Divinity: Original Sin 2

I game that is objectively worse than the first game can't be GOTY user

How is this such an unbalanced turd?
summoners deal a ridiculous amount of damage, both magic and physical
there is no reason to pick any other tree.

>"Hey, summons were overpowered in the first game"

>have more HP than any enemy
>deal more damage than any of your weapon attacks
>summoner can still spam totems and deal damage himself

If an enemy doesn't have a teleport you can just look him in with props

free respec is ridiculous, just cycle through civic skills
>want to rob someone?
just max out everyone to be a thief, rob literally every item from a trader, respec again in less than 5 minutes

You don't need to put any points into bartering or loremaster. just hoard items, spec into bartering and loremaster when you need it, go back to persuasion and lucky charm

Tactician mode was advertised as being like the first game, with smarter AI and rebalanced encounters and additional enemies.
Turns out that only change is stat bloated Armor, HP and on rare occasions an additional status effect.
Lazy as shit.

Defensive skills are absolutely useless except for leadership

Initiative is useless if combat is designed in a way that none of your characters can act after one another, there is always zig-zagging going on, this was not an issue in the first game

Why is the whole game limited to 6 action points? Were more than 6 to confusing for the intended audience? Less action points make it harder to accurately scale a skill by it's effectiveness.

Exponential HP and damage forces you to rebuy every single item in the endgame if you want to stand a chance against enemies.

Did they not playtest ANYTHING past Act 1?

>Larian shills will defend this
>don't use cheese builds!
>It's not bad and unbalanced game design, you just lack self control!
>p-perfect game, LARIAN RPG GODS
>say it with me! GOTY GOTY GOTY

Other urls found in this thread:


People criticized Wasteland 2 for assault rifles being overpowered, somehow summoner being overpowered is okay though in the eyes of the Larianbaby.

Singleplayer gamed don't need balance.

>game is full of bugged quests to the brim
>there are three known gamebreaking bugs, one of which deletes your savegames
>let's focus criticism on trivial bullshit you can simply refrain from using like respec and summoning
You are a special kind of retarded OP.

Nothing is worse than the first 5-8 hours of DOS1.

Literally nothing.

How are you not tired of spamming this shit constantly? The autism of Obsidiots truly astounds me sometimes.

user, bugs will be fixed, bad design stays

Freedom to break the game is bad design now?

What the fuck?

It's like half the charm of good RPGs.
It's what makes it feel like a tabletop, like your world.

A whole skill shouldn't be overpowered as shit

>it's not that they can rebalance bone widows by changing a few numbers with a simple patch or with a user mod.
>it's not that if I don't like free respec, I can simply not use it. Other people need to be prevented from using it too because I'm hardcore.

Doing a honor mode blind run right now and the game is ridiculously easy so far and is heavily underwhelming compared to the first one. I mean, the first one was a shit RPG as well with next to nor actual roleplaying, but at least the combat was challenging most of the time on tactician/honor mode. I'm playing a full physical party with a knight, rogue, huntsman and cleric, so I'm not really abusing the early game power levels of the summoner class, but I'm still pretty much steamrolling through everything with zero resistance. Not a single character has died so far at all. Compared to the first game, where the very encounter with those two fucking skellingtons can wipe your party of two (if they're not lone wolves) with ease, the difficulty this time around is a joke. Maybe it's the new armor system that's prone to abuse or something else, but 2 is a serious step back compared to one when it comes to actual challenge and tactical gameplay.

The good
combat, co-op

The bad
writing, visuals, art direction, music, loot system,,crafting, lore, humor, companions, voice acting, ui, lack off day/night system, slow combat, ai is still dumb

>The good
No. The only reason to play this game is coop, that's it.

Right? During gameplay a bug happens and at this point you just shrug "huh, I guess this is bugged too".
I'm having great fun but it does feel kinda cheap. It's not even edge case scenarios, weird stuff happens in regular gameplay. Makes me wonder what was the point of EA, considering even Act 1 has a ton of issues.

