Can we all agree this was the best game of the decade?

Can we all agree this was the best game of the decade?

Other urls found in this thread:

*whistles for magic horse*
autoruns on road to quest marker
*toucan sam vision activates*
"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Drowner™, gotta be"
"Come on, Roach"
*follows nose*
guys in Drowner™ costumes appear
"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half"
"Mhmm....Bandits™ pretending to be Drowners™......better tell the village head about this"
"Come on, Roach"
*autoruns on road back to village*
"Just some bastards posing as Drowners™, here's proof *shows flipper*"
10 crowns received

That would unironically make for a pretty funny quest user.

I cant make my own dude and I'm stuck using some bad ye old Solid Snake clone. Never been so fucking bored in my life anons. Fucking trash.


I will never not upvote this pasta.
Thank you kind sir!

I heard it.

Not even game of the year

>Witcher 3 is the best open world ga-
Hold my beer

>accept quest
>red trial appears that you can follow all the way to the end without having to find your own way
>meet new enemy
>hmmm...I should try using fire...
Only braindead fucks enjoy this

I fucking love Shadow of Mordor but it was definitely a flawed as fuck game user, nowhere near being the best. Same as W3. Looking forward to Shadow of War though the microtransacs and shit is a real turn off.

putting shadow of mordor on the same page of tw3 should get your balls cut off
go home warner shill

Definitely in the contention.
It's certainly far from perfect, but look at the competition.

Witcher 3 is the only game where I struggled with making the choices. The correct answer is rarely immediately clear. Something kotor 2 fans talk non stop about but they're not fully correct.

Plus every quest feels as big and polished as a main quest. Everyone has an arc in that quest or some surprise and they're full voice acted.

I also completely bawled my eyes out helping my daughterfu throughout the game and got the "best" ending.

No. The decade isn't up.

Both are published by warner...

How important is it to play the previous games? Can you understand TW3 without them? I need a new desktop and my laptop couldn't run either games if my life depended on it. Got a PS4 though

I love the writing and the atmosphere, but the combat and the gameplay itself is mediocre.

Jesus Christ, has reading comprehension really gone down the drain this badly for kids these days? I'm not even suggesting they're on the same level, just saying they're both flawed open world games.

It's not even the best game of it's year, Bloodborne was far better

>Witcher 3 is the only game where I struggled with making the choices.

Then you're a complete moron. You can say that about Witcher 2,but not 3 the choices were immediately obvious.

I started with 3. I was a little lost. But I still enjoyed it a lot. Would suggest a stroy so far video.

It's the worst Witcher game.

Watch or read a recap of 2. I imagine you can enjoy it without playing either but it won't take long and it'll be immensely better

You got the baron hung I'm guessing.

1 is almost completely unimportant. 2 is only slightly so.
I recommend going to the Witcher wiki, reading the plot outline for 1 and 2, then read the ingame bios as they unlock. Don't look for more.information online, else you might hit spoilers.
It's roughly similar between playing NV or Fallout 3 or one of the origin fallouts first: you'll have a better introduction if you play the earlier one, but you can pick everything up as you go along.

That's not Final Fantasy XV

Witcher 2 is better.

I've played some of TW1, but got distracted by other games and my desktop crapped out. I do plan on playing the first two eventually, all the praise for TW3 is just making me want to really play it, and a new desktop is just not happening anytime soon

>he doesn't know who published W3

>le baron XDDD
That's the only thing Witcherdrones bring up because it's the only above average quest in the entire game.

And the choice is still obvious , there's right choice and wrong choice. The tree spirit is evil the game leaves many clues around for you. So if you release the spirit you get tricked by the evil spirit. That's the wrong choice.

if it is then it was the worst decade for video games since the 80s

>not BotW
kill yourself sonynygger

Go for it, user.

>killed that cunt of a village
>pissed off witches
>cuck hung himself
Two of three is a win in my book

Yeah but orphans get eaten if you don't free the evil spirit so there's that too.

Hindsight is 420 my dude. I love Witcher 3 and there's nothing you can do about.

