Nier Automata tops 2 million copies


Pretty good for a game that Square Enix gave no budget to.

Never underestimate the power of waifus.

>Shill 2b's ass
>Thousands, now confirmed millions of thirsty weebs buy the game for brownie points amongst their ironic weeb echo chamber
Amazing what an ass can do

Now people understand what good combat and jrpg storytelling can do together. Never been done before but be damn sure it'll happen again.

I get people complementing my taste when I go out wearing the Emile t-shirt. Top tier game boys.

>thirsty weebs buy the game for brownie points amongst their ironic weeb echo chamber
Maybe they just liked the game because it's awesome and because they're thirsty and 2B's ass is great.
I'm glad I played this game I wouldn't have heard about it if it wasn't for Sup Forums.
Or I would have thought it's nothing more than fap bait but turns out it's fap bait and it's great. But it'll make you sad and you won't feel like fapping for a while desu.

>20 years later sj/v/ is still this mad

I know the game has more than just ass but if we're being honest who seriously bought this game because it looked good. Most if not all publicity and advertising came from the design or "controversy" of the character.

Nier 1 is living proof that 2B's ass sold this game

then why didnt drakengard 3 sell

2B wasn't in that game

>good combat
Combat was shit, though.

They're already hiring for a sequel.

I can't believe this shit is Platinum's future.

Yeah, it proves normal straight males are always the vast majority of gaming population. SJW and fags all need to die.

Zero never caught on with the waifufags, she never had the huge fanart wave and pre release "controversy" that 2B got

>Combat was shit, though
Have you ever played Drakengard 1?

>whaddaya mean i live in a Sup Forums shaped bubble?

that's nice. How about fixing the bugs now hmm?

Because it had a whore, 2B is pure.

Wow I did not expect that at all, I thought it's 1.5m sold a few months ago was it's peak. This is preddy good news

I actually prefer her titty window.

Also I didn't buy the game

>Most if not all publicity and advertising came from the design or "controversy" of the character.
>sjws bitching about attractive women made nier sell well

I knew they were useful for something.

Because drakengard 3 has shitty gameplay and shitty graphic. Even Asspowa is unable to save it.

How reccomended is doing a second playthrough? I beat the game once and I enjoyed it but I don't know if a second playthrough is worth it, the 9s route. How much unique content is in this route?

Nice, now I don't have to feel bad about pirating it.

It's pretty surreal to see a Yoko Taro game do so well. I hope this means we'll continue to get his particular brand of weird games for years to come.

Will never happen. It will lean on FAR to be (barely) functional until the heat death of the universe. Nobody's gonna fix a broken game if it already sold 2 mil.

>Have you ever played Drakengard 1?
Something can't be considered shit as long as ANY game at all is worse? That's a tough standard. By that logic, DoD1's combat isn't shit because have you played Superman 64?

You haven't beaten it, you've played chapter 1 of 3, A2 route is a fucking must.

This is what allowed them to make profits with a weird game like this. They couldn't have done anything like this without some sort of gimmick to boost the sales. You can't hope to sell an action sci-fi/fantasy game with "oh it'll make you feel for the robots we worked so hard on that the story is cool you have to try it you'll see". It's not gonna work.
Sex (and violence) sell and it allows them to have more resources to make a better game. And frankly I'm not ashamed of liking that. I'm not super proud of it kek. But I'm not going to be ashamed.

This is a game that my sister said people at her high school were talking about. That's how mainstream this game somehow ended up.

i stopped playing it after an hour or two, ran like shit and looked awful, game was repetiitive as fuck and the awful jap autism designs made me feel embarrassed.

I had a lot of fun and it was a wild ride. I'm happy that they sold 2 million. 2b and a2 are cute I like girls.

That only means I will wait for a better sale since I don't want to contribute to making weeb shit more successful.

You dummy.

But now it's about justice.