I think I broke my savefile. I was supposed to rescue the elf from the cell in the first town so i distracted the guards with my party members and lock picked the cage. Which made the NPCs start acting weird

>tutorial island is easy
Who would've thought

I've currently stopped playing because I reached the point were I had to look on the internet how to do every single secondary in act 2 quest beforehand, for fear of doing something that would break it.

Waiting for the patch to start a new playtrough. It should come out very soon.

>I game that is objectively worse than the first game can't be GOTY user
It can if its a really shitty year

He's suppose to die

Err You mean the one at the kitchen, it's just one way to leave the first island, not the only way.

The ebginning is always the hardest part in these games. In DOS1, the area around Cyseal was the hardest part of the game and the difficulty simply evaporates once you enter Luculla forest even on tactician. Given how this game is much more broken than 1, I'm willing to bet I'll actually complete my blind honor run.

Help, what do I do against 2 ppl in my coop group that are hogging all the gear and money, looting everything

In this game it is actually the opposite. The island is fucking easymode for the most part. Whereas the first group of magisters you have to fight in act 2 wrecks the shit out of you if you didn't carefully minmax your party previously.

The start is easy in this game. Just wait till you get to the darkpits, the fun begins there.
Or the fucking scarecrow.

a) Stop being a beta fuccboi bitch and tell them to give you the fucking gear.
b) Acquire better friends.

OK, I'll post more once I get there.

I mean with my friends its always finders get it first but we always call out if anyone needs stuff we dont and theres always money passed around for skill books

I was on classic and considering upping to tactician but that fucking voidwoken oil slime ambush in the blackpits fucked my shit up but was also one of the most fun fights I've ever had playing a game

You lucky fuck, these 2 are hogging all the shit, because they think they "need" it coz of the fuckin free respec shit. "I'm a wizard but i wanna respec into melee, haha, this strength gear and these good two handed weapons will be handy, sorry user, haha"

>He still hasn't realized that this guy just wants more Div threads and makes the op shitty on purpose to get more replies
You people are so easily manipulated

>every fem-dwarf hairstyle is garbage

How is that even remotely possible? Also any cool build ideas?

Wtf they sound like the worst kind of people, just respec into lucky charm and keep everything for yourself

You don't have to pick summoner you know. You can also not respec if that is issue to you.

You are right about the useful/useless of certain civil skills, i'll give you that. as for bugs, they will be fixed as some point.

This game is not GOTY, that even i'll say.

Are there any sites selling this game at discount?

I want for div threads too tho so i'll allow it, theres been some really good discussion ones since release which is great for when im at work

It's not joke, I am sitting on like 5k gold and they got like 30k each, this shit's a nightmare. And I don't think Lucky Charm is going to help me much. Unless it's better than Thievery.

I wanna start to make more money but actually running to the ship to respec into bartering or thievery each time sounds like a hassle. Meanwhile I am doing this, those 2 selfish fucks are probably running around looting more shit and keeping them for themselves.

New patch.


You randomly find legendaries and epics in all types of containers.

>If players were betrayed by their friends so they cannot be resurrected anymore and all other players are dead, a ‘game over’ condition has been added.
>Fixed Malady refusing to come to the Lady Vengeance after attacking her on Bloodmoon Island (Really, why would you do that?)

I see dicks in multiplayer and "murder everyone" players have been busy.

How do I play ranger in 1? I started off with 10 Dex and chose Arrow recover & Politician as my traits.

I hope this fixes the memory leak when hosting multiplayer games.

Ok, i'll try that when I am exploring.

If you're a fa/tg/uy, minmaxing to the extreme is either endearing or at least tolerable and to be expected. If you're a Sup Forumsirgin, it's a mark of bad game design to let your players absolutely dominate any number of game systems right out of the bat. Probably the main difference is that where a human GM can admire your bullshit and let it go only when it doesn't break everything, the computer just has to stand by and watch you trivially destroy everything it has to offer.

The character will say something like lucky find and you'll see a four leaf clover over his head when it happens.