It's not a hard moral decision because the game doesn't make that apparent

The decision to make is easy because all the clues the game leaves around about how the tree is evil and it's trying to trick you

>Dumbed down skyrim without mods to fix it.

People bring up that quest because it's one the first big ones you get to in the game. So everyone has experienced it. It's like an introduction to the philosophy of the rest of the game. Kinda like Ned Stark getting his head chopped off in season 1 of GoT.

yes. how can the west ever compete?

>Hindsight is 420 my dude.

Then you can save the orphans and the do the baron quest. There goes the only "hard choice" in the game.

Please shut the fuck up now and at least try to play a game that does what it advertises,like Witcher 2.

>an introduction to the philosophy of the rest of the game

Oh brother. It was the best quest in the game that's why everyone brings it up. Everything else was generic and mediocre, you cant even say it feels like a slav game anymore.

Then name one memorable sidequest besides the barron.


agreed. it's like everything else, someone is good, so people like it, then they do a total lowest common denominator on it for the sequel and the lowest common demons can't wait to tell you how much better their softened version is

>haunted house
>toussaint dream land
>every quest in HoS
>fight with Everec
>Skellige kings
>werewolf contract
>portal quest
>everec mansion
>meeting Gaunter O'Dimm at white orchard
>fight for the castle with insane slo-mo shit
This game has so many memorable quests it's unreal.

Baron isn't a sidequest

I'm also going to enjoy a nice game of Fable 3. U mad bro?

It's a successful extremely overrated kino. It is a bad game.

>It's a successful extremely overrated kino

If it was a tv show it would be 2/10 tv show

Towerful of mice.

Almost all of those are from DLC I haven't played, but none of these quests have tough choices.

>Skellige kings
This especially was stupid and immediately predictable and obvious.

More like 10/10. It's going to happen. Netflix will blow the funk outta Game of Thrones.

>asks for best quests
>suddenly talking about tough choices

They can make something interesting out of the book short stories. Witcher 3 was a very poorly written game, it would translate even more poorly in movie or tv show form.

I didn't. You're the one who started talking like a marketers

>Witcher 3 is the only game where I struggled with making the choices. The correct answer is rarely immediately clear. Something kotor 2 fans talk non stop about but they're not fully correct.

And I told you, you're a fucking moron. This was CDPR marketing line but it wasn't in the game. It was in The Witcher 2, but not in this game. It always gave you right or wrong choice, there was one choice with Djikstra and Roche but it was very forced and stupid. I decided to not do what the game tells me my first playtrough, ended up triggering the holocaust or some shit.

some furfag named dishonest wolf on youtube made a video explaning the witcher books and the first two games for those that have no plan on Reading/playing them.


Post your strongest Geralts

Kinda funny how you quote a post that has no place at all in the chain of replies in question. Though not as funny as your moving the goalposts from 'memorable quests' to 'tough choices'. W3 had plenty of shitty quests (the one with Djikstra and Roche like you said, the end of the main plot, Skellige's main quest having no bad end etc.) and it's a damned shame they weren't better written but there's more memorable quests in W3 than just the Baron's.



> but there's more memorable quests in W3 than just the Baron's.
I could have gone without the Novigrad section. The Witcher from the viper school was just repackaged Berengar, you even get the same choice.
The only quest I liked was the one they presented at E3 2013, the Heart of the Woods. Felt like something out of the short stories , something closer to Witcher 2 and Witcher 1.

>Hmm should I back up my bro who helped me in the main quest or some annoying shithead who kept insulting me?
>Hmmm should I back the stupid ruler who likes killing things or the level headed one who thinks things through?
>Hmmmm should I save some orphan children or a cuck who beats his wife and an annoying bitch who cheats on him?
>Hmmm should I pick the love of my life Yennifer or this random bland whore who tried to trick me?

Oh yeah real tough choices there, dumb Witcher faggots.

Are Bloodbornebabies and BioWarefags still mad at the Witcher for being better than their shitty games?

