VR Fail

Why do people pretend VR is viable already?
Look at these pixels - SAD!

That fox looks happy, user.

I hate furries.


How come Vive looks worse than Oculus?

they all look like shit

They're really not that noticeable when you're using it. The image could be sharper of course but it's serviceable and the 'presence' thing makes up for it.

nah man I used the Oculus I could see the pixels

Stop. It's a furry child you sick fuck

Maybe 'noticeable' isn't the right word. You can see it if you're stopping to look for it but otherwise, your brain just filters it out to look at what's going on 'outside'. Like looking through a fine mesh.

If I wanted to look at the world trough a mosquito net I'd go to Africa

Cause it is its a bigger jump than pixels to polygon or 2d to 3d its crazy good and more immersive than anything else in gaming no matter the game, or on what you play it.

Didn't Carmack said that were gonna need 4k in EACH eye just to get back to graphical fidelity we can believe in again?

last one is two 4k screens.

*still a kickstarter scam

Shit that's all where that gets us?

Okay, I guess Ill look forward to the veritable platforms in 2030.

Hey, just coincides with me getting out of debt, thats a pretty cool consolation....

These are the first gen, in 5 or 10 years VR should be godlike. If you have an opinion on VR without having used it you are retarded, if you think it's good for every genre you are retarded.

Once the res is good enough I can read a gauge in a cockpit without having to lean / zoom in I'll be buying in.

Wait for 8k then, I guess.

I think we need better FOV too. Seeing the game world through goggles is pretty confining.

I totally understand that desire although I have never felt the need for myself. I guess I have already mentally "bought in" into VR=Goggles like the fictional versions of the tech have influenced my perception of how the experience "should be".

What game is that?


I wish I could try the DK2 again since I had my eye surgery. I think it's made me appreciate my peripheral vision more, so losing it in VR is more noticeable than when I wore glasses.

>if you think it's good for every genre you are retarded.

It's true though. There are examples of many non-fps genres working with it. It just requires a rethink of UI for the new perspective and motion controllers.

any pics of this cute little guy

He said 16k. I shit you not.

cause the rift is better than the vive


>dat screendoor effect

ZOGgulus Yidft BTFO


>Headsets able to give perfect 1:1 scale 3D in full 360, proven to fool your brain into thinking you're really there and game items are really in front of you.
>"BUT MUH 4K!"

Because your eye isnt a camera zoomed into a lense?

Once you get the headset on, there's some obvious resolution artifacts, but that doesn't stop VR from being cool as shit.

I don't think mild screen door effect made my experiences in Rec Room any less unique.

>Look at these pixels - SAD!

at least they got the motion tracking right, shooting is godly

I fucking love the thing, but when you actually try to focus in on something it's just a blurry mess.

Swordfighting and throwing is fun too. It's sad when I read people saying "I could just use a mouse to do the same".

that is a bad opinion

_ ____ __ ____ ____ ___

Why is season 3 such shit?

Limited funds and Tot's Iop wank

>mfw VR will be ready for Sword Art Online full experience version's launch in 2022

i believe that is sweet substance choose

literally its just a new way of displaying video games

saying vr isn't good for every genre is sort of like saying monitors aren't good for every genre

Pretty much. People say they don't need VR to feel immersed but they'll buy bigger monitors and better videocards for the same thing.

I buy better video cards to run new games and rarely a new monitor for better image quality.

this user gets it. VR has its fun applications with the motion controls and feedback, but currently my most played game is the Doom 3 VR converstion (which is pretty damn impressive).

the image is shit but viable yes

because it is, but it isnt really noticeable and it is not by a lot, unlike the tracking where the vive blows the rift away

>I have no humor, only mem


Primax looks pretty good. Whatever that is

awww, this is what mental problems looks like!

wait wait so you're telling me I can watch movies and hang out with my waifu while playing videogames?
That's like 3 of my most favorite things in life.

>he doesnt hang out with movies while watching his waifu

>All the waifu sims and makers are japanese crap instead of superior original french anime.


Japan learned the style from them. Same way they stole their martial arts from India and sword crafting from European.

sorry weebs but your waifu country a shit.

>The only 3D models look like they're made of play-doh

what we should be more looking forward to is the VR industry figuring out how to fix motion sickness and movement. The visual fidelity of the games aint great, but it's workable for now and only going to improve

They're not even that much of a problem. Sickness is easy for devs to avoid with some rules and movement can be done if the player learns to watch their balance.

Looks like that Pimax 4k has a ridiculously low refresh rate.

I think eye tracking and foveated rendering is going to be a requirement when the resolution goes up.

Resolution is only an issue in games that try to be photo realistic. Games with any kind of stylized look are fine and you don't notice any screen door at all. It is the same thing that happened with the transition from 2d sprites to 3d systems. Games that tried to look realistic looked like garbage and aged terribly, games that went for a stylized or cartoonish look looked find and aged pretty well.

VR is great tho and I am convinced Sup Forums's hate for it is sour grapes.