I found in act 2 it was way harder to steal from the merchants whereas with 5 lucky charm you just get some crazy good gear every 20 shitty barrels gonna need someone with loremaster tho

Is summoner really that OP ? I picked conjurer for the first run and I can say that my MC is far the weakest of the three as of now.

>Found the Houndmaster's Crossbow so he deals crazy damage, especially with the skill that lets him ignore armor
>Extreme glass canon but with Adrenalike+Flesh offering she can kill most casters/archers with some proper positioning
Red Prince
>Tanky as fuck, battlefield control and the only characted with enough armor to block CC
>Totems and incarnates do piss damage and the AI instantly prioritizes and kills them in 1-2 turns
>Dimensional bolt is way too RNG and the best you can hope for is to stun the enemy, otherwise bombs are strictly better.
>Probably respeccing to Aerotheurge for teleport shenanigans

Currently level 3, wiped against Kniles several times so I exited the fort through the paladin fight.

I hear from ppl saying it's not that good.

Summoner is amazing but starts weak, you have keep pumping that conjuration every level and it scales up real fast. Also try to get the infusion spells asap.

Well those people are just wrong. Once you get it above 5 it just shits out legendaries and epics for free.

I have it on my mc and i'm swimming in gold. It's also awesome when you get an upgrade from checking a barrel or bookshelf. Together with thievery and maybe loremaster on other characters will make you shit gold.

For kniles you can literally surround him with totems while hes talking to squad mate and your incarnate is pretty much equal to another whole player at that point in the game

>enemy casts madness on my MC
>proceeds to drink all of my potions
>including 3 teas that lower AP cost so he can waste even more of my potions

Non-summoner summons are hilariously imbalanced, makes me wonder if they even playtested them.

Initiative is awful. It's just well thought out at all.

>Whereas the first group of magisters you have to fight in act 2 wrecks the shit out of you if you didn't carefully minmax your party previously.


Summoner is good specifically because it buffs summon damage. So the Bone widow will do insane amounts of melee damage when buffed with a corpse, the Incarnate will do quite good damage, equal to another party member. And you can plop down a totem every single turn that consistently pews for a steady amount.

I really wish you could get all the fancy summons the AI can get though.Being stuck with Bone Widow, Incarnate, oil blob and Bloated corpse is boring through most of the game.

Bonewidow is OP but it also has no magic armor.

The mechanics of the first game were way better. Chance to resist is better than this armor trash.

>rng is better
Sure user, sure

They implemented multiple mechanics to stop players from spamming CC, first armor, then turn zig-zagging.
That this makes combat much less entertaining than the first game didn't cross their mind.

What's hilarious is that you not only repost this every single morning, you actually take the time to rewrite it instead of just copy-pasta

Everytime though you inb4 shielding yourself from your own autism, defending the fact that you can't control yourself from abusing respec

It's simply ingenius and honestly in all my years here, it is one of the single most autistic example of re-shitposting I have ever seen

Kudos to you friend, and Godspeed

Why do they keep bringing up Braccus Rex as some kind of legend? He was a shitty villain in the first game.
All the quests in this game suck

The game is so broken. It still feels like Early Access.

Idk after xcom 2 the guaranteed stuff makes me much happier. The tactician bloating is bullshit especially when enemies are already way tougher than you, but god does it feel good to win those battles

Because that's how myths and stories evolve.

desu by the last 3/4 of fort joy armor doesn't even matter so i don't understand this complaint

on tactician i dispel the magic and physical armor of my targets by round 2 using tank/battlemage/archer/healer, which is not even a strong offensive group by any regards

you just proved you spent no time with the game

Dude get a life.

I'm sick of cheesy ambushes. Do people even bother fighting? I just look at the level of the enemies. If they're higher, then I immediately reload because the scale at which power spikes for each level is ridiculous.

