Can we talk about how deliberately stupid Rockstar is being here...

Can we talk about how deliberately stupid Rockstar is being here ? Was this game even liked at all when it came to the consoles before this version ? I feel like they're doing that Ubisoft did with the Wii U and not going for the guaranteed seller like GTA 5.

please excuse the picture its the only one I could find that fit the topic.

>please excuse the picture completely related to the topic

I'd honestly buy Bully for the switch

Manhunt 1, 2 for the switch when

>dumb whore homewrecker who is only in the game 5% of the time is front and center of the cover art

Nice going, Rockstar

Lmao it's a great move on their part, they are sacrificing L.A. Noir to have an excuse to not port Red Dead Redemption 2 on the switch.

Pretty much. I have no idea what these big companies are thinking but porting noire which was always shit is just such a dumb move. Port GTAV and then rdr2 instead. I hate the kind of company Rockstar is nowadays, they're almost as bad as EA.

>Ever dreaming to see GTA V or RDR2 on switch

I dont even get why they bothered to put that plot in there. She's so irrelevant.
Like shortly after the affair, nothing. He's pretty much back to work after the "demotion"

My only guess is that she was supposed to play a bigger role after the game's unfortunate rush and cut downs.

GTAV is a PS3 game, retard. RDR2 doesn't look that demanding, either.

Doesn't run bad on the PS3 either. Had a hell of a time getting it to install though

I don't know why they're handing this to the switch of all things, but LA Noire was awesome. The ending felt kind of 'eh' but the gamplay was fresh and the stories within cases were interesting.

Was going to get it on PS3 but might just wait and see how the Switch version turns out. Ports of larger games don't seem to be going quite so well. My favorite Rockstar games have always been their non GTA games so I want to give it a try, regardless of the shit it gets

I appreciate any, and I mean any Rockstar release that deviates attention and money away from GTA Online.

The Switch version is a testing ground for Switch because it's selling so well and they'd be dumb not to.

The new VR compatible version is a testing ground for GTAV VR.

Screencap this.

GTA V was a mistake

I concur. I hope it doesn't get ported anywhere else, ever.

It doesn't matter. GTA V is on PC now and GTA Online is huge

It's a good way for Rockstar to test porting to the switch

Based user telling it like it is.

Can someone who's knowledgeable with porting explain why Switch ports are so easy to mess up? Apparently Rayman Legends isn't so great on the Switch, despite being released on less powerful hardware. There's that NBA game with the 5gb save file too

it's a market test

LA Norie will fit on a smaller game card but they're already charging a $10 Nintendo tax compared to remastered X1 and PS4 versions.

R* probably wants to see if the audience is there, they willing to pay extra money for a switch version and for Nintendo to hash out their online service for things like Shark Cards before they commit to GTA5 on a 64gig card

Rayman was just Ubisoft being lazy. The NBA game was fucked on all versions so the game just wasn't ready for launch.

>porting a game on a console that sold better than xbone
>Why would they do this?

>why Switch ports are so easy to mess up?
They aren't.
Ubisoft doesn't give a flying fuck when it comes to Rayman and just wants to take the cheapest route available. And NBA 2K18 is just your basic bloated game that's commonplace in this day and age.

I think gta 5 would be a waste of their time. They've sold 50+ million copies so why would they go through the insanely huge task of porting a downgraded product to a console that would at most sell 1-2 million copies for them. It isnt worth the cost and I dont think a switch game holds more than 32 gb so its probably not possible or next to impossible. Not worth the effort.

They wouldn't. OP is a fucking numbskull.

sports games are made in year, there's 0 time for QA stuff, the release dates are set in stone

this year they had even less time for the NBA game because the NBA has moved all it's dates up by 2 weeks

I assume any other issues comes with the manufacturing process of the game cards themselves taking longer to make and test than discs along with 3rd parties lack of respect in general for the Nintendo player

VR is already dying, user.

L.A. Noire fucking sucks
It has shit gameplay and relies on the story
And then the story is shit

I legitimately don't understand the regard that it gets

It wouldn't be downgraded, necessarily. GTA V did originally release on the PS3 and 360 to critical acclaim, before next gen/pc versions were even announced. It would work on the Switch, but it would be those versions, not the current gen versions

Because it's the fucking Nintendo Switch, their entire company has been breathing out of the iron lung of gimicks. I guess anything on that piece of shit looks strange.

>yfw it looks worse than the PS3 version

Switch cards go up to 64 gigs

also $ 60-120 million dollars for a xbox360 port + Shark Cards ain't a bad bit of change and imagine if they add local co-op to supplant the online mode when away from the internet. that easily become a system seller for people looking for GTA on the go.

>R getting over their Nintendo hateboner

today I will remind them

>yfw your 400$ console only gets ps3 remasters