>Many pro players/streamers of the game are constantly aggressive towards teammates, putting the blame on everyone but themselves
>Community is so bad the devs are spending too much of their time dealing with their shit to develop new features
I thought MOBAs had the worst communities, but this game makes them look good
Many pro players/streamers of the game are constantly aggressive towards teammates...
*hacks this thread*
Sombra Online.
>game is dying because PUBG
>Both aren't very good
Why do normies have such bad taste?
Overwatch is a MOBA, user.
>implying Overwatch hasn't sold steadily since launch
It does have similar attributes I guess.
So then maybe it has something to do with these attributes specifically that makes a community bad.
Maybe Ultimates?
Because bad games have the highest marketing budgets.
As much as I find PUBG boring AF, personal skill matters more in that game then Overwatch, where its a crapshoot weither or not you win because its less about how good you are but rather if your team is shittier then their team, like getting 3 genji and 2 hanzo mains in the same match who can't play anything else.
Constant shit nerfs
Shit maps
Horrible/Ugly characters that keep being added
I hate this games brain-dead shit-eating community so fucking much.
How about a community of non-corporate cocksucking non-brainlets that can actually take constructive criticism?
>You know I really don't like this level design that forces chokepoints slowing game progress to a crawl and limiting my tactics.
>"Sounds like someone's salty!"
>I really hate how Junkrat can just press a button and kill everyone meanwhile I need full environmental and tactical awareness and technical precision as Pharah.
>"Salty much?"
>It's not fair that my attempts to win the game with good old fashioned arena FPS playing get shot down by someone pressing Q and pulling a shutdown out of their ass.
>"So much salt!"
>Why are the Arcade modes so haphazardly designed? Like there's no effort put into something like Total Mayhem which just uses the same multipliers across the board turning the game into a frustrating stalemate with character imbalance made several times worse.
>"Ooooh salty!"
>Why does everybody keep saying "gg" after a humiliating curb stomp match? A game where only a small portion of the players put in any legitimate effort and created a situation where there was no real sense of competition whatsoever is a bg, not a gg.
>"Looks like we got a salty one here!"
You can't say a fucking word about the game to these "people". They're convined if you have any grievane toward Blizzard's masterpiece there must be something wrong with you. Even if you've played shooters since before they were zygotes which you can never prove since there's NO FUCKING SCOREBOARD.
PUBG already out done OW in that department mate.
Or in PUBG's case, it's a variation of a popular existing genre so it's guaranteed a spot in the Twitch community by default
>popular MP games tend to be full faggots
no shit
Can't talk about OW being a shit game without mentioning how it has possibly the worst movement in any FPS ever made. Even slow, tactical FPSes have fucking acceleration and momentum built into the games.
>Many pro players/streamers of the game are constantly aggressive towards teammates, putting the blame on everyone but themselves
This is because they didn't include scoreboards to protect people from having their ego bruised by realising how shit they really are. It's easy to put the blame on other people when there's no way for people to see how well you or anyone else is doing. It's why the blame is placed on anyone not playing the meta.
Someone can be doing complete shit but still claim that they have gold medals and there's no way for you to call them out on it. There's no way of telling who is lagging behind and therefore everyone jumps down everyone's throat as no one will ever take the blame.
>tactical awareness and technical precision
I took you seriously until that point but you're really just a salty moron.
This is what happens when games stroke your ego too much and try to cover up all your faults
Why does Sup Forums have bad taste
>That air control as Junkrat
don't people understand that random people on the internet talking shit don't mean to personally attack you??? like they have no fucking idea who you are, why are you worried about them saying that you should kill yourself? the """you""" that they're referencing is an image they have created after playing a game with you for all of 5 or 10 minutes... who GIVES a fuck? most people are good people and don't mean to personally ruin your day, so please stop taking it that way 24/7 when it's not intended in that manner, both logically and pragmatically..
back in the heroes of newerth days EVERYONE would talk shit, and as a result no one "really talked shit" unless you did something to actually fuck up.
stop being fucking babies, no one is actually trying to hurt your feelings
>friend and I duo as soldier and reaper because usually we tank/heal and dps never move in
>get 57 eliminations and friend gets 40
>still lose cause “hmm hanzo just got shit on and hasn’t used his ult in a bit better stand right in the center of the point”
>everyone wipes but me and my friend even though we warned them about every ult
>2v6 no healers, take down 5 who then kills the rest of our team
>and even then sometimes we get team kills then ult boogaloo starts again
>team maybe got one ult each where I had 6 death blossoms
It’s literally designed to force you to lose
My playtime before i got bored
>13 hours
>4 hours
Both are pretty shit but t seems like i got more worth out of OW
or maybe its just that blizzard has no fucking idea what to do with a shooter?
or are you going to tell me that the bm has been so bad the poor sensitive developers couldn't fix hanamura the year and half the game's been out of beta? don't make me laugh
i played this game during free weekend a while back and did not like the fact that you're pretty weak as a solo player, like there is not a lot of potential to carry the team and be a really good player. i preffered Paladins.
