great but at the time drivers were available they were very annoying to get working on PC sadly.

Wii u pro

idk about the other controllers but you can use the DS4 for both wired and wireless

xbox is veru good ergonomically and it just werks

wii u pro is my personal favorite but i understand if people think the xbox one is better

haven't tried the switch one but i keep hearing about the fucked up dpad

ds4 is just awful on all regards. unless you have tiny hands, never use a dpad, play wired exclusively and have immunity against carpal tunnel syndrome, you shouldn't be using one

the one made by microsoft

If you like racing games, Xbone. It has the best analog triggers, and the trigger rumble is great in games like Forza that support it. Otherwise, I really like the Wii U Pro.

My penis.

My STOGA wii u controller game in today. Pretty excited to emulate some fun games with it. Also have the mayflash adapter.

keyboard + mouse

I use this. Breddy gud.

You've clearly never touched the DS4

Here's your controller, bro

Reggies balls.

Only Liberals complain about petty shit DS4 is good.

Xbox 360 Wired.

Anybody use the Switch Pro controller on PC? Worth buying one if you already have a Xbone/DS4? I'm still pissed it's $10-20 more than regular controllers.

The ultimate controller is the Xbox 360 controller, hands down.

Why not the Xbone controller you say?

Because it has more input lag than the 360.

The Xbone controller is designed to be wireless, and even if you buy the wired version you're just essentially buying two bluetooth dongles connected by a wire that also happens to power the controller.

I've got big hands and the DS4 gets painful on long sessions. How is that petty?

Currently rocking the Xbox One controller.

They're all good.

great controller, great fit, just dont get it with the battery pack

best d-pad if you like fighter, much better and bigger than DS3, great form as well

no experience with the bintendo peripherals.

>SIX Shift keys
And those mechanical keyboard faggots thought they had it good being able to type while holding just two!

Bone and Wii U Pro
Nintendo shit the bed with the Switch Pro

It's cool., I brought my own.

>DS4 is small

confirmed you never touched one.

I use my ccp

Stupid question: can you hook up the 360 wireless model through usb?

>controller game
Meant to type either controller or gamepad ended up with both, also I think the DS4 is the overall best controller. Got this just for ninty games.

I don't think so

Nah, I don't think so. I've never bought a wireless one, but from what I understand the wireless exclusively powers through the wire. No actual input information is being sendt.

They fixed that in the wired version.

xbox because it will work on everything without any issue / having to use some random software to make it work
i like the design of ps ones the best tho

it's plug and play
and completely

360 has a proprietary adapter for wireless iirc, same deal for 1st gen Xbone controllers, all Xbone can use microusb since they also use it for connecting to the console and updating the controller but 360 only has a port on the top intended to be used with the Play and Charge cable that afaik can't be used to make it a wired controller in effect on PC

I have a PS4 and bought 4 PS3, but never liked any dual shocks.
The shit triggers always trigger me.

So should I just buy an Xbone S controller for the easiest Wired+Wireless setup?

Either xbox or WiiU.
Xbox is bogstandard, but has unparallel compatibility.
The WiiU on the other hand requires an obnoxious and expensive adapter, but has fucking endless battery, super comfortable, great D pad even better than the Switch's, better analog positioning and better triggers imo, though I suppose that's debatable.

I bought one to support gaben and steam pre-meme but these days gabens just a fat old man who doesn't really give a fuck about games anymore just getting paid for doing speaking engagements.

Yes and it's just a better controller. Same with the 2nd gen DS4 controller.

Correct. The Xbone controller is objectively the best controller to use on PC. That, and if you get a newer one they have Bluetooth.

Yes. Currently using that for CEMU, pretty darn easy.

>Xbone S

No that's expensive and pointless. The 360 controller is the best one wired.

But yeah, if you if you have the money and don't mind the input lag that comes with wireless, then the Bone controller is good enough.

>best d-pad if you like fighter
Heh... you don't know what good if you've never tried a nintendo D pad.
But the absolute best one of all time is still the one from the original classic controller for the Wii. That shit was smooth as a loli's cunny.

>The Xbone controller is objectively the best controller to use on PC
Except you use the touchpad on the DS4 to control your mouse pointer too. Sorry but it's really not.

If you set it up properly steam controller is elder god tier. The only problem is you basically need to set it up very every game you play

If your objective is to actually play any games, then you'd be a fool to think the DS4 is better. Even with a touchpad the DS4 is generally a mess and has poor compatibility.

Ok thanks guys.

Does it really hinder the gameplay that much?
I just want an easy way to switch between playing on desktop and on the couch.

It does not, no. Honestly, I lived with a Bone controller for a good year and never felt any dramatic input drop. It was only when I compared them side by side I noticed that there was a few hundred MS input delay with the One controller.

You should be fine either way honestly, and if you want to couch it, then yeah go for the Bone.

stop this meme, steam controller is shit and always will be. cheapass construction, fucking hours of config and a touchpad setup as uncomfortable as anal sex.

