I know Bloodborne has reached meme status round here but I seriously can't get over how excellent this game is...

I know Bloodborne has reached meme status round here but I seriously can't get over how excellent this game is. Do you actually think we will get a sequel? Please come and appreciate Bloodborne

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The bossfights, the music, the tiny detail, the exploration, the enemy design, the environment, the gameplay it's just a perfect video game.

I recently started it for the first time ever since a housemate moved in with a ps4. I am loving the fuck out of this game, just beat gascoine and the entire fight was exciting from beginning to end.
Plus central yarnham has so much interconnecting paths and shortcuts that it gets you immersed into feeling like you're stuck in a madhouse of a city.

No, I don't think there will be a sequel. If there is, Miyazaki will probably not direct it

It's very atmospheric and really feels like a preindustrial gothic vampire london its crazy how accurate the world design is

what other games do Eldritch horror/Lovecraft themes well, and don't look/play like hot shit?

No PS4, and probably won`t buy it for this game alone.

Fuck this, I need to play this badly, but it´s the only exclusive I truly TRULY want for the PS4

OP here, also curious I would love to play some of these, I want to explore this atmosphere in other games more

There are some great PS4 games, but if this is the only one you're really interested in, then I don't know what to tell you. Pretty much why I do all my gaming on PS4. It gets exclusive games like Bloodborne, and about every other multiplat game

It's looking somewhat likely that From are working with Sony Japan Studio again on something. What would you like to see, Sup Forums?

One of the most atmospheric games I've ever played. The Hunter's Dream ost makes me never want to leave

Demons Souls 2, or a game that feels like it. I dunno, I just want another souls game. Nothing has felt that similar to DeS so far

Bloodborne is more of an art project than an excellent game. The artsyle and atmosphere is great but under it all is a mish mash of underdeveloped ideas and an unbalanced mess of an rpg.

I don't want a sequel.
Game was great, but the Souls formula is getting old and has already been copy/pasted from several titles.

Another Armored Core game.

Completely false. As an interactive game, it reaches 10/10 status. All those artsy games made by liberals can only hope to reach this level of interaction.

Something that isn't a Souls game. I'd like to see what else Miyazaki can do

Just beat Blood Starved Beast thingo, game doesn't grab me like Souls does. I do like the cane though.

Don't worry, it'll get a remasters for PS5. That's what my plan is right now.

There's always Eternal Darkness I suppose. Apparently Call of Cthulu: Dark Corners of the Earth is a noteworthy title in this vein as well but I've not played it myself. And I wouldn't say this fits in at all but insofar as the Victorian horror angle, the MediEvil fan in me is pretty happy with Bloodborne. Sorry though, I don't really know many other games in this vein personally.

You mean like Demon's Souls got one for the PS4?

I'm torn between wanting Bloodborne 2 and yet not wanting it to go the way of the Dark Souls sequels. I guess I'm just hoping for something as unique and addictive as Bloodborne. I haven't been obsessed with a game like that in a long time.


bloodborne was great but the story and chalice dungeons need work.
also the areas you teleport from the tombstones weren't sorted very well

That would be true if what you're looking for is setting, atmosphere, music etc. The core gameplay and the rpg mechanics is very shallow and unpolished, it doesn't have the qualities that I value in a game. It's still a great game but I think people are giving it too much credit and quickly dismisses everything else.

>post yfw

Nobody cares about that crap game

I don't think RPG mechanics have to be complex. The game is obviously going for a more action packed approach than the Souls games

You're in the early early stages man, the game kinda transforms and you meet very interesting characters later and you have old hunters to do which some people regard as superior to the base game. Old Hunters standalone for me was one of the most incredible gaming experiences I've ever had

It may not be perfect mechanically but it's a goddamn blast to play. So yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and call it an excellent game


Meh the gameplay is fun but it is a bit flat and one note

You mean like the people in the thread right now on Sup Forums asking about a PS4 remaster? DaS 2 is the only one in the series to get a remaster anyways. If Japan Studio didn't do it with DeS, I doubt they will with Bloodborne


The core gameplay mechanics are 10/10 though. You can play for hundreds of hours and still go on because the game is so responsive and open-ended in customization.

>and quickly dismisses everything else.
Dismiss what exactly?

I've long wanted a dungeon crawler style action RPG that's like the chalice dungeons in Bloodborne but the room designs are too samey, not enough ambition in the designs. Oh well, Brandish the Dark Revenant and Xanadu Next also sort of get close so whatever. But like, Zelda 1 dungeons but in 3D is what I'm thinking here.

EASILY the best out of the souls games

I dunno about easily but it does sit up there at the top with DeS for me.

I'm not saying it has to be complex, i'm saying it's not as good as everyone says it is. There are major problems with the game that are left ignored by the developers like they never even cared.

i think maybe they should of held back the chalice dungeons for dlc
like what we got was a cool bonus but not really good

From can't do sequels right


Out of all the things people praise Bloodborne for, I don't think its RPG mechanics are one of them

Fucking no, every sequel From has done sucks ass. They are at their best with new settings and ideas/characters. I'd rather have one game as close to perfection as can be than watch a new addition to the series taint my view of the games overall.

Dismisses it flaws, DS3 is way better game technically but by the time it comes out most people are already tired of the setting and formula.

I can agree with that, as a main game component it's not terribly fitting.

Is there a better hub theme?

Shadow Tower Abyss looked pretty hype. And were the King's Field sequels really that inferior to the original? Not like that ever got localized either.