>being shit as pharah
>Pujt over 1200 hours in TF2
>Incredible playerbase - occasional annoying player on mic, but otherwise everyone seems to be having a good time whether or not they're winning
>Put about 200 hours into Overwatch quickplay and arcade
>Chat and mic is constantly full of bitterness, anger, and frustration
>From the limited time playing competitive its even worst
There has to be something about the games that is different which is causing people to act this way
B-but you can carry as the lead character designer’s twin personality self inserts!!!!!!!!
No one else though, that’d Be op and check your winning privledge faggot
Well I'd argue it's just a game and flippantly telling people to kill themselves over what amounts to literally nothing is excessive. Basic shit like namecalling or whatever who cares. None of it affects me anyway, just my 2c
it's literally just the normies frustrated at their real lives taking it out on a normie game.. additionally, the sjws and TG (girls) attracted to the game given the artstyle. but i chalk it up mainly to dumb fucking normies
>friend and I duo as soldier and reaper because usually we tank/heal and dps never move in
>dps never move in
Everytime for the fucking life of me I will never understand this mindset of holding the line when you're ATTACKING
excessive yes, but people also lose their shit when they stub their toe or drop their eggs at the grocery store. i don't think blizzard (or the fans) are worried about the excessive nature, but rather they're concerned that people actually mean the shit that they say
The fact that people don't actually mean things like that is fine and all, and when somebody tells me they should kill myself I know that they are probably not serious, but it's not very common knowledge out of Sup Forums. I love this place and all but god damn to an outsider we must seem like a bunch of edgelords.
>occasional annoying player on mic
Ever since the hat shit started almost every second game I was on would have one faggot chiming in with his FUCKING "muh hat economy" bullshit that would send me over the edge
People going on and on about their precious $1.99 they're making per hat were the worst
user, you are wrong. PUBG's community is fucking brilliant. You can shout "FUCK YOU" at the enemies, while shooting them and they will shout back!
Can I larp as gay wrestler in pubg?
Yeah its whatever honestly. People should not be sissy faggots about everything, be it having a shit round or getting called out for being a shitter. Blizz should focus on making actually good content instead of worrying about retards bickering online. Junkertown actually seems like a pretty well designed map unlike the other crap they've dumped recently
Paladins is a better game than ow for the simple facts that:
a: the maps don't suck ass and are actually changed based on feedback (last patch had several geometry changes on several maps)
b: characters can actually be played in different ways and still be of use, unlike in overwatch where there game is intentionally designed to punish any playstyles that diverge from the intended way.
c: somehow, the lootboxes in this free to play game are better and more fair than the ones in a game you must spend 60 dollars just to play it.
The only thing overwatch has going on is its looks being more polished than paladins', but pretty maps and lesbian scouts can only carry a game so far without having good GAMEplay.
>Press f to Dante
The maps in Paladins somehow manage to be even more terrible and pointless than Overwatch. It's impressive how bad they are.
i don't play OW, just my opinion on the situation x.x
true, but normies should understand that the internet is completely different from real life
>Community is so bad the devs are spending too much of their time dealing with their shit to develop new features
That is wrong its actually the devs are soo fucking stupid that cant even think of something that was literally standard in past (better) arena shooters, just fucking implement vote kicking its that fucking simple it immediately resolves every fuckgin single problem they have. No need for censorship or massbannings cause someone screamen fag or some other "who fucking cares" shit.
How is blizzard this fucking stupid!?
Sup Forums's way of talking is pretty unique in that we treat each other like complete shit, but we know deep down that we all love each other. That isn't really a thing in bigger communities like reddit, tumblr or whatever. I think maybe people should just keep that stuff to Sup Forums
too abusable, it used to be available in WoW and people lost their SHIT
>watch some streamer i haven't watched in half a year
>usually played dark souls
>now playing overwatch
>spends the whole time saying its not their fault and reporting people
TF2 allowed you to basically do what you wanted to do and still be able to contribute some way. Obviously if you had 5 snipers on the team there'd be a problem but otherwise you were free to do what you wanted and not have people get on your back for playing a certain class. It was also possible to single-handedly dominate and possibly carry in TF2 if you had the skill to do so.