I want it on the Switch.

fuck man I'm so happy I could cry

now when will the milking start

I'm kinda hoping this leads to a Nier remake with better combat, or at the very least a port on PS4/PC. I've wanted to play the original for awhile, but i'm kinda holding off on experiencing it if they can bring it to a more recent system.

Hell of a game, best of 2017 for me so far, and I don't think anything in the upcoming holiday season will beat it.

I'm glad they sold this much, Yoko Taro deserves it. He made so many mediocre games with real soul, now he's made a good one with the same amount of soul, good for him.

Why was Automata so successful?
Please no meme answers

No I was making the comparison because it is part of the same series. If DoD 1's combat is a 3/10 then Automata is a 7 at the very least. There is no way you could play both of them and not recognize a massive improvement

Honest question

How many sales does the regular triple A video game get these days? Lets say... Call of Duty, or an Assassin creed game, is 2 million a lot for a game like Nier or

>2b and a2 are cute I like girls.
How dare you. That's misogyny right there.

Because of great memes.

Still think it sucked

Automata wouldn't have sold half of what it sold had it been a new IP. Nier's moderate popularity, it being becoming a cult classic through word of mouth helped a lot to make Automata's successful.

Most people have never played a Yoko Taro game so it feels fresh.

Good character action game with lots of combos, nice 2D and side scroller segments to break up the the action.
Rather long game if you do all 5 routes.

No it was Platinum games and 2B that sold the game. If Automata was made by Access games again it would never of broke 1 million

NieR Automata is a super-fucking-niche game. Not even mainstream-niche like Persona 5, TRUE niche, for it to break a million sales was a miracle, now that it broke 2 million it's actually fucking deliverance from a power from on-high, nobody expected this game to do so well with the shitty budget and marketing it had, it's probably the single most profitable game squeenix has made in it's whole history since the merger.

>is 2 million a lot for a game like Nier or
Not shit it is.

People like you tend to forget that not all games are made on the same budget.

Even if something like 500k sales seems like little for a Triple AAA game that's definitively a success for a more niche game.

The bloated budgets of games like that is why they need to sell like 10 million to make a profit.

Why isnt this game cracked yet?

Fuck Denuvo

I'll cede that it's an improvement, but it doesn't say shit about the "power of JRPGs with good combat".

Hold it up next to Bayonetta and the message is clearly "make the combat 400% simpler, sell 400% more". Which is in keeping with, for instance, how many copies XV sold. It's proof positive that deep, complex combat systems ruin a game's sales.

I'm just sad it's a lesson Platinum Games have learned so roundly, as this is far and away the most successful game they've ever made.

Those two things definitively are also factors of why the game was a success. It is impossible to point the success of a thing to just a single factor.

Not so niche anymore then.

There is no ass fine enough in this world to top the story of Automata.

I know I will probably get a lot of flak for this, but more complex combat does not always make a game better.

With that said, I do like the DMC series, Bayonetta, and Automata all the same. Automata might not be as complex, but it is a lot of fun to play.

Sup Forums really does hate everyting popular

First jap game where I prefer the dub desu.

i like the clusterfuck of writing that is yoko taro
theres nothing really else that's like it out there while being just braindead enough for normies


9s is shit in the dub though.

I love pirate tears more then any other tears, and with the fact it's sold so well makes them even tastier, pls respond with anger to this post

He's the best thing about the dub

2b and 9s route are just the prologue.

Huh? Jap 9s screams sound so overdone and false that it's comical.

Cashews played Bayo/DMC the same way they played Nier:A. The former just seems more scary to them, since it looks like it expects more than pressing one button.

It is cracked what the fuck are you talking about. Why do you think there was such a hullabaloo over FAR's anti-piracy checks.

>originally get it because of 2Bs ass
>after the story I cannot even think to lewd her at all because it feels wrong
She had a hard life.

Bayo 1 sold 2.1 mill though. NieR is close, but it hasn't beat Bayo 1.

