Dragon 4ge when?
Dragon 4ge when?
Dominic Morales
Other urls found in this thread:
Ethan Gomez
Hopefully never
Liam Gutierrez
Hopefully next year
Gavin Stewart
I have never played a Dragon Age game
Hudson Brown
Play the first one
Adrian Hughes
Next year is going to be Anthem's year so EA will want all focus on that particular Bioware title.
Once Anthem inevitably flops I can see them rushing along DA4 and releasing it in early 2019
Camden Baker
Ryan Murphy
Is Origins acceptable on PS3? I mean gameplay, not graphics. Does the PC gameplay translate well? My toaster can't run it
Elijah Lee
One more reason to hate Anthem
Evan Nguyen
>western rp""""""""""g""""""""""s
D you not know where you are?