Since it's such a taboo to sexualize females nowadays, maybe we could start sexualizing something else instead? Like anthros maybe?
Since it's such a taboo to sexualize females nowadays, maybe we could start sexualizing something else instead...
Because Anita.
women becoming jelly of video game characters
>2016 Everyone who disagrees with me is a NAZI DRUMPF supporter
What makes you think throwing a tail, ears, and snout on something will stop them from bitching?
because we're putting a penis and making it a "girl" on it to hide the obvious
Just remove females altogether. No romance shit, no virgin pandering, just men doing manly things.
okay, but I will have to change a few details
Let's sexualize fat milfs with thicc asses and big fat tits
two kinds of gays
A Snorlax with lipstick is still a Snorlacks
Nothing gay about the pillarmen
Some companies like Capcom still sexualize their characters, but they did reduce the butt shots in their game.
Take a thicc goodra then
Sexualizing women is only wrong because its upholding an unreachable standard. We need to uphold a new beauty standard, that any woman can achieve through hard work and dedication. Let's sexualize muscular women.
Hit the gym, bitch!
What if you are sexualizing a Lucario, how can she even compete?
>heard rumor that there's a hidden furry board
>more furfags start showing up
>want to play a game in a fantasy setting where characters can achieve weird body shapes that range from big muscly guy to uber slim girl with torpedo tits
>that's somehow bad and toxic and I now can only play as GenericBlackMan#17, Demiqueertumblrgirl or AfroSheboon2.0
so much for imagination I guess
this is the hidden board silly
You know where to start.
That would explain a lot actually
>Since it's such a taboo to sexualize females nowadays.
>instagram is the most popular app.
It's a shit test, can you beat it?
Whats 2017 going to be?
I respect the former but not the latter. As a hetero I can respect a fit guy but feminine guys gross me out.
>women get sexualized upping the beauty standards for the average girl
>women complain en masse to reduce it again
>men get sexualized upping the beauty standards for the average guy
>men don't care
Now women feel entitled to 6'2" bdsm model millionaires while above average men will gladly settle for almost-obese, ugly girls.
Tell me who the smarter sex is.
That already happens from the fans which is good enough. You start sexualizing them for games, especially triple A, they'd look like shit.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
t. Virgin
>women complain so they can get something better
whoa there Sherlock, your observations are blowing my mind
Only desperate guys settle like that and most women want that but end up settling. Everyone wants to date someone attractive I don't see what the issue is.
If you can't pull someone hot make yourself more appealing or settle for someone worse.
Women 90% of the time settle for less
Men 90% of thr time get something better
Its the whole chase vs being chase.
You sould always shoot for women "out of your legue".
Almost obese is actually gross, unless you're talking thick which has become far too broad a term. At least around here. An actual thick girl can be really cute and bounce just right during sex. Only gals who look cute and are actually almost or full on obese are fantasy ones like Porkchop.
Has there ever even been a sexualized anthro character in any game? Most devs seem too happy just using your generic pretty girl or your generic sassy woman of color, to go for anything such as that. Hell I'd be happy to see some difference in the characters that get sexualized properly. Not like this race or that character of multichanging gender roles or whatever the fuck. As shit as Mass Effect became they could have had a few actual alien looking females to romance, like a Krogan gal. Hell they even did fuck up with Tali and just made her a generic fucking photoshopped human.
It's a fucking videogame. You can make all sorts of different races and creatures to interact with. Why the hell do they always fall back on generic people? Not just anthros, but aliens magical beings, dragons, robots, I dunno. Make interesting characters I give a damn about to the point that after a while I realize "Damn I want to fuck that actual nonhuman looking character."
The picture on the right is the better option.
The funny part is that the original version of that pic is traced from a real bikini model. This is the equivalent of fattening up a photo of a person in photoshop because the photo is "unrealistic".
Abortion would have been a better option in your case.
That or they'd all look the same. Here's a wolf character, here's a cat that looks like a wolf, here's a fox that looks like a wolf, here's an elephant that looks like a wolf. Sure I'm not good at art, but if you're good enough to be able to draw an ok wolf than take a bit of time and learn to draw something other than fucking wolves.
You'd be correct in that statement, strange that you don't know where it is though
But there are no more white children
If her tits were bigger to match, sure. A lil cushion is nice and that's an acceptable amount. As is it could just be a chubby trap, which is a no to but probably up a lot of Sup Forums's alley.
>thicc with smaller boobs
you fucked up, try again.
To play devils advocate excessive butt shots are dumb.
put the tits of left on the body of right and then we'll talk
That's great, maybe you'd like to 'respect' my fit, throbbing, cock some time?
make the one on the right tits bigger and she'll look much better than left desu
No. It's just the respect of someone who works out for someone else who works out. We're just better than normal people.
You are all retarded.
Most women don't give a fuck and most men don't give a fuck either. This board is a complete fucking disaster, everyone is just unhinged from reality.
No. We go the opposite direction and make them all lolis for maximum salt.
my friend got raped in the family court
>no one gives a fuck eveyone is retarded.
I just want my official Lucario dating sim
Isn't GTAV based on California, where the people are fitness nuts, fake as fuck, and full of Silicon?
It also happens to be filled with hambeasts with brightly dyed hair.
I think its nyc where people greet each other by telling them to go fuck themselfs.
