This game hasn't aged well

>This game hasn't aged well.

Honestly, there are some games I can't just play because the graphics look like garbage by modern standards. I.E nearly. every late 90s-early 2000s games.

Games that look bad now looked bad then as well, bro.

>OP is not a faggot

Aging doesn't only have to do with graphics. Poor gameplay ages way worse than poor visuals

That is more when a QoL improvement basically revultionizes the whole genre.

SMB3 aged well because it is RUNNAN JUMPAN WAHOO BING BING, meanwhile there are games that have menues withing menues within menues and horrible inteface for those menues that were fair for their day because peeps hadn't gotten standards yet.

If a game has the right art style it can still be perfectly playable

e.g. Banjo Kazooie, Mario 64, Crash Bandicoot 1/2/3

There are games which look fine even nowadays and others that look like absolute shit.
Is that so hard for you to understand?
Also many games, mostly rpgs, are absolutelly fucking boring to play and people spout their nostalgic feels toward them like some sort of valid criticism.

if it’s poor “now” then it was always bad
don’t trick yourself

It might have been acceptable back then for lack of better alternatives, or because the game's other merits made it berarable.

Okay, install the first wizardry and play it now, don't forget to post screenshots here.
You will get back to your shitty jrpgs in a minute.

Games that were impressive for their technical prowess or novelty features and lack the depth or amount of content expect of modern titles, thats what it means when a game has aged badly

Games dont age. You age. The 0s and 1s inside the game do not turn into something else over time.

it is funny how retards make excuses to not play a game because it old. Also, today games are not very good compared with the old stuff, even in visuals, today is mostly 3D realistic and back then it was good art and atmosphere.
Reminder that the game back then is the same game today. People age, not the games

controls and tech get better as time goes on, you fucking imbecile. thats why games age.

silent hill 2 was a really good game, but most people now wouldnt like it because tank controls are fucking awful. at the time, they were fine, but not anymore.

Well, yeah, people just weren't smart enough to realize it back then.

>there are some games I can't just play because the graphics look like garbage by modern standards
t. youngfag who started playing games with PS2

That is such bullshit.

Of course they age, but not in the sense that they change but that they become obsolete.
People thought fucking FF7 looked great back in the day because there was nothing else to compare it to.

>art and atmosphere
Buzzwords aren't better than good graphics.

Yes? It is still the same game it was back then.

You're more of a faggot than OP is.

>but most people now wouldnt like it because tank controls are fucking awful
If you actually struggle to walk and chew gum at the same time. Tank controls are perfectly suited to fixed camera angles, the two go hand in hand. I can play RE 1-3 as seamlessly as I can a modern TPS.

If an RPG was good because it allowed you to play as a fighter, thief, or mage then viewed through a modern eye it would seem shallow. If a game was good because of its huge open world then viewed through the modern eye it would seem small. Things become less impressive.

Games don't age, the vidya industry evolves and they become obsolete.

probably because you're autistic? dont really have another reason for you. tank controls are fucking garbage and clunky.

>Press right
>Your character turns to the right
>Press left
>Your character turns to the left
>Press up
>Your character moves forward
>Press down
>Your character moves backward
>These directional inputs are universal and retain their even during camera switches for easy and concise maneuverability
If you have issues with this control scheme I have bad news for you.

You do know you can turn off the tank controls in Silent Hill 2 right?

Who know it was possible to be gayer than OP

Not that user, but tank controls do feel pretty clunky when you're used to separate movement and aiming sticks. Not difficult, but clunky. I do agree that tank controls are superior for use with changing camera angles.

>but tank controls do feel pretty clunky when you're used to separate movement and aiming sticks
A lot of things can be considered "aged" then, in that they're hard to go back to when directly compared to their modern counterparts. I was playing a bunch of Zelda in anticipation for BOTW, though not in release order, and was astounded at how badly z-targeting felt in OOT compared to the polish it received later. Conversely, some things from older games have yet to be replicated faithfully, to bring up another example using a Nintendo staple here, Mario feels like shit in the Galaxy games vs how he feels in Mario 64. That's not enough to make Galaxy bad, but it's worth noting.

