Story pack and free patch that fixes combat and shit coming out in few hours.
Are you prepared?
Story pack and free patch that fixes combat and shit coming out in few hours
yes, can't wait
Finally the Valdari will become the masters of the galaxy.
Didn't know but that's good, I'm ready for a new playthrough. What did they do to the combat?
please TLDR it, I stopped playing after they didn't fix the lag issues for like 3 months
This. Is it space Subnautica? Cause I've played it to death and could use something else.
Missiles are now not shit tier because they can retarget, and more than once but each time chance gets lower
Should fixed naked corvette spam, but I'm not sure how changing cost of ships and making updates cheaper would help.
Some other shit
Will this update fuck over my current game like the last one did?
Prepared to pirate it
Sure, too many changes
>Want to play hivemind to see scrouge new events and dialogue options
>But hiveminds are boring
Does it fix the retarded ai?
Are cybernetic hive-minds broken as fuck?
# Crises
- Unbidden will no longer deploy every single fleet they have to defend the portal against wandering Tiyanki
- Significant work done to Unbidden and Swarm AI, are now far less prone to get stuck and better able to consume the galaxy
- Major work done to AI empires' ability to cooperate and defend against endgame crises
# Diplomacy
- Certain AI personalities (like Ruthless Capitalists) now want tributaries rather than vassals
- The AI will now accept being traded systems they think would be useful for them, and that aren't an obvious trap
- Should now be more consistent about when to accept Federation invites
- Added AI personality and special dialogue for Devouring Swarms
- Fallen & Robotic Empires now scoff at food trades
# Misc
- AI is now better at utilizing primitives through observation posts or invasion depending on their personality
- AI is now better at placing down frontier outposts to grab useful chunks of territory
- AI now puts much more priority on building up the Federation Fleet when they are President
# Economy
- Major work done to the AI to make it better at expanding in the early game
- Major work done to AI to make it build up its planets and have a stronger late-game economy
# Sectors
- Major work done to improve sectors' performance, particularly their ability to understand tile resources, food production and when to replace buildings
# War
- Awakened Empires now use a mix of subjugation and conquest war goals rather than only conquering
- General work done to war AI to make it better at prosecuting and winning wars
- Some AI personalities, such as fanatic purifiers, will now go after neutral targets like Enclaves and uncontacted empires
- The AI is now more reliable when it comes to cooperating with and following their overlord and allies
- AI will now retreat from battle in their home systems unless they are down to just a few owned/controlled planets
- AI will no longer launch suicidal single-ship attacks on enemies blockading its planets
>that fixes combat and shit
It'll change things but without a doubt Stellaris will still be shit.
Well, Stellaris is the only not garbage 4x speac game on the market, so...
I'm not playing without mods, so no
No, I want expansions like Utopia, not fucking story packs.
What the fuck is going on with Paradox? Even HoI is getting fuck small updates only
Nope, belongs to the trashbin
If game can only copypaste galciv2 and can't bring even half of features of it, it's literally not worth touching.
Well, it was better than es and galciv3 at least, still shit
>ES2 trashbin
>Stellaris not garbage
>play pacifist peacemakers
>everyone not me hugboxes
>fallen empire awakens
>game over
>play warmongering xenophobic galaxy purger
>everyone not me hugboxes
>fallen empire awakens
>game over
this game is fucking shit
>>no matter what I do
>>fallen empire awakens
>>game over
Ever considered you may be COMPLETE SHIT at this game, since no matter what you do you die?
even if I turned them off that would not prevent the ai hugbox that forms every game
>actually liking ES2
>Pirate Stellaris
>Enjoy it
>Eventually get tired of having to manually keep up with the mods I want
>Buy Stellaris
>Still enjoy it
>Eventually get tired of having to wait for people to update their mods to the current patch
Wake me up.
Update them yourself
I only deal exclusively in audio mods, thank you.
Which might actually give me something to do with the new system voices they're adding, now that I think of it.
Audio mods shouldn't be broken regardless of what launcher says
I'll admire the attempt but you CANNOT fix doomstacking, it's impossible. If the retarded toddlers at Firaxis can grasp this concept then why can't Paradox?
No, as in the only mods I make are audio mods.
My problem is other people's mods.
It is criminal that this game doesn't have a proper Mass Effect total conversion yet. If I see one more anime portraits mod i'm going to shit my pants
You can create a bunch of custom races and force them to appear in your game. I've created a bunch of different human empires just by using the human phenotype mod and then you can go and make all the cool alien empire you'd like. Random generation is shit anyways.
>actually liking Stellaris
Having taste tends to do that
At least an upgraded Doomstack wins vs an unupgraded one with both at the same cost now.
>updates soon
>can't decide between assimilation or extermination playthrough first
>Having taste
>playing Stellaris
Pick one.
If you had taste you'd be playing Distant Worlds.
That reminds me, there was a mod someone made that majorly increased the strength of garrison forces, meaning you had to create a significant task force to capture planets and reducing defenses took months, not days, based on your firepower.
It was great, made offensive wars a lot harder especially early on since you're forced to keep up blockades and can't just hop from one planet to the next with your 6 marine squads.
>still only have the pirated launch version
Has the game improved since? I remember it being fun for 15 minutes then it just becomes really repetetive
Yes, I uninstall last week
Even in vanilla, late game, you'll be landing with +40 divisions per planet if you don't want it to take forever. Still I think the entire land army system is shit since it's an annoying clickfest which should be automated somehow or abstracted, but with more eye candy like Hears of Iron battle progress and stats and such.
I haven't played in a while. If you modify some pops of your species are they considered subspecies yet or will still appear as completely different race?
>Actually getting to the point where you start invading and presumably end the game
>Not getting tired of the long research times and restarting Materialist, then not getting bored with having nothing to do and restarting as Xenophobic, completing the cycle
>stops playing stellaris and starts playing ES2 halfway through
not him and I played it for maybe 20-30 hours but the UI is godawful and 90% of it is hardcoded so it can't be fixed. DW3 when
Subspecies after today's patch.
can you guys recommend the essenctial mods?
Immersive Galaxy
Tiny Outliner
Nazi Emblems
Separate Human Phenotypes
Beautiful Universe v2.0
UI Overhaul 1080p
>Nazi Emblems
sounds absolutely essential
you don't doomstack in stellaris though
you doom stack, instead
thanks senpai
>space nazi empire not essential
>not making galaxies filled 50/50 with fanatic purifiers and hugbox federationists
I really hate this game
How many hours until it's out?
Was long time since I was actually hyped about 4x game.