

When will this meme end?

When it stops being so fucking cool.

When we find a cure for autism.

What's better than having a knife?
Having two knives!

KingPeter Frampton
and Darkstalkers Carth Onasi

>When will this meme end?
its dead since they didnt included powerstance ind das3

I mean, one handed sword+dagger was a thing

>dual-wielding fucking EVERYTHING in Goldeneye

it's ridiculous but i love it

some of the double weapons in Dark Souls 3 are incredibly good. Particularly the ringed knight greatswords and the Drang hammers

Some of them are incredibly bad, too, though. Real mixed bag.

When it stops being less reasonable than getting shanked in a back alley.

It's always been plausible and always should be.

Dual-wielding is a neat concept. Your off-hand weapon can be used for parrying or delivering a close-up blow when the swords are in a stalemate. The class fantasy of being an epic-tier warrior that is a god of death. The legend around Musashi Miyamoto purported him to be a dual-wielder, and the fighters we fight as generally grow up to become godly beings, so they should be allowed to dual-wield all they want, even if two axes are in question. I mean, in most games, by the mid-game your typical Fighter is already stronger than most mortals and has exceptional strength comparable to giants, let him have his fucking two weapons.

It does look a little silly in some games, like Baldur's Gate 2, where some of the best weapons are a flail and a hammer or a flail and a katana and you are kind of finding it difficult to imagine how to swing this kinda shit, but again - you're a son of god and grow up to godlike proportions, so I see no problem with it.

It's all class fantasy. And now that I think of class fantasy, my next Dragon Age Origins run will go with two-handed swords and Shale as a combat buddy. Anyone got any experience with this kinda build?

Normies just love it


More like connoisseurs.

Having an offhand weapon like a parrying dagger is very different from using two full length swords

No one was talking about full length swords though.

Not that such would've been inconceivable either.

If you're going Warrior in Dragon Age Origins, especially 2-handed, think about getting 2 mages as well to stack haste on you, you're going to attack super fast and be the main damage dealer on your team.
At the start of the game though try to get Sunder Arms and Sunder Armor, Both of these moves hit twice for a total of 4 hits if you use one right after the other, Very good to use sunder armor first.
Awakening can work well enough with 2-handed as you should be a god with any path you go, but Spirit Warrior is the strongest specialization in the game if you use bows - able to pull off 1k SINGLE shots on enemies. You can it work with 2handed as well, maybe not as damaging but just as efficient - as bows can clear whole groups of enemies with one skill faster than 2h. I'm just saying, bows become a viable backup.

True, bows are overpowered. But all classes have aoe's they can do to destroy everything in the area, 2handed as well. He'll be fine.

I was thinking a team-up wtih Shale, Morrigan and Zevran. Currently I'm playing mage, Wynne/Morrigan (haven't decided whom yet), Alistair and Leliana, and I am quite stacked on ranged damage, so I wanted to try something more in-your-face. And two-handed wielders are a big fantasy of mine. Thanks for the advice, will see if I can shimmy in a mage.

If you're going by medieval standards then using an offhand dagger is in no way "dual wielding". The dagger is there to counter your opponents attacks, to use it offensively is in no way practical. There are rare cases of dual wielding two actual swords like the picture you posted, but only in duels. In reality the benefits of a shield outweigh any small benefit that an extra sword could have, if any.

If you don't want another mage you don't NEED another one, it's just that the stacked haste makes auto-attacking really fast and bearable, most likely more damaging than 2h skills if you use sunder armor first than just auto-attack to death.
You can always just use one mage with haste and a speed salve to hit that speed cap. Speaking of speed cap - don't go over the speed cap. You'll become really really slow if you do because the game can't handle it for some reason.

Looks like a case of integer overflow with the speedcap bug. I've known RPGs that did something similar, there was one where if you did too many battles on a certain Arena that progressively gave you more challenges and XP, it would go overboard and give you negative XP for completing fights. Noted, thank you.

>If you're going by medieval standards then using an offhand dagger is in no way "dual wielding"
Yes it is. "Wielding two" is literally dualwielding. The retarded D&D term of "dualwielding" simply refers to using two weapons at once. Ergo, a dagger for instance.

>to use it offensively is in no way practical.
Yes it is. It's sharp for a reason. And like put it, it is very useful for a close-up nlow in a stalemate situation.

>There are rare cases of dual wielding two actual swords like the picture you posted, but only in duels.
Your point?

Fucking CON-TEXT.

Rouge does Two handed swords best in DAO, i ran it and was swinging down foes left and right placing my points in the Duelist and Assassin tree line.

Why use two when you can use THREE?

tru. i agree

My point? Dual wielding is shit, otherwise it would have at least been slightly common

Would you rather bring a rapier or a rapier + dagger to a street fight?

Complaining about dualwielding is just ignorant and stupid as fuck.



people will forever have shit taste and autism, so it will never end