That's GTA IV
>Portal 1 is now ten years old
Bah. The problem is the jew who's selling you lies in form of pictures that got photoshoped to hell and back. How can you judge beauty when everything is fake anyway?
b..but user why are you blaming jews? I mean you could be enjoying some furry stuff instead, I'm urging you to reconsider
I am not a fan of the Jewish faith.
Yeah but at the same time I see women more fit than the op regularly at the gym.
>still no game where you can romance a grumpy eastern dragon or just a dragon in general (and I'm not talking about the anime dragon with like 2 horns and a human body)
Personally, I feel the furry's are a huge untapped market.
Americans are wealthy and have nothing to complain about so they come up with imaginary problems to advocate for.
Sorry friendo but your post was an incoherent rambling by the end
Whats the test user, please spoonfeed me
using the government to bully you until you man up
Should I have kissed her last night
It's not about the fucking bitch, you must take control of your fucking life, you can give your whore everything she wants, and she will shit all over you for it because you're such a disgusting shell of a man.
We're on Sup Forums talking about sexualizing women and anthros and whatever the fuck. So yeah I didn't mind going off rambling there at the end.
If you want a somewhat serious response to the OP: I don't care if men are sexualized in games or other media and women shouldn't mind if women are. Just don't give attention to the forms of media you dislike and be done with it.
I didn't realize a meal at a hole in the wall diner was that important to her.
Its okay, I was just seeing if she was done playing games. She wasn't. My real goal is the cutie in my class who keeps complimenting me and is way hotter and less stupid.
jeez, it's okay if you don't understand, but you will be the one paying for her and her date's dinner
What was i even thinking. You're right user, I shouldve saved my money.
Even though this thing with my classmate isnt assured, its way better than what this lass has to offer. I shoulda held out.
please stop being proud for being a cuck...just please stop
Funny how people here complain about SJW's ruining gaming but no one here has any ideas on how to stop them.
Because they're not. Name one game they affected that wasn't already shit.
SJWs need tax money to survive, that's their weak point
GTA V is 4 years old
There's always a scapegoat, isn't it? It's never your fault.
what are you talking about?
That Sup Forums complains about gamers getting a bad rap without ever trying to understand how they contributed to that themselves.
Dude, I just wanted to have a degenerate lifestyle for myself, now we have these fucking busybodies everywhere telling me what kind of degeneracy I should support, I didn't want a presentable front, I just wanted a place to dull the pain.
Pretty much this desu, although I consider the way that game companies are monetising their games (Microtransactions, lootboxes for example) more of a threat to gaming than "SJW's"
ew what a disgusting fat pig
Games have always, ALWAYS had a bad rap. First it was Christians saying it was Satan's toys. The it was politicians and lawyers saying "games are too violent". Now it's SJWs saying we all hate women, and are all rapists and Nazis etc. Every insult under the sun has be thrown on people who play games since the dawn of the fucking hobby. People who don't even play games telling us that we're shit people for having this hobby. People who play games have always been shat on. Even though gaming is a bigger industry than movies, people who game are still being used as everybody's punching bag.
That's fine though. I personally don't care what others think of me as long as it doesn't effect me. But you know what has changed though since the dawn of gaming? The devs didn't listen to the Christians and they didn't listen to the lawyers/politicians. But for some reason they listen to the SJWs. Why? Because many of them are women? Because they're tricked into believing that these people are actually part of the fan-base? You tell me? Why are devs listening to complaints now while they weren't before.
said the woman
jesus christ
delete this
This is so retarded both options are valid and common body types. How is this even considered unrealistic?
M8, stop. Games are accepted in the mainstream. Those people calling you misogynists and Nazis? They play video games. They're not saying those things because you play video games. They're saying those things because you want women in the kitchen and Jews in the oven. Which has nothing to do with video games directly, but it's you people who for some reason connected your gamer identity with being a massive bigot.
That's a non-argument. "shit" can mean whatever you want so you basically coated yourself in armor with a statement/question that can't be answered due to subjectivity. You know that they HAVE affected games, that's why you added the last part so that no-one could actually refute your statement. You're as weak as they come.
Now, we're all anonymous here, user. Personal identity should not matter. Only words.
I'm a pretty reasonable guy I think you'll find. I just don't think them changing the trophy name of an already mediocre made by committee AAA soulless piece of garbage matters.
Nothing I play has been affected so I don't care.
First they came for assassins creed and I didn't care because asscreed is awful.
That's where the story ends because they never came for stuff I like.
>presumably the right is the "more realistic" option
>make her overweight
>but shrink her tits to basically B cups
who the fuck made this, bigger breasts is pretty much the only upside of being fatter and you took it away from her
After a while you realize most of the people who play video games and are vocal about it on the internet, are human garbage. Most people who make a big fuss are the type of blind person who doesn't question themselves very often or apply the reality of human nature to their opinions. The reality is that some things that seem good on the first and second levels, are actually very bad when you think farther down the line.
I know this is bait, but there are people who actually think like this. Its depressing.
>Like anthros maybe?
yeah nah fuck off
Never seen a better example of the victim complex at work than in this image. I've been playing video games for 30 years, and you know how many times women made fun of me for it? Zero. Why? Because when I was with women I was doing things like going on dates, dinner, movies, etc., and not trying to get her to look at my weeb figure collection. Jesus Christ you guys are pathetic.