>Vote for your favorite game in the series
Also, was REVII a step in the right direction?
>Vote for your favorite game in the series
Also, was REVII a step in the right direction?
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>Also, was REVII a step in the right direction?
It's not a co-op shooter, so yes.
>5 posts 2 IPs
>Posting the same poll 3 times.
Loved watching my brother play the third, fell in love with RE4 so much that I still replay it to this day.
Played the 5,6,7 and meh.
Liked the action of the fifth, even if the atmosphere was kinda meh, some of the monsters were cool though.
The six is shit and nothing can change my mind.
The seventh ran out of steam after one hour, and it's a shame.
About RE1, played the remake and loved it, if I have to choose I still pick RE4 for nostalgia, but the 1 is fantastic.
Now that enough time has passed, can RE7 fags finally admit it's a bland showcase for technology that will be obsolete in a few years?
2 is the best classic re
4 is the best modern
My favourite is actually the original, remake and 2 and VII would've been better if it was a new game or a side game entirely
REmake is the best classic