>Doesn't matter who you kill in the ship, they all come back
>Whoever you don't have follow you around dies in Act 2
Thanks for all these wonderful choices, Larian

>I wonder why the Gods save all these Godwoken and also prevent murderhobos from breaking their game 30 seconds in
>I wonder why the Gods bring all these Godswoken who failed to Hall of Echoes

outside of Summoning, there are other overpowered builds and cheese methods, they are just less obvious

limited AP means that you cant burst down a boss in one turn or pop enough buffs to do so, it's not about simplification, even if that is slightly the case, it is a biproduct

anyway, no game is perfect, obviously this game is no exception to that, but hey, literally every game has some method to cheese it or make it easier, and when games offer more freedom and options, it tends to be a case that is found more frequently

>Random loot that is scaled to your level

Yeah there are so many bugs at the moment but luckily its got mod support so they should be cleaned up pretty quick. The saddest one for me is that corrosive touch, the one of the only useful crafted spells is bugged so you can only get the shitty source point version

yeah but I am thinking about if it's good on a coop playthrough where 2 of my friends are hogging all the gold and gear. Would it give me a good boost in gold and gear gain? We're at the black pits

>and also prevent murderhobos from breaking their game 30 seconds in
Yeah, wouldn't want to let our choices actually affect anything. I understand, Larian shill.

just tell your friends to give you gear because your character needs it and its just wasted in their inventories

>Characters stay dead
>Wow why do I have to restart, how was I suppose to know that would ruin my save
>Characters come back
>Wow why do they come back, how was I suppose to know they are important plot characters
Would you prefer it flashing across your screen START OVER NOW? Or just having them sit at 1 health unable to be killed on the boat?

There's too much loot and the inventory system is a pain in the ass to comb through. Doesn't help that it's randomized.
The combat feels bad because there's always so little AP to go around. Like OP said, it makes it hard to scale skills.

Not the guy but what are you saying? Taking 2 turns with all characters to clear 1 guys armour isnt good

How about the game actually continues and isn't broken by you killing off shitty characters you don't like? Pillars of Eternity did this, for example. You can kill whoever you want and it doesn't have them appear later.

Easier said than done. Because of the free infinite respec thing, they think they are going to need the gear. Asking for stuff is a no-no so I won't bother at all.

I might have no life but I'm not wrong


You can kill them off by just not taking them, so what's the issue? Divine intervention is a plot point and saves all the critical people on board (including you).

Whats the point in having gear useless sitting in their inventory. Tell them they can have it back if they decide to actually specc into the build that needs it

it is on a harder difficulty. what do you want, mobs you can kill in one turn? this isn't diablo faggot. killing one mob in two turns is as it should be, otherwise combat would be insanely drab

oh shoot good thing it has health in the thousands at a level where weapon + shield tank characters are only just breaking 600 health

You can say that about everything. Focused builds rek anything on any difficulty. Spontaneous Combustion with 3 stacks of Burning from Torturer is a near one-shot, even at tactician.

Sadly they don't listen. i'm not gonna tell them shit because they also don't ask for shit. I can go on and on about this but sharing, asking is useless so I'd rather focus my energy on see what I can do myself to gain gear and gold.

>It's yet another area filled with environmental objects that is obviously gonna have enemies pop in and get into their tactical positions all over the map
Feels like a rerun

>The shitty initiative can't be fixed with mods and is a core part of the game

Put points into lucky charm, tell them you need to loot everything so the entire party gets more loot
speak to their greed

there have to be limits somewhere

>why cant the game have a unique route just for me where i kidnap lohse, escape the island and spend the rest of my days shitting in her mouth while i jerk off buuuuhhh

I don't feel like playing this game anymore. The way everything is so dependent on level is a bore.

lol, u think they care? It's every man for himself.

It does not though.

Sorry, but a game that lets you attack anyone you want and then just proceeds to revive someone because because they didn't want them dead is not the same as wanting some obscure fapping option

It's built around balance, nigger. The character with the highest initiative goes first, then the character with the highest initiative on the other team goes second, and it alternates from there. If you could get 4 turns in a row at the start of every round, it'd remove any challenge from the game whatsoever.

well, tough shit then.