However, to get back to the point, I would argue that games don't really age if you put yourself in the right mindset when you play them. You have to think about when the game came out and what other games released alongside it were like, things that the game accomplished or missed the mark on for the period, etc. And honestly if you put yourself to the task you can adapt to almost any older game pretty quickly despite how archaic it might feel at first.

Being perfectly logical doesn't make them efficient

Just because it makes so much sense, doesn't mean ROTATING a character should ever be an input on a controller.

>defending tank controls
Which specific PS1 horror game do you worship?

>can't change your vector of movement without wasting time on turning
>have a set turn radius tighter tham which you can't go without stopping

>Which specific PS1 horror game do you worship?
I think RE2 and REmake are nothing short of masterworks, but I don't think that's very relevant when discussing the controls as a concept.

And? Old games had a real penchant for implementing their difficulty into their controls if they had to. You can't control your jump arc in Castlevania and you can't dart around willy nilly in Resident Evil or Silent Hill for measured reasons. Ever played the re-release of REmake with the alternate controls? It demolishes the game.

>b-bido gam!

Ye. Early-mid 90's pc games, PS1 3d games (fuck you Nightmare Creatures), SNES 3d games, fog everywhere, playing 4 player Perfect Dark with no complaints.

I'm glad it's over and I have very little nostalgia for any of it. Still think that the NES is a top-5 system of all time though, you can't take that away from me.

>I just don't see how you'd defend tank controls without being in love with a specific game that uses static camera angles

I appreciate the honesty.

Tank controls make fine sense, but let's not act like they're superior.

>"the multiplayer is too toxic"

>you can't dart around willy nilly in Resident Evil or Silent Hill
You can in silent hill, tanks controls can be changed to direct controls. That fact alone is the same as developers admitting tank controls are a fucked up scheme.

Name a game that aged well

graphics are pretty much never an issue for me
now, old animations on the other hand can be really jarring Thief is still amazing of course

I'm cold inside

>Pong was always bad


Standards constantly change.
Old games do not.

Future proofing is a real thing, user. Exceeding standards and setting standards are ways to do this. If your game does neither, it will not hold up.

>but let's not act like they're superior.
I'm not trying to exactly, but I believe they have a place. I wouldn't recommend anybody to ever play REmake with the alternative controls because it would ruin the experience, and while I don't think tank controls should make some grand return and permeate the horror genre in the modern day, I wouldn't fault a studio for opting to use them for the sake of a classic feeling in their game.

Deus Ex has aged like shit compared to System Shock 2.
Half-Life 2 has aged like shit compared to Half-Life 1.
Dark Messiah was the shit, and now it's just plain old shit.
You know I'm right.

If you don't think that being surrounded by obnoxious fags can affect the quality of a medium, then I welcome you to fuck off to /r9k/.

Games can definitely age poorly. Same with movies. Or books. Or really anything. There's a lot of old shit that holds up well, a lot of shit that kinda holds up but has noticeably aged, and then there's actual shit lost in the obscura of time.

I don't think pong has really aged. It's still a fun little simplistic game.

>Have a friend who genuinely thinks games have gotten better with each gen
>Cannot explain why besides graphics
>When I bring up fighting games , action games , survival horror and old slaughterfest shooters he responds with "those genres suck"

He also gets very upset when any of us refute these statements. Its very very odd but I dunno what specifically makes him do it. He also does the same thing if anyone tries to say Persona 4/5 aren't the best rpgs ever made. Even though he hasn't beaten P5 and is around palace 5.

>I welcome you to fuck off to /r9k/.
I too am a rick and morty connoisseur, m'sir.

Why did you even bring that up? He didn't even mention the show you dingus. And a super obnoxious fanbase for a game can totally ruin it (at least with multiplayer). I don't know why you wouldn't think that.

You're only validating my point, user.

Instead of getting offended, maybe actually sit down and really think about what I'm actually driving at.

>we should censor people in online games
avast! true crusaders for internet social justice unite! no longer shall the e-lumpenprole utter vile toxic slurs such as "nigger" and "ggez"!