Ok thanks user, I'd let you couch me anytime

You can't use the Dpad for the Switch Pro controller on PC

You must be high. Any Sega roller is miles better than even Nintendo's best efforts. Saturn, Genesis and even Dreamcast had the best D-pads.

I disagree.

thats cool, it's alright to be wrong once in a while. i love console gaming on my xbone, and cant wait to buy the one x.

Well I'm glad you're happy with your position of being wrong. It takes a strong person to admit it.

DS4 was pseudo wired before. My xbone controller is working just fine wired.

If you want an all general purpose controller consider getting a ds4 and replace the thumbsticks
shit is easy enough to do

Steam controller is far from being a meme
It gets constantly updated with new functionality and if you're worried about having to configure it you can just download and use one of the pre-configured profiles made by someone else and uploaded to the Steam Controller.
There are profiles for all kind of shit. with the updates and as people become more proficient with the controller it will only get better.

what retard gave that thumbstick the ok

Mayflash + Wii U Pro is my go to

you can do a firmware update on it so you can toggle on or off to fix the problem of the buttons being out of place with xbox, they don't match the controller but you don't look at it anyways

seriously, the original DS4 thumbsticks have no grip whatsoever, shit is so slippery

Steam controller is ergonomically challenged due to the left thumb stick being a poor match for the controller form which makes it uncomfortable to use (Not a problem I have with the DS4 with its similar arrangement) and the configuration suite that comes with Steam is buggy, unresponsive, inexact, annoying to work with and in dire need of several additional features. It has several really great features like the Gyro, the additional buttons on the back, the right trackpad and the dual stage triggers but the rest isn't too great (Left trackpad is a bit more niche but it has its place, there's no real need for D-Pad).

DS4 is fine.
>Tiny hands
About the size of my 360 controller

If you dont but the best controller ever made when the remake comes out you are actual retarded

>Microsoft did useless middle button first

Regular dinput USB controller emulating xinput is the best.

I wish the DS4 had a little more finger space on the back, and I want them to remove the stupid sticks, one of the corners is peeling off on my controller and it's annoying as hell

>tfw I completely and totally forgot I had a steam controller

I have a pink rock candy 360 game pad that has never done anything wrong so I don't try and fix it, got the steam controller as part of a bundle. Turns out it literally doesn't have rechargeable batteries... So fuck it.


All that extra functionality can be pretty reliant upon the game you are playing, user. I agree a lot of it is cool but it comes to a screeching halt when it doesn't work. Also

>no rechargeable batteries

How do I get my wii u pro controller working on PC without the memeflash adapter?

memeflash adapters

xbox 360 wired nothing else compares

xbone elite

despite everything something good came from the xbone

i bought a 360 bluetooth dongle so i can use my wireless pads if thats what you mean

>All that extra functionality can be pretty reliant upon the game you are playing
If it works on keyboard and mouse it works on the Steam controller and if it works with Xinput then obviously also works with the Steam Controller.

>no rechargeable batteries
Neither do the Xbox 360 or the Xbox One S plus you need to buy an wireless adapter for those if you don't already own one that is compatible with it.
The Steam Controller comes with the dongle included

too expensive for my taste, even though my keyboard is roughly the same price

An I the only one who thinks the switch pro controller feels really wide? Especially switching from the small ass joycon

>buy wired X360 controller
>analog makes weird sounds and diagonals don't go all the way in the control panel

I've even exchanged it on the warranty too, same issues.

DS4 touch pad can be used as a mouse, albeit a pretty shitty one. Despite this it can interface with a PC better than any controller outside something like a Wii-mote or the Switch paddles.

p.s. Has anyone paired the switch handles with a PC yet?

It depends on if the game allows controller and keyboard inputs simultaneously.
And if the interface is for console button counts the forced multifunctions and menus and cycling aren't as good as when you have dedicated buttons.

>Despite this it can interface with a PC better than any controller
steam controller

i used to think this but once i got used to the xbone controller i much prefer it. elite is even better

also my 360 controllers kept malfunctioning and not being registered by usb, went through like 3 of them

I bought the cheap imitation 360 controller on amazon for 13 bucks and works perfect.

Switch pro controller, but it's the most expensive one. Really good controller though

>PewDiePie makes his own controlled and all the teens buy into it
Jesus fucking christ

did the 360 D-pad get a redesign mine is like protruding out, also how do I use my wireless 360 controller with my pc

I'll admit I am a poorfag. I can get wired 360s for like $15 off ebay or local eb games.
I do wish I had a wired Xbone controller, shit looks cash money.

Love the 360 controller, that new one don't look as comfy.

My only reference is the 3DS d-pad, but the reason why DS4 is GOAT for fighters, is because d-pad is separated into 4-pieces, making input errors extremely rare, and execution quite easy. Single mold d-pads just dont it for me anymore.

The dpad is one of the worst pieces of shit out of any gamepad ever made. It's basically an analog stick.

>doesn't have rechargeable batteries
Imagine being this dumb

DS4 because I can use use it as mouse for setting things up when I play on my TV in the other room.

>left thumb stick being a poor match for the controller
How so?