The meta is strict in Overwatch that people who go off from it will immediately be blamed for anything that goes wrong. The second something goes wrong they look for someone to blame and it usually goes on someone who isn't going by the meta. There's no scoreboard so it's not like you can see who isn't pulling their weight, it just leads to a bunch of arguing over who is sucking ass.
Not to mention in Overwatch that it's so team dependent that if your team is just too shit then there's very little you can do and no matter how hard you play you cannot carry them to victory. Everything about the game is designed to just make you rage.
I'll bite the glowing bait and ask: How? The maps in Paladins have plenty of room to move around, two or more flanking routes, layouts that aren't a cluesterfuck and verticality that actually makes sense.
i was going to say that that's bullshit and that most humans deep down feel empathy for each other, but i really don't feed like the real world has that.. for example, when i used to rave a lot guys would get so fucking bitter at each other if the other guy was dancing with a cuter girl, which is just so fucking dumb because we were all there to just rub against hot ravesluts anyways.. but no, if you're envious then you have to be a cockhead about it.
actually in retrospect, maybe the normies are actually autistic and sociopathic enough to mean what they say online
>Community is so bad the devs are spending too much of their time dealing with their shit to develop new features
yes because that's how it works, there's like 3 people working in this game and they all have to juggle community management, support, art, programing etc
what a load of shit
considering how terrible they are at balancing things and how they have yet to fix any of the maps, that might actually be OW's dev team.
"Salty" and "Toxic" are all these bandwagoning kiddies know.
the abuse of vote kicking would be easier solved than banning thousands of accounts and censoring shit.
but then how do you force people to buy the game again with a new account?
Mobas and Overwatch are aimed at the same person just so you know. The "thinks-he's-hardcore-but-is-a-beta-bitch" gamer. And this type of gamer is seen here frequently. Here's the rundown:
>Blames every external factor for his losses.
>Gravitates towards team games so he can offload his blame and shortcomings on others; mobas, hero shooters, and the upcoming Battle Royale-style PUBG genre.
>Hero games in general are even better because they're so matchup based that there's another dimension of blame he can offload.
>Tends to avoid competitive RTS and fightan due to palpable fear of games where he cannot blame others and getting your asshole turned inside out while you cultivate skill is part of the learning experience. If he does play them expect a constant series of excuses for his losses (his character sucks, his opponent's character is overpowered, the connection is bad, "low IQ characters", etc).
>Will always call to nerf whatever is beating them.
>Writes long diatribes about the metagame despite being middle-of-the-pack, and offers his pathetic insight on how to fix it.
>Starts threads on Sup Forums about "broken characters", or someone picking Widowmaker or Hanzo despite he himself having a lifetime 1.1kdr.
does anyone actually enjoy MOBA teamgames lol, doesnt seem like it
maybe, but that's what i would say if i was a blizzard exec being pitched that idea
>Why does everybody keep saying "gg" after a humiliating curb stomp match? A game where only a small portion of the players put in any legitimate effort and created a situation where there was no real sense of competition whatsoever is a bg, not a gg.
It's called sarcasm. You're meant to be humiliated, either because you didn't pull your weight or you got your shit pushed in. It's such a sadness that kids are so sensitive they had to have a fucking acronym banned.
>I thought MOBAs had the worst communities, but this game makes them look good
If you're bothered by this then you're likely a casual.
Everybody that has played a video game or sports competitively knows that people get heated over what they're doing. The only people that don't seem to understand this are the ones watching from the side that don't take it seriously. Why the fuck do you think hockey erupts into physical fights?
>there are people out there, normies and people on this site, who actually enjoy playing the same 2 gamemodes on the same few maps over and over again
Overwatch is repetitive bullshit that still lacks content through and through, do people actually enjoy this shit?
This is just another example where the animated trailers, comics, characters and lore are better than the actual game.
>So then maybe it has something to do with these attributes specifically that makes a community bad.
The "attribute" you're looking for is "competitiveness". People will get mad over anything competitive, because that's simply human psychology. The reason you can get enjoyment out of stories, movies, books is the same reason you get so emotionally invested in it that you can get angry over it. A game pushing the competitive aspect makes this more likely to occur.
shittalking on mic is the greatest thing on online games/shooters, i've met most of my steamfriends when talking shit on CSS and gmod. without talking shit it's just boring 0 laughs
youre all little girls
This is why.
Maybe people should try not being fucking terrible.
There's this delusion that SHIT players have that "gear" is holding them back.