Chrono Trigger.

Are you trolling my dude? Where did I say anything about censoring anyone? I was simply stating that annoying players in multiplayer are a detriment. Literally nowhere did I say to censor them. Most games already have that function, it's called a mute button. But if you genuinely don't think that having a bunch of chill players who play the objective is better than 12 year olds who teamkill and you'd rather mute, well, you're retarded.

No one said we should censor games, you queer. Only that the community of a multiplayer game is a valid reason to stay away from it.

Which is what my point really is; since /r9k/ is nearly the same format as Sup Forums, there's no reason you shouldn't fuck off over there since you clearly think there is no difference.

You are still making threads.?

>my dude
hmmmm what side of the political spectrum uses this phrase a lot?

hmmmmmmmmm another response with the same sentiment within a minute hmmmmmm my dudes!

next youll be whining about gamergate

muting people is literally a form of censorship. are you retarded?

Not an argument.

>another response with the same sentiment within a minute
You're saying some really stupid shit, user.
If you think it's samefagging, just make an actual argument in response to each.

>muting people is literally a form of censorship
No, it's not.

My muting does not stop you from speaking. Similarly, my hiding this thread would not cease it from existing. I can do nothing to remove you from the game, I can only remove myself or ignore you.

It's funny when people advocate these controls for tomb raider where you play as the most agile woman on the planet.

I'd argue maybe even a single player games. As someone that likes THE ANIME I feel like I avoid anime games (jrpgs, anime fighters etc) a lot because of the fanbase.

It's weird, I shouldn't let a bunch of deranged mutants keep me away from stuff but I just instinctively want nothing to do with those people.

Half-Life 2 has aged like shit.

Is it MvC:I two days after launch?

>My muting is not censorship
it is definitely censorship. get an education moron.

I am not obligated to listen to you, and you are not entitled to my attention.

If you think being ignored is the same as oppression, then you should probably fuck off to website better suited to your sensibilities. Maybe one where you can keep track of the number of people following you or reading your posts at all times.

What kills System Shock 2 for me it's the fact that standard weapons is objectively the best combat skill in the game.
Some enemies are vulnerable to Energy.
Heavy is not powerful enough.
Exotic is way too underpowered and shows up too late

You have to specify that the one wh has that opinion is an underage gen z shithead.

Daggerfall was my favorite game ever. I kept it on my hard drive uninterrupted for years, from the day it came out to well after I'd sunk my teeth into Morrowind.

It's basically unplayable today. The game is not objectively worse, but it "aged poorly" in the sense that a lot of things I was willing to tolerate then (either because I was a kid and didn't know better, or because standards for games were low) are not as tolerable now. The constant, game-breaking bugs, the broken mechanics, falling through the world, and other such problems were things I took for granted then because it was a small price for all the game offered me. But now that I play it, the flaws are more glaring in contrast to a rising level of standards in various aspects we've come to expect. The interface was still at a clumsy UI-heavy stage in PC gaming, and a lot of controls, interfaces, menus, etc. were very awkward and unintuitive. A lot of mechanics were poorly explained, didn't work, or were vestigial. Balance basically didn't exist. Character creation, while still much more malleable and even fun than a lot of modern games, trended towards the same end results most of the time because of how many useless stats and skills there were.

Daggerfall was a fantastic game. But everything is relative. Nosferatu was a fantastic film, too, but a lot of the reason for both is because they were fresh and new, and they fought the boundaries of their limitations.
Now, in a time when those limitations are much less heavy, we expect more.

That doesn't mean every game now is better than every game before or any bullshit like that, it just means that "aging poorly" is about changing standards and perception, not about a game objectively changing in itself.
Sadly it strikes ambitious games the hardest. Those that pushed the envelope have their edges more visible when the envelope inevitably expands.

Why are leftists so myopic? Picture a scenario where massive blocklists are generated by certain groups of people, which are then employed by many users- then you can feasibly have some individuals completely isolated from interacting with a community and thus fulfilling the purpose of social media services on the internet- or censorship as you struggle to name it.