>It would have sold more if it wasn't on PC.

source:me who pirated it but bought DQ builders just because it wasn't on PC

Sure mate, I ran the numbers a while back and at that point it had sold about as much in the west on PC as it had in the west on PS4.

To be honest a lot of hype was created when they teamed up with platinum.

2B more like BooB

Bayo 1 also came out nearly a decade ago. It wasn't at 2 mil copies in the same year of its release.

They can push it further with a Switch release. I think they missed their window though, it's about to get flooded with games.

>NieR Automata is a super-fucking-niche game.
Marketing-wise it was pretty niche.
But the game is actually very accessible and should be enjoyable to most people that are willing to give it a chance and play for more than a few hours. And get intrigued by very confusing plots. And that aren't too autistic to appreciate the sentimentality of it. And enjoy some philosophical musings.
But it's still a hard sell. Most people aren't gong to pick up a game for these things even if they would like it. They might not know they'll like it or think they've already seen it all.
Plus it's super sad.

>I cannot even think to lewd her at all because it feels wrong
And she's 9S' waifu dammit.
What makes people think they can claim her? Seriously what is wrong with these people?

What did he mean by this?

>it's probably the single most profitable game squeenix has made in it's whole history since the merger.
Nope, that's still FFXI with XIV a semi-distant second. DQX and their bigger mobile titles are probably ahead too, though by this point I'd have to wonder by how much.

Shit taste.

Yeah, you don't even need good gameplay.

The ass shilling came after it was established that this is a great game.

The 3 versions of the last DQ sold like 5m copies in one month user..

>like Taro games
>like Platinum games
The perfect ass was just the gilded frame on a masterpiece painting.

>tfw it's my GOTY and I don't even give a shit about the waifu factor

Nobody who likes Platinum's games could possibly like Automata.

It sold on Taro, Okabe and butts.

Is there a way to have it so nineass doesn't run right up my own ass?
No matter where I run, he's always like 2mm from 2B. And it's driving me insane

Two versions, and they only hit 3.7 last I checked.

Considering most of those were the cheaper 3DS version and it doubtlessly had a much higher budget for development and marketing I would not be shocked if Automata isn't too far behind it in terms of pure profit, not including merchandise.

>Nobody who likes Platinum's games could possibly like Automata
I like Platinum and liked Automata witout being a fan of Taro and playing the first Nier (at the time)
the butt didn't even sell the game to me, although it was pretty

what now?

It literally plays worse then the Transformers game, and may be the worst-playing Platinum game besides Ninja Turtles. It's also one of the worst crazy combat systems in existence, with even shit like Dante's Inferno and Lords of Shadow having better feedback and more depth.

You are a gentleman and a scholar.
Praise Taro

you'd do the same thing, it's natural

>this is the level of exaggeration people have sunk to over Automata's combat just to try to find one thing to shit on about it

Jesus Sup Forums is really desperate to find some way to be a contrarian about this one.

Nope. Absolutely no way to stop him.

It's better than the three Activision games and on par with Bayonetta 2 at worst.

Its trash compared to DMC 3/4, Bayonetta or a few of the NG games but overall its serviceable and kinda fun despite the flaws.

My GOTD and I don't even give a shit about waifus, butts or the previous games.

*Makes the same rhythm game but with a spinning camera and notes with no visual cue whilst being 4 times longer*

>platinum games
>released at a time when ps4 had nothing to play
gee I wonder why it sold

That was a dick move. Especially that last note

3.7m sales in the first month is a lot more then Nier's respective 1m sales in the first month. Also, I doubt DQ is that expensive to develop.
Anyways, I'm not slighting Nier, this was probably fairly profitable at 2m units (game probably costed 30-40m to make and was probably aimed at 1.5m units at retail for a good profit).

Drakengard 3 at a playable framerate when? It's literally free money, c'mon Squeenix.