It's like leftists thinking the only thing niggers need is "education" - as if there isn't some inherent problem.
If only they could get "gear" then they would be able to clear the most basic dungeons.
I'm speaking from a BC-Wrath-Cata perspective, so maybe it has changed, but quest blues & greens were good enough for a competent player to clear all Heroic dungeons. The key word there is competent.
These turboshitters who would get routinely vote kicked were legitimately bad at the game.
Their presence ruined the experience of everyone else in the party.
What these people needed to do was take things as slow as possible and struggle through Normal dungeons until they learn basic mechanics, and yes, get "geared" because they're so shit they need every advantage.
Same shit happened in ESO, which is also a babbyshit game. Some garbage player lower than CP 160 would hop into Veteran dungeons with the delusion that they were useful. In that game the gear did actually make most of the difference. But thankfully, votekicking was a thing! These shitters would get kicked when it became clear their sub-tank DPS was the reason for not passing DPS checks.
The fact that WoW removed vote-kicks is just more reinforcement that I made the right choice many years ago.
I gave ESO its chance too, but the Battlegrounds are so poorly designed there is obviously no hope. The development team is too incompetent and out of touch. It's only a coincidence that the mechanics of PvP are so great. Shame there is nowhere in the game to enjoy it.
>i've met most of my steamfriends when talking shit on ...gmod
What kind of autistic garbage do you even talk about?
>lul ur RPing is shit what kind of nerd plays mayor
>who uses easy weld what a fag
>dumbshit I was the traitor lol
not saying that i'ts WRONG, but blizzard is interested in catering to those autists, not the hardcore player... jeff kaplan even says that in op's video, "if you're like that then WE DONT WANT YOU" they don't want good players, they want profitable players that won't rock the boat
mobas have a very clearly defined meta.
everyone has their role to play and everyone plays the game that way. that's how the game was meant to be played.
overwatch is just a clusterfuck that doesn't know what it wants to be or how it wants to be played. this is part of what makes it so infuriating to play, people that don't know what the hell they are talking about act like they do because the rules are in such a grey area anything is possible. people now just copy whatever the professional players are doing because they see that as the ultimate strategy even though they don't understand why it works and without coordination and everyone knowing exactly what to do it's totally pointless and offers no benefit over other team compositions.
TTT is a lot of fun man
Then why do they get so upset when I speak the truth of how the game went?
>not saying that i'ts WRONG, but blizzard is interested in catering to those autists, not the hardcore player... jeff kaplan even says that in op's video, "if you're like that then WE DONT WANT YOU" they don't want good players, they want profitable players that won't rock the boat
The thing that they don't understand is that those hardcore players are usually the most vocal players. They are what keep the community going and often form the ideas that get repeated by others. If the hardcore players are unhappy with a game then this gets echoed to the rest of the playerbase and the game has a hard time of getting rid of that reputation.
Look at Diablo 3 and the whole Auction House and initial Inferno difficulty problem. It didn't even affect something like 99% of the players. The hardcore players made it a big enough problem that everybody echoed that statement, and D3 really hasn't recovered from that to this day.
>everyone has their role to play and everyone plays the game that way. that's how the game was meant to be played.
This is not true at all. That's not how Dota started out nor is it how LoL started out. RIOT eventually forced this onto the playerbase, but it's not what we initially had. Initially we had dumb shit like top lane Warwick, AP Yi and all kinds of other crap.
I wish.
As someone that's played in Evo and university hockey, they're definitely a different thing (I don't know about other sports fights).
Hockey fights aren't because you're salty about losing, they're because they're checking the shit out of eachother (and if you ever had a 6'2 240 athlete check you when you're not ready, it's brutal) someone is hooking/cross-checking like a prick, someone is fucking with your goalie, etc. Also this is a bunch of Chads tweaking on adrenaline and fighting in hockey is fun as hell (your gear is too much of a hindrance to really fuck someone up). We used to literally have boxing matches during the minors with our helmets and gloves on.
In fighting games the only time I can think of people almost fighting is when LTG looked like he wanted to beat the shit out of Viscant after getting his asshole turned inside out.
This is what competitive game modes do in a game where the team with the worst player loses
better than literally everything that gets shilled here
>putting the blame on everything but themselves
losing and wasting 30 minutes because of a shitter teammate is one of the worst feelings ever, thats why i stopped playing assfaggots
Of course it's because they're salty. You don't randomly get angry enough to hit someone. But fine, look at soccer then. Is there some specific reason why soccer players shout obscenities at one another or the ref even though it can land them in trouble? There isn't.