There is simply no game from this decade that can rival Bloodborne's strong visionary direction where gameplay, story, art and music all work as one together in unison. That's the mark of a great director-driven game with one vision behind it. You simply don't see games like this anymore. Especially not on the AAA scale.

I'll keep drudging on, feels like it lacks boss and play style variety so far. I have the goty so I get old hunters when ever that pops up in the campaign.


I wouldn't call it AAA. I wouldn't call any From game AAA, they're never quite that polished.

That's because Bloodborne is a terrible RPG, the blood gem system is not fully developed, covenants are a joke, and as far as variety goes it's not as good as Dark Souls. That's why I said it's more of an art project.


It's an Action game


My mistake, I forgot what year we're in. AAA used to actually mean quality once upon a time.

>sequels suck ass
>dark souls 2 has the highest positive reviews from both critics and fans in the souls series


Then we should just ignore all the halfhearted attempt to become an ARPG? Doesn't really make for an "excelleent" game doesn't it?

I don't quite understand the praise or hate that DaS 2 gets. I like the game, but there are so many uninspired areas and bosses. The game is ugly too. Like the art direction just isn't good

Yes, because the RPG elements don't hurt it. Maybe for PVP minmaxing bullshit, or ng++++++ type of gameplay, but the RPG elements don't hurt a first playthrough at all

If BB2 ever is announced I hope it's only a sequel in regards to gameplay and not Story.
I liked everything about BB but I really do think that the world doesn't need to be expanded on.
I remember a rumor going around around E3 that BB2 would have an Aztec theme, and I hope that's true.

If certain mechanics are left broken or useless then it does hurt the game's value. A truly excellent game would have all these things working in tandem, BB is NOT.

>and fans
my sides

Got any examples of it not working? I've played through the game multiple times with multiple different characters and haven't experienced anything broken. There are some things that feel useless, but I tend to think that about most games

Why do I feel like you are throwing buzzwords around? Every weapon and playstyle is good and viable. The games biggest flaw is chalice dungeons and even those serve a purpose for high tier gems to grind.

>online is bad, worse than dark souls
>covenants are virtually useless even the benefits are negligible.
>Blood gems are not very thought out, even the designations are machine generated
>Some glitches in the game are never patched out, like some moves on the Chikage not doing blood ATK when transformed
>Have to go back to hunters dream to refresh inventory and sit through 2 loading screens everytime.


I can list many more major flaws with BB, but it seems this argument is going nowhere and I feel like dying inside everytime I have to hate on a game I love.

I could masturbate to this

I enjoyed it for the most part. I'm now at the point where I'm stuck on a couple of bosses and cant git gud enough to beat them. probably just gonna drop it here.

If I nitpicked as hard as you do I'd kill myself for being that ridiculous.

I was stuck on Logarius for quite awhile. Dropped the game for a month, came back and killed him on my first try

I'd really like a more developed roguelike-esque chalice dungeon dlc/standalone expansion. Could be implemented in the lore by having you start out as different classes like tomb prospectors, hunters, choir etc. Specific spelunking factions, invading factions.. random events where you get conscripted into becoming an invading monster or boss to try to fuck over other players. Permadeath is a must.

Mmmm, I do love me a Bloodborne thread.
Post hunters, lads.

Just look up cheese guides. Most bosses have a glaring weakness to something. The beast claw roar thing helped me bang Maria so easily.

What you stuck on, scrub?

>Do you actually think we will get a sequel?
Please no, From is terrible at making sequels. They should just make a new take on thr Souls/Bloodborne gameplay in a new setting.

Does Brador have meme status? I'm getting fucking pissed at all Old Hunters hunter NPC fights being super fast

One Reborn.

There are other good games for the PS4. Gravity rush 2 and Ys VIII for example.

They have to suffer enough as it is. Why do you have to make them look like something that should've been smothered in its crib?

aaahhhhhhh fuck

>Cruel Fate

He's a bit of a glass canon. If he gets a combo off he'll fuck you up but I think they intentionally gave him shit vitality since you can fight him so many times.

I only cared about the skin tone,

Miyazaki said that he wants to do another armored core game in an interview a few months ago.

Wait it out.

For reals?
Shit's one of the easier fights in the game. Take out casters, get up close to what may or may not be his balls and just start wailing on him. Heal when you need to.
The only thing you need to worry about is when he spergs out and vomits all over the place. Then run, wait it out, and get back in his man purse.

He's actually really easy. Kill the bell chicks up too then whack him with a bolt paper weapon.

Well, with all that on him, I suppose his face is the least to worry about. What is that stuff anyway?

He had to suffer through the entire game before becoming broccoliman, though.


Gameplay was like any other souls game..you people are really overrating this game

Zelda was a far better experience and GOTG so far

This? Why this is what truly enlighted Ayys with a shit ton of eyes on the inside roll with. That and I can twink like a cunt with my tentacles.
Nah, did that shit ASAP. Then did the rest of the game as eldrich spaghetti

>DS3 is way better game technically
It really isn't, the environments are mostly bland and you can roll infinitely because it barely costs stamina, it's also the most linear souls game. It's like they tried to mix DaS and BB gameplay but it's not as good as either.

>Zelda was a far better
Mad nintendobabby spotted.

Just killed him in the Clocktower basement. Got any tips for killing these piece of shit shark giants in Fishing Hamlet?

Shaman blade nigga