What's the most toxic experience you've had in a game Sup Forums?
What's the most toxic experience you've had in a game Sup Forums?
>shitter shittalks group for bad dps
>posts him topping meters on trash, calls everyone else kids
>parses below tank rest of the instance, post meters and call him out constantly
>run ends
>tells you to kill yourself repeatedly
>try responding
>"there is no user with this name currently online"
>he won't stop for 5 straight minutes
The entirety of GTA online and I am usually the worst part in it.
What do you expect from the lowlifes who still play this fucking game?
>myself included
I don't say a fucking word in game to anyone anymore, at the first sign of someone getting bitchy I just block them and go about my business. There's hardly anyone good left on WoW, nothing but the lowest tier of fucked up rageoholic shitheads still acting like this game is life.
Stream sniping a >girl streamer while following them to get their notification to say
>Youwillneverbeagirl has followed!
Maybe we're just tired of your tunnelvisioning ass fucking up our run for the millionth time
> toxic
get the fuck out you autist
>Playing with a brazillian, they're doing fucking terribly
>After about 10 me and a friend decide to fuck with him
>Just say 7-1 in chat
>Guy proceeds to pull entire dungeon and autistically screech about how 9/11 was the best day in history.
They just can't let it go
>aggro the entire dungeon
>run back to group
>feign death
>listen to everyone cry like nancy carrigan
>fap to the tears
Hunter is pretty shit desu, but doing that never gets old.
Reminds me of this friendly dude I came across
is that a world cup score or something?
Yeah, I'm you're the absolute apex player yourself, fuckhead.
I feel like the idea of toxic communities has only popped up in the past few years. I have traditionally played the most "toxic" games but have never really cared. If someone is being annoying, just mute them or ignore them
Yep, it was a wonderful day.
>you brazilians are all the same retarded fucking favela monkeys
>sub human monkeys
Ripz is right.
>in a game Sup Forums
What are you trying to say?
gg my teams are toxin
belf hunters looting my corpse in bg's
Ripz is 100% right.
US/Oceanic realms should not be connected with Brazilians.
who the fuck wants to read all that shit?
tl;dr: someone gets upset that somebody was pocket healing their buddy in quick play and threw a huge hissy fit
jokingly called out some fag on HotS to stop playing Kelthuzad because he sucks, and he went started writing a novel about how he's going to report me and this is exactly the reason why he left dota2 and lol, because of toxic players like me
>kel'thuzad sucks
no, the player who played kel sucked
KT is alright
Some dudes got mad at me for killing them during warmup in CSGO once.
I don't really pay attention to voice/text chat in multiplayer games.
I once got into a group with my guild leader in wow to spam some BGs, he invited this assumed girl. I made a joke about erping for gold and asked if popping some fat kids cherry on the the internet meant that kid wasn't a virgin anymore. The girl began telling me how much of a freak I was and kept asking my gm to gkick me. That's about the worst toxic experience I've had with wow everyone's pretty chill unless you start shit or play with try hards.
using the Word toxic un-ironaclly
get fucked.
Toxic means accurate now?
>I made a joke about erping for gold and asked if popping some fat kids cherry on the the internet meant that kid wasn't a virgin anymore
i wouldn't want you in my guild either
looks like the tank was yet another retard making wow into a single player game
not sure what else to expect from a "tank" in modern wow anyways
Everyone else thought it was funny and I'm well liked so get fucked loser
Strangely enough, the very idea of "toxic" behavior is the most toxic of all to a game community. It's such a vague and stupid term that everyone uses it to describe everyone else and ultimately grind all discourse to a halt.
Ugh... can you like, not?
This is fucking hilarious. What an uptight bitch.
no one cares that your feelings were hurt in your retarded ass game
Is Ripz, dare I say, /ourguy/?
Well firstly I wasn't the one who posted the image, secondly kill yourself for being autistic
You are cancer
Don't samefag. The joke wasn't funny and you didn't get the female attention you craved on the internet. Just move on.
I mean it's not like the loot doesn't get mailed to you or anything.
Im pretty sure everyone hates south americans.
Redditors included
read the chat again
he's probably playing on the designated brazilian server
That one time somebody said something I didn't like and I hit the mute button. Shot was so cash
Of course you weren't. Anyways, don't take things so seriously. You'll feel better if you don't get upset over anonymous posts on the internet.
>if someone disagrees with me and thinks someone else is funny it's samefagging
Really faggot?
in most cases i'd agree with you, but in this case i think it might have been an accident. either way it was pretty funny to me.
He's not wrong. BR's should LITERALLY not be allowed to commune electronically outside of their country. Even fucking Mexicans are better. Fuck- ESPECIALLY fucking Mexicans are better. I'm not sure what the fuck happened over this Decade, but Mexicans are bro-tier now.
follow your own advice there, salty :^)
lol it's kinda obvious bro you respond quickly with a "that's hilarious" right after someone disagrees when there nothin even remotely funny about the joke or the situation lol
honestly this
online vidya was better when no one cared and the ones who did took care of themselves by muting you
Even fucking league of legends the game that really brought the term into the limelight was fine filled with assholes calling each other nigger faggots for atleast 2 years before they decided to go full shut it down mode
Sure thing nigger whatever you say.
wtf i love mexicans now!
?? how he is salty? he seems kinda pretentious but not mad. where as you told him to kill himself?
Is this your first day on Sup Forums you sensitive little faggot?
lol 3 ppl disagreed with u now it time for u to also tell ppl to kill themselves. And you say a girl creeped out by your joke was toxic
Oh no I've been le down voted because I thought something was funny. Nooo my fucking karma points.
kill yourself faggot
>someone purposely fucking up and ruining the game for everyone else
>tell him to just play the game normally
>What's the most toxic experience you've had in a game Sup Forums?
Being around a French player for more than 4 seconds.
Does anyone have that image of the guy (I think he was a guild leader) who would constantly berate people in WoW for playing poorly? The image was a compilation of him getting booty blasted. I can't find it on google but I've seen it a lot. I think one of the things he said was to a DPS when he said "you deal 0 DPS when you're fucking dead" or something along those lines