Dumb brainlet.


>b-bido gam!

>Why are leftists so myopic? Picture a scenario where massive blocklists are generated by certain groups of people, which are then employed by many users- then you can feasibly have some individuals completely isolated from interacting with a community and thus fulfilling the purpose of social media services on the internet- or censorship as you struggle to name it.
not that guy but that's totally fine
being ostracized by a community has fuck all to do with freedom of speech and censorship isn't a synonym for "being ignored"
neither is social media service a human right

ultimately it's all moot because freedom of speech as granted by any government, including the US, does not guarantee you a platform to espouse your views in the first place

see and also my pic

Just don't use your real name and IP to shitpost.

>Why are leftists so myopic?
I'm not a leftist, you moron. If anything, my sentiments are very clearly libertarian and align with "Fuck off and leave me alone".
Stop projecting.

>Picture a scenario where massive blocklists are generated by certain groups of people, which are then employed by many users- then you can feasibly have some individuals completely isolated from interacting with a community and thus fulfilling the purpose of social media services on the internet- or censorship as you struggle to name it.
>then you can feasibly have some individuals completely isolated from interacting with a community
Your complete and total inability to make friends is not society's responsibility, you idiot. This is literally what your argument is amounting you, that you genuinely believe free speech means everyone is obligated to give a fuck what you have to say.

Look, you're not even doing this right.
It's Christ, you are insufferable.

is this an edit of an XKCD strip
wow that's like a whole extra layer of crap

Lol? You understand why the internet was designed, right?

>stop projecting
>projects about an inability to make friends

nay it is you who are the insufferable one. communism will never work.

>Honestly, there are some games I can't just play because the graphics look like garbage by modern standards. I.E nearly. every late 90s-early 2000s games.

The only example of that I can agree with is if the game completely revolved around being a product of it's time but I can't think of many examples.

I can't imagine having this hobby and holding the opinion that a game's age has anything to do with its quality. Living in a world where only the latest modern games can be considered good? What a nightmare.

The worst is when someone says a game from like 2009 "hasn't aged well" or "doesn't hold up". What the FUCK does that even mean.

Once a good game, always a good game.

>communism will never work.
What in god's name are you on about?
Who said anything about leftism? Who said anything about communism?

All I am asking you is one simple thing;
In what sense am I obligated to listen to anything you have to say, and how is that not a violation of my own rights if you believe that is the case?

yep it's an edit that btfos this one

this guy is pretending to be a libertarian but he's actually a communist

>this guy is pretending to be a libertarian but he's actually a communist
And you're pretending to be an autist, but you're actually a schizo.

We're just informing you about censorship, friend.

It's important to preserve our (actual) Liberal values. They are constantly under attack.

>this guy is pretending to be a libertarian but he's actually a communist
They're both fucking idiots so who cares
Libertarians are just republicans that want even more focus on money and communists are edgy teenagers who love theory more than reality

Bit toxic to say :|

>We're just informing you about censorship, friend.
The answer my question;

In what sense am I obligated to listen to anything you have to say, and how is that not a violation of my own rights if you believe that is the case?

wew got you real frustrated with that one didn't I comrade
I know you're one of those google "Right to Censor" shills too btw. you're a sick person.


Consult the Orwell quote posted in this thread and then come to your own conclusion.

>wew got you real frustrated with that one didn't I comrade
When no arguments exist, ad hom warrants ad hom.

But considering you agree that being schizo worse than being an autist, I'm guessing I hit a nerve.

Go play Dark Cloud and then compare it to the sequel

>The same fag making these threads every day


it's a case of pic related

I've consulted it.

You have the right to tell me anything.
I have the right to not listen.

If I were to prohibit you from speaking, then there would be an issue.

there's no reason to play old games

they are worse in every way

keep up le epic censorship comrade. i'm sure Peter Thiel isn't going to fuck you in the ass.

will I be seeing your name in any indictments I wonder

There are some games that really haven't aged well though, not from a graphical standpoint but from a mechanical one.

Get help.