>choosing whether Nilfgaard conquers the North unchallenged or faces a tougher leader that unites all of the North
>choosing between giving Skellige a king who ensures its strength at the cost of progression or a queen who brings peace while dulling the kingdom's teeth
>choosing between saving orphans and letting an evil that's worse than the witches out or keeping the evil contained at the cost of the orphans' lives
>not even a choice, Yen is best
Main game still should have been written better though. Having only 2 outcomes to almost every quest was pretty boring. Great to experience the first time around but becomes limited even on the second playthrough. Worst offense would be how the choices you made in previous Witcher games amounted to jack fucking shit in W3 outside of Letho and a few nods here and there.

game? this is an interactive movie where you spam attack every now and then in between massive cut scenes where the challenge lies in trying to keep awake and interested

>choosing whether Nilfgaard conquers the North unchallenged or faces a tougher leader that unites all of the North

Have you actually paid attention to the game or got the Radovid ending? All the Novigrad sections are just the game hammering you over the head about how evil and insane Radovid is and how his fusion of state and church is evil. Like did you miss the elves being herded to CONCENTRATION CAMPS? And when you get the radovid ending, you get a world on fire.You people are delusional.

>choosing between giving Skellige a king who ensures its strength at the cost of progression or a queen who brings peace while dulling the kingdom's teeth
Same question. Cerys = progressive leader to leads the people to prosperity. Hjalmar = absolute retard who drowns his people in blood. Did Hjalmar not resolving the """mystery""" not tip you off that this is a bad choice? How about the epilogue?

>choosing between saving orphans and letting an evil that's worse than the witches out or keeping the evil contained at the cost of the orphans' lives

This is not a moral choice. This is a choice if you get tricked by an evil tree spirit or not. And the right answer is not to get tricked by the spirit. And you can still save Anna and the Children...So happy ending again

MGSV was better

An overrated kino that is. I personally put it around those shows with talking animals. Or animals pretending to be humans. You've got the picture.
But it's more of a kino than a game - that's how shallow the actual gameplay is.

DAO was boring as fuck

just dress up as a lolita IRL

It wasn't even the best game of the year. I preferred MGSV, even with all its flaws.

>poor mans Baldurs Gate

Honestly and without memeing

hey man mlp is pretty great

>Have you actually paid attention to the game or got the Radovid ending? All the Novigrad sections are just the game hammering you over the head about how evil and insane Radovid is and how his fusion of state and church is evil. Like did you miss the elves being herded to CONCENTRATION CAMPS? And when you get the radovid ending, you get a world on fire.You people are delusional.
Wait, I thought you were talking about choosing between Roche and Djikstra? What were you referring to if not that? Hjalmar still leads Skellige to prosperity though, only they remain in their traditional raiding and warmongering ways. And if you can still save the orphans and Anna without letting the spirit out, then there's no choice between saving the orphans or the baron as referenced in . Besides which, you still end up with dead people in Downwarren even if you save Anna and the children so no, not a totally happy ending. Jesus, you're going all over the place here.


im sorry

No, because it's not even the best game in its own series.


that would make a good ironic quest

See Baron quest isn't a sidequest, and so is Towerful of Mice. They are just main quests masquerading as side quests. Even Towerful of Mice wasn't that good since you're spending 80% of the quest by using the cheating eye and listening to some ghost lady talking.

I was you're talking to a separate person,Dijilkstra is a cunt I don't give a shit if Nilfgard rules they seemed better anyway.


i unironically agree

You're not funny, you know.


What am I supposed to be seeing here?
Also where in the game does that happen?


It's definitely up there, but for me personally NieR:Automata is probably my GOTD

Skyrim was unironically superior in every way


You should inform yourself better.

Just getting through the tutorial on hard felt like an achievement


It was too wild, and the hunt wasn't all that.

Haters gonna hate.

>samefaging for upvotes
lmao Sup Forums...

the dlc for this game is way better than the main game

The Witcher 2 is an awkward transitional game. Great presentation but everything it does is done better by either 1 or 3.

Sounds like you are describing The Witcher 2 compared to The Witcher 1.

Nah, it has the best story of the series by far. I might go so far as to say it has the best story of any fantasy game ever.