You seem to misunderstand the point though. It's not about whether somebody gets into a fist fight or says something very specific. It's about people getting emotionally invested and worked up over it. Telling people off is a way to relieve that tension.
It doesn't matter if it started out that way or not. It's how the game is meant to be played.
There's still plenty of good muliplayer games to play. TF2, despite the memes, still has a fairly active playerbase, and its a good game
You seem to misunderstand hockey and your analogy would have worked better as a soccer analogy from the get-go.
Hockey is all about hitting people, you don't get it -- fighting is practically encouraged even as children. You never see anyone starting a brawl over a goal, it's always something else.
>It doesn't matter if it started out that way or not. It's how the game is meant to be played.
It matters, because you're ascribing this property to the entire genre of games when the genre did not start out that way at all. Dota still is not that way. Lina used to be a pure support for such a long time, then she moved to be a core for a while and nowadays she's a carry.
map design in overwatch is worse than 1st year hammer users
>Hockey is all about hitting people, you don't get it -- fighting is practically encouraged even as children. You never see anyone starting a brawl over a goal, it's always something else.
Of course it's always about something else. It's the same in video games. People don't get upset about winning or losing specifically, they get upset about all the shit that leads up to winning and losing. In League of Legends an AD carry doesn't become mad at their support once their game ends because they lost - the AD carry gets mad at their support DURING THE GAME regardless whether they end up winning or losing. They might not blow up, because winning is a mitigating factor here, but it's not winning or losing itself that causes this.
Having an autistic spaz-out at your own team while you sit in a gaming chair eating Nuts of Chaos and Dew isn't the same as fistfighting someone because they cross-checked your winger.
Pharah's rockets are slow and have very little splah damage and radius, which means you have to be extremely meticulous in how you fire them. Her ultimate will result in instant death if you don't survey th environment VERY carefully and VERY prepared.
Meanwhile Junkrat can just hold M! and bounce greandes all over the place and sneak a Riptire over the wall from across the map.
>Having an autistic spaz-out at your own team while you sit in a gaming chair eating Nuts of Chaos and Dew isn't the same as fistfighting someone because they cross-checked your winger.
It is. It is because you get emotionally invested in the game. That psychological phenomenon is also the reason why you can get enjoyment out of watching movies or reading a book, because you experience the story in a way that makes it important to you for that moment.
>Her ultimate will result in instant death if you don't survey th environment VERY carefully and VERY prepared
All you fucking need is D.Va shooting her barrier at you you fucking nigger
literal fucking copypasta from yesterday
type out something new faglord
>ult needs a specfic character on your team doing a specific thing at a specific time in order to damage the enemy team rather than yours
Do you realize that this applies to LITERALLY NO THER ULT IN THE GAME? Does that not cause some serious fucking concern for Pharah's overall viability versus literally everyone else that automatically gains the upper hand with a Q press? You fucking IDIOT.
Fuck you, I'm not going to waste needless time on your faggotass.
you already did and also wasted my time on top by making me think i'd get some new input but have to read your horseshit again
how fucking vain must you be to think "oh wow, this here post of mine is the true epitome of genious, better save it for later and post it again"
>Do you realize that this applies to LITERALLY NO THER ULT IN THE GAME?
You need to properly coordinate or flank with Zarya ult or McCree or you'll get fucked too.
kill yourself.
>make game as casual as possible
>hide teamstats
>remove ability to differentiate yourself from bad players with individual skill
>pretend the game is competitive and implement a ranked system
Perfect breeding ground for maximun dunning krueger effect and toxicity
Isn't Peace Be Upon Him Battlegrounds just a rip off of The Culling?
if you got time to talk shit, you got the time to git gud and stop being a gold scrub.
thank god i never touched this shit
you talk like a shitter, junkrat has the hardest time hitting anything that knows how to dodge and tires get sniped all the time. there's a reason almost nobody skilled bothered with him until after the patch.
i started out as a pharah main too so i respect your opinion even less
D.Va doesn't hover in the air. What the fuck are you talking about?
I've shot down 10x more Barraging Pharahs than I have Deadeyeing McCrees, Death Blossoming Reapers, Dragonblading Genjis and Junkrat Riptires combined. Is that not seriously disconcerting to you?
>Jnkrat starts a Riptire right across from a Bastion in plain view right down the chokepoint from the opposite end
>wonders why it keeps getting destroyed
>D.Va doesn't hover in the air. What the fuck are you talking about?
She doesn't need to hover. Just point her barrier at Pharah and it will completely cover the dumb slut and prevent her from getting hurt.